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Kingdom Hearts III (3) + Re Mind (DLC)


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Ok then I will have to quote it then. Here it goes. I will just quote what I am talking about.

"You really put Organization XIII in a pickle. I guess that must be why the Keyblade chose you. But MAN, did it pick a dud this time. You dont look like half the hero the others were."

That ends the quote.

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Oh.. okay! ^_^ Yes, that hints towards Zigbar knowing Keyblade Owners in the past. Perhaps this means that KH3 will infact be in the past? Though I don't know how they'd intend to put Sora and the gang in the past... So it probally isn't going to be then, because they mentioned one time that Sora will be the main character till the end.

Perhaps KH3 starts in the past to let you know whats happened then advances to the future (after KH2 ending), and there is a new Keyblade War... And the Keyblade Graveyard is perhaps where the Keyblades of Fallen Keyblade Wielders have gathered, and those who no longer needed a Keyblade.. and then the gang go to get their Keyblades back? Nah.. that can't be it either.. because Nomura said the people in armor wasn't Sora and the gang.

Meh.. I dunno.

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I think it's hinting towards the Keyblade War thing going on. They obviously knew about it, and I hope that the third game will touch up on the subject. Since Sora's keyblade seems to be very special from the other ones that were created, maybe it was used for something other than destroying Heartless. Maybe it was used for evil once as well?

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I doubt your going to see any of the FF characters from FF1 - FF6 because they're not in 3D and their character designs are old. I'd like to see them but, eh I doubt we will.

But it's a possibility that FF6 characters would be in it. ;D

Wasn't Setzer in KHII? Pretty sure he was. He was, like, the final guy you had to fight in that tourney thing with the blue phallic clubs...

Setzer was pretty leet. FFVI was awesome in general--they re-released it, didn't they? With shiny cut scenes and everything? I swear I saw a rendering of Celes in the opera. I remember having the hugest freakin' crush on Locke. :D

I'd love to see FFVI characters up in the next KH. Especially Locke. And Celes. In her green bathing suit. Ohyes.

Cain and Tellah are from FFIV, are they not? Cecil was pretty awesome. And Edge was smexy. :D

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I gotta say it...

I bet you were looking at those clubs with extra attention due to their shape.

*Emotional Outlet his the warning button, the admins send Taker straight to Hell. He doesn't pass go. He doesn't collect $200*

Since there's so many damn Final Fantasys, I sometimes confuse the not as popular games with each other. Only exceptions are VII, VIII, X and X-2.

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by the looks of the ending in kh2 i think that the place that it shows is sora kiri and riku's home world because of all the key blades and the fact that they all have key blades. in kh i think they were talking about how they were sent to destiny island. also the preview shows why they sent the three of them away.

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  • 3 months later...

In the interview with The Man, it was said that the game is not going to be called Kingdom Hearts. It was also said that Sora, Riku and Kairi will NOT be making any sort of apearance. Also, the names of the three Knights are unnofficially known as: Ven, Aqua and Terra.

In my opinion, those names were made up. They sound pretty cliché'd.

So, if the creator has already said it wont be called Kingdom Hearts and Sora and company wont be appearing in it, why do people keep rumouring and theorising?

The other day I found this:



I mean....is that useless or what?

There, rant over. Whatever.

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Who are you referring to as "The Man"?

I've seen that cover... It is fake, but it was never made to make people believe it was real. Someone made it as a temporary box art for their KH3 page and someone started using it in their news saying its the new box art, and boom people are dumb and believe it.

I've known for quite some time (like 5 months) that the new project wasn't going to be called KH3. However as far as the knights in armor go, I'm pretty sure those are the official names, rather they be codenames or w/e. The names have meaning...

If translated right the names actually each have a meaning similar to what Sora, Riku, and Kairi means. Which gave birth to the theory these KIA (Knights in Armor) have some relevance to them. I also am sure I heard somewhere officially that Sora, Riku, and Kairi were in the game, but there was no official word what their role would be.

It's also expected the new project would be something like Chain of Memories was, as in a small side-sequel kind of thing thats possibly for the psp or ds. Who knows? It's mostly just theories being thrown up into the air.

Either way Tetsuya Nomura is currently very busy with Final Fantasy Versus XIII. So I doubt we will see this codenamed (for now) KH3 anytime soon. Especially since word is Square Enix isn't releasing any games for PS3 until 2008.. Meaning FFv13 won't be out till at least then. O.o

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If translated right the names actually each have a meaning similar to what Sora, Riku, and Kairi means. Which gave birth to the theory these KIA (Knights in Armor) have some relevance to them. I also am sure I heard somewhere officially that Sora, Riku, and Kairi were in the game, but there was no official word what their role would be.

Yeah, I had already noticed the translation theory by myself, although stuff like that is made up unofficially all the time.

And with all due respect I doubt the "official" source in which you read about Sora's, Riku's and Kairi's existance in the game. In the interview with Nomura, he said the game could happen in both the Past and the Future, or something along those lines.

In the movie I saw at the end of Final Mix +, the Keyblades that belong to Mickey, Sora and Riku are old and rusty. But the very statement of Nomura saying "Sora, Riku and Kairi will not be making an appearance" proves that it's either VERY far INTO the future, or in the Past before they were born. Or maybe they'll be making the same appearance as Tidus did in FF X-2, which IS an appearance, but NOT the appearance everyone's talking and refering to/about.

There is a sentence in that same video saying "Memories of Xehanort". So that is another refferance to the past. And also, knowing that Ven is absolutely NOT Roxas, then I doubt it's in the future. Also says: "It all began with birth by sleep" In the US version, another refferal to the past, as in Final Mix +, it says: "Birth By Sleep"

I'm aware that they're too busy working on FFXIII and Revenant Wings, but that doesn't mean Nomura himself doesn't already have a plot in his head, which he does, as he said so himself. I would prefferably like to wait a little longer, like another year longer, for the Sequel to Kingdom Hearts II. I would preffer a better game than another game like Dirge of Cerberus.

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  • Koby changed the title to Kingdom Hearts III (3) + Re Mind (DLC)

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