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Ehhhh?!!! Wait a questionaire?!!

Let's see I'm a leo, a hopeless romantic who enjoys long walks by the sea at night, star filled nights and staring at my moniter for more than 12 hours uninterrupted.

  • How did you find Kametsu?

Someone linked it from a Bleach Download site. Koby of shadowhearts.info

  • What do you think of the place so far?

The forum layout has won me over as it doesn't hurt my eyes... Who uses white background in this day and age!! O_O I mean I own blackout curtains for a reason.

  • How active are you planning on being?

I'll probably be active enough when I'm here on home stints or if theres an easy way to moniter via mobile usage. Otherwise I work and go to school so I can't dedicate myself to the forum and keep up with all of my anime, games and other hobbies.

  • What are your top five anime?

That's a little personal. :-P hmmmm.... In no particular order... Beck, Angel Beats!, Fullmetal Alchemist, Kuragehime, No. 6 . But it goes deeper than that. I'd be happier answering per category my top 5.

  • Top five video games?

Might and Magic 7, Final Fantast VII, Lunar Silver Star Story Complete, Wild Arms, Diablo II

  • What other hobbies do you have?

I read Fantasy/ Sci-fi, Mangas. I'm looking to do voice-over work and have my own studio. I use to dj for an anime/jpop radio station. I enjoy getting out and bar hopping, hookah lounges and just hanging with good friends.

  • Make any graphics?

I have made them in the past. I lack the time and dedication but occassionally bring myself to do it if the mood strikes me. Mostly Avatars and minor GIFS.

  • Do you have any questions for us?

I was promised a pony.. When does it arrive?

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I'm a Leo too. I need to check my horoscope!

Google still uses a white background. Amazon, Facebook, Youtube... Most fora I go to generally have white/cream/grey backgrounds. Kametsu is the only site I visit besides people's individual Tumblrs (my Tumblr is pink pink pink) with a dark background.

We've been keeping ponies out back and the guy who fed them quit without telling us? They aren't in the best state.


Hope you enjoy your stay! I'm sorry we couldn't give you a pony.

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