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Talena Mae

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of course he does, i have hidden nothing from him.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't insinuating anything I was simply curious as to whether or not he knew and how he feels about it.

I still don't see how it's a big deal. My husband certainly doesn't seem to care, but I did stuff him full of sushi.

The cats are jealous.

You're married?

You're bisexual too? Is it generally more common among women, or is it a pretty even split?

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Yes, I'm married.

I find that women tend to be more okay with it, but that's just the circles I travel. I have met my share of bisexual guys--I've met more gay men within the military than without. Still not sure what the fascination is.

I hate folding laundry! There is a pile of it next to me, taunting me.

EDIT: Wednesday night we're having a flight pig-in for one of our departing members, so I offered to bake cookies. Java is making potato soup.

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I find that women tend to be more okay with it, but that's just the circles I travel. I have met my share of bisexual guys--I've met more gay men within the military than without. Still not sure what the fascination is.

I hate folding laundry! There is a pile of it next to me, taunting me.

If the "fascination" you are referring to is that of gay men joining the army it is probably because:

1.) It used to be prohibited/discriminated against and now it is not

2.) There army is usually stereotyped to have plenty of "manly" men but I don't think that there is anything "manly" or "heroic" about killing for one's country.

Dying for something that you care about is honorable and selfless, killing for something you care about is just twisted IMO.

Although there is the Just War Theorem to consider.............

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I was not being judgemental I just didn't consider the possibility because I have never been exposed to it before.

Plus 19 is a little early to be completely sure of your sexuality isn't it?

"eventually it's going to get to the stage where everyone is bi"

That is what Freud predicted but what does that say about the nature of relationships?

I've known I wasn't attracted to men at all since I was 14. I've always been attracted to other women. Truthfully, I would say that anyone who has gone through puberty is old enough to be confident and sure about their sexuality if they've done even a little staring at either gender.

My sexuality hasn't always brought the best of times for me. But nothing has changed it, I'm still only attracted to other women.. It's just that there's only one that I really want now.

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I think that sex is a physical expression of love for another human being. It doesn't matter to me if there could be children, or what gender the partners are... what matters is that they love each other.

I also think that.. you can have love without sex, but you can't have sex without love... Not if you're doing it right anyway.

I've always been attracted to both genders, and still am... but even though most of my experiences were with men, I've always preferred looking at women.. And since meeting Mal, well... I've found that I very much prefer everything else about women too.

As for the sex without procreation being purely for self gratification... I couldn't disagree more. Everything about the experience should be mutual... if one of you goes to bed with a smile, you'd both better be going to bed with a smile (and if you don't know what I'm talking about there... you're really not qualified to discuss sex.) Love should be a pleasurable event. It isn't always, but the majority of the time, it should be.. if it isn't, then you need to seriously think about if you're really in love, and with the right person.

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SWEET JESUS THOSE THINGS LOOK AMAZING! except for the peanut butter layer, that would probably kill me

Haha, I brought them in the other week for work and I had a coworker request the peanut butter layer be removed, so I'm making two batches. One with and one without. I'll have to assemble them tonight and bake them before work--there's no way I'm going to find the time to do it in the morning without dying of sleep deprivation.

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Oh god there've been like 4 pages of chat since I last came here xP.

Regarding the degree of bisexuality thing, I must disagree. There is nothing that makes me more uncomfortable than *another* male's nude body. I couldn't care what the person looks like, but if the person is half dressed, I'm half way out of the room and heading full speed toward exiting. We had a discussion about this in irc. Any nudity at all from both genders makes me very uncomfortable. I must qualify that nudity means full exposure I can play water polo with a bunch of guys only wearing a speedo, but if that speedo comes off I'm out. People questioned my age for this, but I argue back that most everyone would feel even a little uncomfortable if they passed some random person walking nude down the street. The difference between me and a little kid is that I'm still functional and socially acceptable in situations like that. I just admit that I'm not happy with the situation. You may wonder how I know this without trying it. I have an imagination. It's fine if that's your cup of tea, but it's not mine. On the scale of undesirability, being in an intimate no... even being in a compassionate situation with another male ranks next to giving free sponge baths at a retirement home for me.

If you know me well, you also know that I'm hyper sensitive to touch. What I mean by hyper sensitive is not that I feel it more, it's that I unconsciously and unintentionally pin a TON of meaning on any type of touch I receive or give. I'm the type of person that will give a hand shake to girls that I know as friends (and even then it's a very tense/formal hand shake). You know at the end of some action movie when the hero thinks his girl died during the climax of the action only to find out that she some how miraculously survived, and they run, embrace, and kiss at the end? That kind of relief and overwhelming feeling of happiness just for being with the person is what I feel when giving a normal/casual hug which is why it's so weird for me to give a friend a hug and I end up doing this weird hug-only-with-arms-and-NOTHING-ELSE sort of thing that really is a terrible hug. This happens with both genders, and because the feeling is so strong for me I feel like it needs to be reserved for just 1 person. That's just a hug... Basically, I will intentionally touch your arm or shoulder while we're talking if and only if you are one of my closest friends. I don't know why I attach so much emotion and feeling to touch; it's just something weird I do. It's not just a mental reaction either, it appears to make my body release a bunch of adrenaline since I feel the same way I would feel before a speech or when confessing to someone I've been attracted to for a while. I've never actually had a girlfriend so I'm not sure what would happen if I actually had someone I felt OK about pouring that much feeling into. I can't even imagine how much feeling I would attach to intercourse.......

Enough about me and my dysfunctional quirks in intimate settings... lets talk about something else.

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Cookies are done and hideous, like always. (These are giant pictures, I'm sorry.)




Going to wait until the cool so I can cut them up and submit them for a taste test to Java.

Also, I randomly found a picture of me sleeping with Willis at the foot of the bed with laser eyes?


I often sleep with my foot sticking out because it gets toasty under there, haha.

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