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Well, I was innocently browsing for anime downloads and look what I found. :3

I've played video games for ages, my first console was the Nintendo 64. I probably learnt about RPG games around when I got Fable 2, because I actually didn't know what genre Pokemon was. ^^' I liked it, and I soon got Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy 4.

I have absolutely no idea how I got into anime. Was it Yu Gi Oh Abridged, or was it Inuyasha? Who knows, but I've seen way more since then!

Feel free to ask me questions, and it's nice to be here.

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Hello and welcome to the forums!

I will quickly go over the rules now: 1) no spamming it is now a bannable offense

And that's it for the quick rules XD

Now when downloading please remember it takes thirty minutes for you to be able to access the download section and while there don't forget to thank the uploader you are downloading from (shows them we care)

and remember Have fun!!

Oh and if you have and questions about the forums feel free to ask... I live here XD

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Welcome to Kametsu forums, home of Anime downloads and discussions. Hope you find what you are looking for and decide to stick around and be an active member of the community for a long time to come. Enjoy your stay, and be sure to always have fun! ^_^

If you download any anime, please be sure to post a thank you in the thread to the uploader. It not only shows your appreciation for their hard work but also shows that people are actually downloading their uploads.

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Hi there! I just registered to this (it seems awesome) forum.

A few things about me: quite fond of video games (play(ed) N64, Gamecube, PSP, Ps2 and 3, PC and wii) and recently discovered a liking for manga series. I started with Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist and a bit of Bleach as well. So this is mainly what got me to this forum.

Tadaaaaa!!!! :D

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