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Star Trek or Star Wars. What do you prefer.


Star Trek or Star Wars. What do you prefer?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Star Trek or Star Wars?

    • Star Trek
    • Star Wars
    • Babylon 5

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Star Trek or Star Wars, what do you prefer and why? 


Why i prefer Star Trek than Star Wars?


I prefer Star trek because there have stories about morals,honor,ethic. Yes it is true that in the Star Trek does not have incredible special effects but it has awesome stories which allow think about some real problems,for example about problem of the choice,Star Trek it is not entertainment show as Star Wars,this is classic science fiction.

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I did not watch Star Treck, but I advise everyone to watch Star Wars. Family film, in which there is love, courage, strength .. I've seen a lot of videos about Star Treck, and I really liked it, I'll see everything. Thx Bobby Drake for the description of Star Trek.

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Star Trek. It has by far more quality movies and tv shows. Where-as Star Wars is very hit and miss after the original Trilogy.


I like them both.


I kinda take issue with the point where you said Star Trek doesn't have good special effects.... uh, thats wrong. Especially with the newer movies, and the effects were good at the time for the shows.

Edited by EccentricOne
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I am an original Trekie, in that I was watching the series as it first aired as a very young child with my father.  So I also was in my youth when the first Star Wars film came out, and of course when ST went to movies and then back to TV.  I was well into my mid 20s when B5 came along.  I mention this to note I was along for all of them as they first started, and being a SF junkie since I first could read (I started young, I was reading my fathers SF classic novels and Analogs when I was 7) .  So I was up for any and all SF that I could find on TV and movies, as growing up there was little quality such out there, for that I had to read for it, which since I am first and foremost a bookworm not the harshest thing, but still....  So I come at this first and foremost as a SF junkie before all else.  My vote?


Babylon 5.


I would place Trek second to it, and Star Wars at third.


Reasoning?  In reverse order, Star Wars while epic and accessible for so many is in many ways the least SF nature story IMO, it is far more classic epic good versus evil/black versus white reasoning structure writing about mythic characters and archtypes and the struggles for and with power.  Nothing wrong with that of course, and well told overall (assuming the last chapter in the trilogy of trilogies holds up, still waiting on that one)   It uses a SF setting to tell these stories, but in itself, not all that true SF, or at least not terribly creative/unique SF in terms of telling stories that reflect the human condition.  Take A New Hope, the first released Star Wars film, I saw it in the theater and felt cheated in many ways, because it was to my eyes a western in space and not real SF, and I never liked westerns growing up, and not really SF beyond the setting.  I will give the overall film series high marks for epic scale, but in the end, as SF I find it the weakest of the three.  Although the writing and dialogue can have good moments, I still have yet to forgive the introduction of Jar Jar Binks to the franchise (pet peeve, more about the clear trying to hook in children of a new generation so as to widen consumer base, not that I have a problem with the idea, but the execution of it....ah that is another matter entirely).  For visuals though is it hard to deny the outstanding nature of the franchise from beginning to end, but it takes more than good visuals, no matter how excellent, to hook me into anything SF.


Star Trek, this does a far better job of representing SF in terms of exploring the human condition through the use of changing settings and implications of technology, but where it comes up short in my view is the lack of epic scale and larger archtypes, which I do give Star Wars greater props for.  I also find the fact that for the most part Star Trek is self contained stories that go back to the beginning (starts on bridge, ends on bridge, that sort of thing) limits the scale aspect.  Not saying anything is wrong with this, just the inherent limits of a storytelling structure.  I also find the writing to be a bit hit or miss at times, and while good at making specific points, not so good at the larger vision thing that way.  However, to deny the very real cultural and science/technological impacts this series has had and continues to have on our species would be foolish, and of the three choices in the poll is CLEARLY the one with the greatest global impact on humanity overall, not even close IMHO.  That though is not enough to give it my favourite status, although well worth recognizing.


Babylon 5.  This wins for me on two different fronts.  First off, the hard science in it was remarkably well thought out and did the best to stay true to what we currently knew/know.  Things like the fighter launch bays being one example.  But that is a lesser reason why it tops my list.  It tops my list because it follows the classic heroic epic long form storytelling mode and tells an intricately woven epic SF story on the macro and micro scales together, something I find both Star Wars and Star Trek do not manage as well.  B5 also had some of the best overall writing I see in the three, especially as delivered from the mouths of several key characters many times throughout its run.  G'Kar in particular got some of the best, but Sheridan, Delenn, Londo, even Vir (for that I have to give it to his confrontation with Morden when he is asked what he wants, and the way he delivers that segment is one of my favourite scenes in the 5 years) and Lennier get some good ones through the series.  More, the conflict between order (Who are You?), chaos (What do you want?), the grand forces driving them (Vorlons and Shadows) and the ability to find our own way with maturity between them while a classic story concept was in my view particularly well executed in B5.  I know some of this is inherently subjective, but B5 ranks as my favourite SF TV series of all time, this despite things like Dr Who, Stargate SG:1 and Stargate: Atlantis also being strong shows, Farscape (which I still believe was about the single most creative SF series I ever saw, still love rewatching it from time to time) and such also being out there.  Babylon 5 is so far my clear winner for best SF show/series/franchise to date, although I am always willing to find something new if it comes out, but I will admit I also have a bit of a bias towards military SF and things along those lines, but then we all have our subgenre favourites within any genre.


