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Emotional Outlet

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SMF is pretty sweet. The smilies are adorable. I totally jacked the entire set so I could use them on a forum that had shoddy smilies.

So I Googled my name, like, ten seconds ago and it linked me to FM, so I was like, "I should totally go back and see how things are going down there." And then it was like, "My god, they started over again."

Maybe you remember me. I talked a lot. 'Member? Long posts? Cranky? Yeaaaaaah.

But dude. It's been a while. North Dakota sucks. Never live there. Srsly.

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I think I remember you? Or maybe my mind is tricking me into thinking it.

I'll probably be around a while, unless it dies because I showed up and, like, fear overtook people and they all ran. Or I magically get a life.


But yes. Stick around. Sure. I mean, the URL to the site permanently resides in my little mind. XD Also it didn't help that every time I inspected my friends list on Myspace, Koby's profile was there. XD

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[creepy echoy voice] Hello Mr. Emotional Outlet. I don't know you, and you don't know me... you don't want to know me, everyone who tried to know me disappeared for a while and reapeared dead and bloody in an alley.[/creepy echoy voice] ^.^ Anyways, now that my little creepy speech is over, I'm Oblivion, (Formerly known as AxylBlade on Shinra Insider) and I love to talk about nothing in particular (unlike Riku who thinks he knows everything about Kingdom Hearts {and probably does}) so, if you just feel like talking about stuff, come find me (not literally). ^.^ Yeah, I talk alot as well, but probably not as much as you.

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