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MMORPGs you would like to see!

Anras Rune

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I know there is a multitude of MMOs on the internet, some of which are huge (WOW, EVE Onlline, Mortal Online...) but i have come to realise that despite there evident size and populartiy, they are all the same (minus EVE). I have only ever seen two popular MMOs that arent in a fantasy setting and they are EVE and DC/Marvel Universe. Me personally ive played three different MMOs, the three mentioned before in the brackets, and have been left wanting more. So how about peoples suggestions for new MMOs.

I'd love to see a Ghost in the Shell style MMO or a Starcraft MMO (come on blizzard!!) I think they would be different and could be quite popular if someone tried it.

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I'm loving 2d turn based and platformer MMO's right now so I'm content. But the one thing that always eludes the mmo scene is the depth of emotion and a good storyline.

Although there has been tries at a mix between MMO and single player rpg's to try and fix this, Phantasy Star Universe comes to mind, they've all been fairly weak attempts overall. It might have single player elements but the mmo part suffers or the mmo part flourishes while the single player fails or it could be just that the game is horribly buggy. I hope that one day an MMO can capture me emotionally like FF8 or has as great a story as Growlanser: Heritage of War.

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obviously, you haven't played Street Gears then.

Even though it was German, I still managed to understand the basic controls and there's a lot of stuff you can do. Free-style tricks, races, Free-roam with buddies, etc.

Can you create your own parks? If not, the lack of variation would be weak at best, like drift city.

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  • 2 weeks later...
id love to see a gundam style one. that would rock!

Seconded! A create your own Gundam feature would be epic.

Let's see, for me I'd really like to see a fast-paced action game system in an MMO. I love RPGs, but I'd rather be using my fire elemental spells like Dante uses shotguns in Devil May Cry. Fast, insane combos, dynamic movement, no more of that clicking to cast a spell and standing around waiting crap from World of Warcraft. Or just clicking a skill to smack a guy harder without moving an inch then waiting for cooldown.

No, I want a God of War/Devil May Cry/Kingdom Hearts MMO!

Or I'll just take a Kingdom Hearts MMO......

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Custom droid army arena

Use your funding to build all sorts of custom droids, make em fight each other in an arena setting.

The only limit to building them is funding, if all else fails, you can have one try hand to hand combat as well

Would really get out of hand when later on theres the choices between pretty much a bipedal tank, or a mess of weak little stock units, but all with big guns.

Winning/losing would net you money (yeah, tiny amount on losing) said money could be used to build more bots (I dont see people as ever losing money, free repairs/100% resell)

Realistically, there would be some sort of unit cap to prevent mega lag, and your parts could just be upgraded further (to a practical infinite) using your credits, on a direct scaling system (so that part doesnt have to be manual)

It could be extended further by allowing you to join in the fray as your loyal droids fight, leaving you in a similar way to armored core as you rip through enemy units, command your own, and gain xp to mod your own stats.

Ideally, it would be balanced so that the levels of your hero would directly connect to the credits, so if your hero was considered underpowered for that range, you would suffer a drop in credit gain, and a boost in xp gain.

The end result is hopefully a game where you have COMPLETE control of your robot army, from design to deployment - and a persistant "general" character to help you reach these means.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I'd love to see some sort of zombie apocalypse survival mmo XD... or atleast a free roam zombie survival game :P.

The closest thing to mmo for a zombie apocalyspe survival is mostly text-based ones =[ or possibly mods for half life and half life 2. I too yearn for a zombie mmo T.T

I'd kill for an Elder Scrolls MMO. Or the World of Starcraft... BETTER YET, WORLD OF DIABLO. Oh heeells yeah.

I second that "Oh heeells yeah." LOL.

I would kill for a Mecha-type MMO. (The closest thing touching my extreme obsession with mecha is Rising Force Online, yet the game was soooo... required so much grinding - skill and natural stat point wise). I would literally kill. Iirc, ways back when Japan got the exclusive Front Mission Online that never left the island... man I was pissed. But it's alright, I've got the console Mecha Games to work with (Armored Core and one Front Mission =P)

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  • 3 months later...

Xenogears would make an awesome MMORPG. Combat both in, and out of the gear. Places you can't take the giant monstrosity, customizable gears and characters.. They could even make a Deathblow system for it without too much difficulty. Maybe set it up so your combos depend on timing as well as how many AP you have at the time.. With a decent tolerance so that it wouldn't be too hard for most people to learn.

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