So that is why I voted and ranked them as I did.  I would note that even my least favourite (Star Wars) I have overall very high regard for, but in terms of what works best for me on both personal and SF appreciation levels I have to go with the way I did.  I know others will differ, but this is my take on it.  B5 rules not so much because I love the settings, but the characters and the concepts, lives and lines they represent and deliver, the way they evolve through the five years, that is in the end what puts it over my top, YMMV.  There are also far more shades of gray and nuance in this series than the other two, they both tend towards far more clear cut lines of good/evil and moral clarity, while B5 does the ambiguousness and understanding that truth is a three edged sword (your side, their side, and the truth, a Vorlon line from Kosh to Sheridan) and that perspective and context define morality and such in far more subtle and variable and varied ways.  For me that too is why this series simply beats the rest for me.  It of them all feels the most "real" in this regard.  Real as in this is how reality seems and feels to me and always has, not so clear, and far more subjective and gray. 


You did ask for folks to explain their choice, hope I haven't overwhelmed you with it, I do tend to be a bit of a chatterbox when I get going on something of interest to me, and this happened to be one.  Just ask Koby if you do not believe me, I used to be far more prolific here a few years back...LOL

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But my favorite sci fi show it is not Star Trek, my favorite sci fi show is Battlestar Galactica.  In this show you can see drama, horror, action and political intrigas. 



In my opinion BSG is most awesome science fiction saga of all times. 


What do you think about Battlestar Galactica?

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5 hours ago, BobbyDrake said:

But my favorite sci fi show it is not Star Trek, my favorite sci fi show is Battlestar Galactica.  In this show you can see drama, horror, action and political intrigas. 



In my opinion BSG is most awesome science fiction saga of all times. 


What do you think about Battlestar Galactica?

The ending of the reboot left too many unanswered questions and hanging threads for my liking...right up to the series ending though I thought it was one of the better series I had seen and the best TV reboot of a SF series.  I can appreciate the series but in the end there was a little too much deus ex machina in it for me combined with too many lingering questions.  That is why it does not rank that high for me, a bad ending can spoil years of good writing for me, and sadly that was how this one worked for me.  Frankly I thought the writer(s) copped out at the end, and given that it had been so well written and structured to that point, well that was a major issue for me, and I know others as well.  That is me though, I know many other SFers that think this was one of if not the best series they have seen so you are far from alone in that POV, I simply do not share it.


Since you asked...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Star trek and Battlestar are not aimed as fun for the whole family though . I was a already a fan of Star Wars even all the way back when I was peddling around the neighborhood on my big wheel trike ^_^  Their both great scifi told with great effects and realism for the time they were made . The big crowning difference for me is that star wars is multi genre and not just for the most part scifi only .  I'll probly be watching with my grandchildren if I get there :beat_shot: 

Edited by LarryG10
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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 month later...

I voted for Babylon 5.

Star Trek while having a massive amount of content with original series, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise not the mention a large amount of films, seems to get a few seasons in and then break out the plot fillers the Random episodes where the Holodeck is malfunctioning or time travel or in the case of Deep Space Nine the alternate universe, granted Enterprise actually has a two-part set completely in the alternate universe. It just seems the longer the shows run the less story-driven content there is and the more single episode repetitive plot lines there are I just recently rewatched Deep Space Nine and it just seemed like the Dominion War could have been wrapped up in a season if they remove all the episodes that don't have any connections to the plot.

 Star Wars used to have a large Bank of material in the form of books and Comics and video games then Disney got ahold of it and said that all of that would be treated as Star Wars Legends no longer part of the actual history. This would have been fine if they had continued onward into the future from Return of the Jedi and not gone back and put in filler movies. Don't get me wrong I like Rogue Squadron but to me the story had been told. And now they're doing a Han Solo movie when there are two trilogies that are all about him and because Disney says anything made before they took over is not canon they're completely changing the origin that I knew. If I'd found this post before Disney took over I probably would have put Star Wars above Babylon 5.

