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Heya ;-)


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Hey Kametsu,

Thanks Koby for sorting the connection issues out. I know what your thinking "Not a new person", but don't worry I'm generally a forum rper, I don't go anywhere without a book or my nintendo ds with final fantasy. If you haven't worked it out yet I'm your average girl geek. I'm also training to be a nurse here in the UK.

Oh and before I forget, I'm Renzourin's gf. Yes I am the infamous Meggie, but just call me Empathy or Meg.

Talk to you guys whilst I'm around the forum.


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I've heard a lot of about you (nothing bad I swear), cause Ren talks about you quite a bit.

Says you are going to University, and plan to finally see him once you can work things out or graduate (if it takes that long). Hope everything works out and you can see each other sooner than you have planned. I know flights can be really expensive though.

Well nice to finally meet you. Welcome to the forum, if you need any help for whatever reason, there is always Ren (obviously) or you can PM one of the staff (such as me) and we will try to help. Enjoy your stay.

This forum was originally started back in 2002 or 2003 on a free host (invisionfree) as a pure roleplaying forum (all we did was roleplay), but as time went on everyone had less and less time, and the forum died a couple times, and we continued to change it (though we kept a roleplay section anyhow). Until a few years back the roleplay section completely died so we removed it. We've been thinking about adding it back, even had a poll which most users seemed to think adding one would be a good idea. Truth be told, the old one on this version of the forum still exists (it's just hidden), but it wasn't used a whole lot till we closed it. So when we add it back, you can check out some of the old and crappy roleplays we had. =P

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Hello Meg!! I have been told lots about you (Ren never shuts up, he can be so annoying hehe just playing.) I am Talena, I kind of adopted Ren as my brother... I am from Aussie, so I guess we will be related Adopted sister-in-law!

I am sure Ren has pointed out everything to you, but if you do have any questions feel free to ask, I live here >.<;

Type to you later~

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Thanks Guys and Gals, for the warm welcomes.

Talena Mae, thanks and I know you wouldn't be the first to say it. I'm nothing special no matter what he says, as for the sister in law sure!


XD I was playing!!! To him you are the world and that is all that matters ^.^ I would die for a guy like that (not him as he is my brother) But someone who thought I was the best thing the world had to offer ^.^

Glad to have ya as a sister in law, too bad I don't have more room in my Bio, or I would add you XD Oh wellz, I can always add you as a friend ^.^

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