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Kid Ryan

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Finished Initial D Stage 4 not too long ago. Good anime overall but I'm pissed that Stage 5 isn't out yet... And it'll be like another few years before it gets on Netflix x.x... I might just dye my dark hair brown for the hell of it.

Also Is it bad that I'm cornering really fast with my lawn mower when I cut the grass?... I started in third gear and immediately went to fifth and I get my yard done in like half an hour considering the thing goes at 30mph Dx Aside from the record time of like an hour and some odd minutes when my brother or mother use it.

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Angel Beats!

10/10 (Second 10/10 in a row lol, but this was for good reason and not just me being generous)

I finished this 2 nights ago, I found it to be really good. I would definitely recommend this Anime. While watching I felt it could be a love/hate anime, but I just seemed to love it.

The music in this was great, the humor is very well done, the dialogue is awesome, and the action had a mix of seriousness and comedy together that made me on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen, then the next I would be laughing hysterically.

Definite must watch if you are after something with Action/Comedy.

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Black★Rock Shooter - 7/10

What the heck was this? Two girls start highschool together and have fun being friends but at the same time in another world their look-a-likes are fighting. Time passes by quickly and next they they know they are in their 2nd year and being put into different classes. The girls grow apart until one of them just vanishes. Crazy shit happens and you never figure out how the worlds or girls are connected and then the OVA ends. I had to put up with 50 minutes of girls being girls and literally nothing ever happens. I figured from the way people talk about this that there would actually be something to it but there isn't unless you enjoy watching girls be girls. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone else and I feel my rating is a bit on the high side but I tried to be fair.

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Vandread: First Stage (8/10)

I liked it. This series had a little bit of everything: action, romance, drama, etc. With only 13 episodes, however, the pacing seemed too fast for my taste. I usually like a series to delve more into the main characters stories. But, oh well, it was a short anime afterall.

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Just finished Kekkaishi! Loved it! I'd say 7.5/10. Very interesting ideas and themes. I love the focus on place and setting. Also some Buddhist ideas trickled in there too! One thing I didn't like was the very middle school nature of the characters. Only finally in the last 5 episodes did I finally stop saying "Oh come on Yoshi!" Also, I felt like they rushed the ending. There could've been so much more done dealing with the founder and his story.

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At first I was sort of reluctant to watch this, but after seeing the first episode, I was hooked. Half the time it seems they are just sitting around doing nothing but eating, but something about that just makes it so funny. I loved the comedy in this, the music was also very catchy (the OP is so good). One thing that made my rating go down a little bit was at times, it could be a little bit repetitive. Nothing major, though.

I enjoyed this a lot, and the re-watch value on this feels pretty high. I will probably start on K-On!! (the second season) tomorrow.

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Kiba - The first 23 episodes were just plain awesome after that it seemed to get a little tedious and lost its edge after that. I mean it didn't get entirely bad or anything, but with how the first half of the anime went it could have been way better. The last episode did pick up the slack though. At the end it was kind of a WTF moment, but I think it made it better that way. 7.5/10

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