Babylon 5 is a little odd, a little political but very engaging to me I enjoyed it more than I did Star Trek. Also it was shorter lived it's plots carrying through and across episodes and actually being resolved. 

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@Garo7 now now. We can be a bit more civilized than this, can't we? Let it be, the way he types doesn't exactly violate our policies. But trolling does if it leads to insults being thrown around. Just keep that in mind, I don't want to punish anyone right now, not on my good weekend.


Also - I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, just so everyone knows :P

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2 hours ago, IkarosBD said:

@Garo7 now now. We can be a bit more civilized than this, can't we? Let it be, the way he types doesn't exactly violate our policies. But trolling does if it leads to insults being thrown around. Just keep that in mind, I don't want to punish anyone right now, not on my good weekend.


Also - I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, just so everyone knows :P

Well, thanks. I do apologize for any slant that may have been perceived by anyone. It wasn't meant at all as any kind of insult,as I explained rather carefully. And I certainly didn't mean to threaten to ruin anyone's weekend. It was just meant to be a clever and comical play on words,triggered by odd typing. Well,we all know how strange grammar has become online,and also I used to know someone who was actually afraid of ellipses. lol Yep,totally freaked him out. Said they invariably made him suspicious and prone to all manner of strange thoughts and mental meanderings about the user and his comments. Hmmm... mmmm... ah.... uhm.... er... "Ominous they were," he said...


As for the Moran's... yes, again a complete misunderstanding... as I think that in actuality most of the inhabitants of Mora,where the Moran's are from,are actually very intelligent. They are certainly NOT 'morons',just 'Morans'. 'Cause, well... it is where they are from. They just don't always type very well. :)


Hmmm... The Dark Side... drawn towards-it,perhaps I have been. I will meditate... (for the duration of this ellipsis...)

Aside from this is of course the rather obvious fact that,if there are any stupid people on this Earth,then I am surely their King. All Hail...



(Shut-up Garo... right)

Edited by Garo7
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Ok. As a general apology to everyone here,I was only trying to be humorous in my respond to the,person,who,used,commas,with,no,spaces. :) I simply find grammatical things in our new online culture to be of curious interest and humor is all. As for the Moran's (those from the Mora Colony) I am assured they are quite intelligent,even taking into consideration their tendency towards the complete lack of the use of spaces after commas when typing in English. :P

I do mean this in the most heartfelt way. You see, I am widely disliked, greatly misunderstood, and actually largely, and mostly irrelevant. I am perhaps just an irritating AI routine, placed here by an evil hacker, who is bent on flooding your precious realm with inappropriate DVD upscale's, banding, over bloated BD release encodes with horrendously gigantic sound tracks, and other unseemly artifacts of encoding impropriety.

Well, I do apologize for any inconvenience my existence may cause.

*** * ***  Now... as to the real queation...

The question of Star Wars vs. Star Trek vs. Babylon 5?  I love them all so much I cannot have a favorite. They are ALL my favorite. Of course. The list is actually much larger.

It is always the same for me with these questions: Who is your favorite Composer? Who is your favorite Pop or rock band? What is your favorite Novel or Author? What is your favorite Anime Series? For me it is a list, and it grows ever longer as time goes on. I believe I am what is commonly referred to as "An Easy Crowd."

I love fiction and sagas and tale and stories. And tails too, if we are talking about To Love-Ru... yet I digress... so sorry LOL  xD

Star Trek, Babylon 5, Star Wars, Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis, even Stargate Universe (yes I love it too). Issac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Stephen Baxter, Peter F. Hamilton, Evan Currie, Chicago Transit Authority, Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck, The Yarbird, Girls Dead Monster, High and Mighty Power, Yoko Kanno, Mozart, Beethoven, Mahler, Sibelius, Copeland, Hindemith, Angel Beats, Gundam Seed, Fairy Tail, Gundam Stardust Memory, Gundam 00, Cowboy Bebop, Last Exile, Akane-Iro Ni Somaru Saka, A Certain Magical Index, Kaze no Stigma, Shuffle, Little Busters!... a partial list here and the list just keeps growing. It never ends with me. Kinda of like my talking. lol  Seriously though, I keep finding new things to love and new ways to love the things I already love.

So the answer for me, to this question, is:  I love ALL THREE.

It is probably for the best that i do not attempt to explain exactly why,and what,and how,each series is great now. It could take several days of typing, and not only crash the server, but cause a major overload on the worldwide internet. That's a lot of... ellipses... LOLOL

And really... I am supposed to be doing my laundry. Oh... the pain of it all.

Take care. Be well. Carry on... nothing to see here.

May The Force Be With You All, Always. Walter... Dial the Gate! And... Transfer Power To Ventral Relay. Mr. Robot, set course. Ensign Web-bitch... Engage! :P

The End.


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