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Because of Idiots & Spammers


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I've finally had enough of all the damn idiots joining daily who are unable to read apparently or just refuse to do anything but leech so they spam the shit out of the forum, forcing me to ban on average 10 accounts every day.

So from now on, instead of one post to see the downloads, you now need five. Also instead of taking 10 minutes for it to upgrade your account, it now takes 30 minutes.

I'm possibly even considering installing something if I'm able to make it so you have to have 5 posts at least in every month to continue to have access instead of just 5 posts when you first join if this doesn't help spammers learn.

I'm sorry for all the nice people who are joining legitimately to post nicely and follow the rules to be able to download the Anime, but because of some bad people, even the good members are forced to suffer the consequences which cannot be helped.

I've also removed everyone who had access because of having 1 post but doesn't have the 5 needed posts back to the status of not being able to see the downloads.

So to regain access you must post more to meet the 5 post requirement and be sure not to spam and stay on topic. It's appreciated if you continue to be active after reaching it, as if you just join for 5 posts to gain access to downloads and never post again, that is called being a leecher and it's not well liked. So I might start banning accounts that only post enough for access and then don't post a certain time afterward. I hate to be this way, but it's just getting ridiculous with the spam.

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Instead of banning people, send out a mass email letting them know they need more posts, and regarding the new rules. Otherwise you could be banning potentially good people who either forget to post, or don't have time to. My girlfriend for example, works alottt, and when she isn't, we're out together. She posts on average, a post every couple weeks on Forums she frequents, doesn't mean she's inactive or a leecher.

Edit: the irony of posting this and it being my 5th post, lawl.

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Instead of banning people, send out a mass email letting them know they need more posts, and regarding the new rules. Otherwise you could be banning potentially good people who either forget to post, or don't have time to. My girlfriend for example, works alottt, and when she isn't, we're out together. She posts on average, a post every couple weeks on Forums she frequents, doesn't mean she's inactive or a leecher.

Edit: the irony of posting this and it being my 5th post, lawl.

The only people I have banned thus far have either been spam bots, or there was one account that posted 15 spam messages in one thread back to back just saying "I'm doing this so I can grab Anime". Other then that... people have only been getting a couple days suspension for spamming. I try not to ban people if I don't have to.

As for banning people who only post to reach the limit but don't post again, meaning they stay at 5 posts forever... well I didn't say I would definitely do this.. I just said it was a possibility.. and if so it would be a long period of time like say 6 months or a year possibly. So people like your girlfriend wouldn't have to worry about this. I just mentioned it for like the people who only reach what they need but will never, ever post any posts after that no matter the length of time.

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Ah right, haha. You'll have to excuse my misinterpretation then, as it's 4am in the morning. =P

I think upping the post-req every month by even a post or two is a good way to keep leechers posting, and raise activity as well.

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you could also set a donation cap for the people who do not post make it like $10 a month or a set number of posts that way if the people just want to download the anime they would at least contribute something to the board either good conversation or just helping pay for the upkeep

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What does the 30min activation mean? do i have to wait that long for it to let me download files or is that like a guess as to how long it will take for someone to activate the account?

The forum automatically upgrades accounts every 30 minutes. So once you reach the posts needed, then your account gets put into the queue for the forum to upgrade during the next time it does. So if it just happened right before you reached the post, it can take a full 30 minutes. But if the last time it upgraded was 20 minutes beforehand then it should only take 10 minutes.

I had it set to upgrade at every 10 minutes, but a lot of spammers were abusing the forum to gain access and thus I slowed it down to 30 in hopes we could catch them before it upgrades them.

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