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Talena Mae

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ACR is fun. NRaas has similar mods--Story Progression made one of my townies a bit loose in her romantic ventures and she's had at least one child with six different men. The Sims outside of my direct influence tend to be more chaotic than what I would normally do, haha. I just feel bad for them when I ruin their relationships or make their lives difficult. I did a couple of Midlife Crisis wishes for one of my Sims, but they started getting more distressing, like, they wanted to change jobs. They wanted to cheat on their spouses, leading up to a wish to divorce them. It just makes me sad for my little pixels, haha.

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We should make a book containing all of E.O.'s long posts. I'm pretty sure that shit will sell like a bitch and even get a Opra book club sticker on it! OOOOOOO OOOO OO! And maybe even get an oil portait of her commissioned on the back of it! OH! AND THEN WE CAN ADAPT A MOVIE!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEN A VIDEO GAME WHERE YOU PLAY AS E.O. TRAVELING THROUGH HER POSTS TO FIND CLUES TO FIND THE LOST CITY OF ATLANTAS!!!!

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That'd be hilarious considering I'm pretty sure I have stuff floating on this forum from when I was 14/15--16 at the latest. Those were formative years indeed. Journey through the aging of a logorrheic and introverted Internet denizen, unlocking clues to a lost civilisation. My life is the da Vinci code. It's me.

I think at one point we had some sort of competition to see who could make the most pointless post and I wrote a lengthy stream of consciousness piece that no one read. (It was truly pointless.) I don't think it's still floating around because I think that was bundled with PMYC, but I bet Koby remembers, haha.

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Seems to be the season for it!

We're gonna go out today and see about getting me to one of the early voting places, in case the weather turns out for the worst come election day. Aaand we're gonna stock up on some food, beverages, and other essentials, just in case the power does go out and we're stuck in the dark for a few days. Because despite the military's best efforts, we're never prepared for every contingency at all times, haha.

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Maybe a bit of a foolish question, but if you have a gas stove, do you still need the electricity in order to cook on it?

If the military was prepared for every contingency at all points in time, I would be worried, because the amount of planning that would take would put a sizable drain on the country's resources. Sure it would be nice when things do go wrong, but in day to day life, this inefficiency would be a drain on the economy.

I personally like it when the power goes out, if only because all the random flashlights I have accumulated can be put to good use pointing at the ceiling in every room as a light source. Also because there is something to be said for reading by flashlight.

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If the military was prepared for every contingency at all points in time, I would be worried, because the amount of planning that would take would put a sizable drain on the country's resources. Sure it would be nice when things do go wrong, but in day to day life, this inefficiency would be a drain on the economy.

I was speaking on a personal level and also was being facetious. The joke is that I was a bad airman.

They try to teach us to be prepared, but they forget they're working with people--people who don't go looking for uniform parts until the morning of ("WHERE THE HELL IS MY COVER??? I PUT IT RIGHT HERE???"), people who wake up at the last minute possible ("If I don't brush my teeth, I can sleep in an extra three minutes!"), and people who think it's okay to not sleep for 92 hours straight and still attempt to go to work with a steady caffeine drip ("Nah, it's okay--I got twenty cans of Monster!").

I know first hand the military itself isn't prepared for every contingency because those old crotchety generals are no longer human, but empty shells of the humans they used to be. It doesn't stop people at a lower level from having a zombie contingency plan in CQ, though.

But yes, in our old apartment we had a gas stove and were able to cook while the power was out. I'm none too fond of gas stoves and their attempts to murder me in my sleep, nor are we allowed any sort of cooking apparatuses out on the deck. I'm just hoping the weather doesn't get so nasty out that we won't even be able to go out--and that it doesn't actually bring any snow with it. There's talk we're going to be having another snowmageddon. Hrrgh.


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There are some real characters on that show--I guess people just get naturally weird when their vehicles are about to be repo'd. One dude, though--they came to repo his car and and he was literally inside of it, getting high with his "uncle". He'd pause mid-game to have conversations with his imaginary friends or whatever. It was funny--he got his car back.

Another dude started throwing hundreds at the repo guy (the people hosting the show are real life repo men, I guess) and the repo guy was like, "DUDE Y U NO PAY YOUR BILL?? I'm not taking your money. I'm taking your car." I think they got the car back because his girlfriend is like 1000000 times smarter than him.

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Oh god I just got trolled hard >.<'''.

Just finished a season of the anime I've been watching and went to watch the second season. This is a pretty typical shojo anime, and the first season's opening was this:


So I'm expecting similar shojo stuff. Didn't look at the episode, just assumed the first one was the first one. First thing I hear when the anime starts up is this:


First couple seconds I'm like "... why in the hell do I hear english... well whatever" since the group actually went through the trouble of making pretty well made karaoke lyrics to the song I thought it just happened to be using an English song. Then the song progresses, and I'm completely floored. I go back to the folder I have the anime in and examine the file name. I notice that it's episode 7 not episode 1, and after a while more of looking I notice it's subbed by a mistyped version of the subgroup that did the rest of the anime in the folder -_-.

B******* planted a troll ep in the middle of the download for the rest of the actual anime, and I had to go searching for the actual episode done by them T_T.

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