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Something Different Short Story


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Been working on this for 5 days FINALITY done


If something that was always there but you never saw, just disappeared, Would You Notice? If something came before you Different, yet the same, Would You Notice? Could you put two and two together? Or would it never occur to you?

This starts off with a girl. Who came from no where. Before a boy. Just sitting in a school cafeteria playing his Nintendo DS as he did every lunch period. The girl walked in front of him leaning over, as if she was purposely casting her shadow over his game screen. The boy looked up at her to see the girls short blond hair drape over the sides of her face as her brown eyes laid fixed on his screen.

The boy was a bit irritated from his lighting being blocked. He gave her a frown as his brown bangs fell to the left side of his face. Green eyes glared at her as he spoke, "h-hey".

She seemed to take it in and sat down on the bench beside him still watching the screen. He obliviously wasn't so comfortable with some stranger sitting beside him, moving away from her trying to focus on his game. She stated, "Pokemon Silver? Looks like your on the 4th gym".

He snorted, "How do you know I'm on my forth"?

She mellowly stated, "I saw your badges when you opened your menu". She leaned back and sighed, "Playing old games is pretty fun though, some of the originals are better then the new versions".

His sourness towards her faded away as a connection was made. He nodded, "Yeah, games suck these days".

She spouted, "Hey I didn't say all of them suck! Some are still good, how about Dragon Age"?

He blinked in surprise, "Well I never played that one, sorry". He paused for a second, "hey whats your name anyways"?

She blinked caught off guard by the question, "Oh it's, Tajya, Whats yours?".

He closed his DS speaking, "Tajya huh? mines Darren".

The school bells rang to indicate that Lunch was over. The two of them went to there classes. Only to see each other again and again each lunch period. A growing friendship that has lasted for a month. They often talked about games and walked around the school. Today they met on different terms. In the middle of class period they happened to cross paths from a bathroom break.

Tajya excitedly stops, "oh hey Darren, whats up?".

Darren replied, "Oh nothing much just stupid English class".

She laughs, "Yeah I got math, just a bunch of boring numbers I'll never need to know".

Darren grins, "Ya know what, maybe we should skip class".

Tajya returns the grin, "Hey that's not a bad idea, where do you wanna go?".

Darren says, "Well follow me" walking forward.

They sit together behind an unused portable figuring no one will find them there. The wind blows as Tajya holds her blue jean skirt that ruffles down just before her knees. Her white tight shirt bares a Logo in pink across the front saying, "Cute and Stylish" as it drapes down to show much cleavage. Her shoes are simple white saddles.

Darren folds his arms over his knees. He clearly doesn't care for style with his plain black shirt and his baggy blue jeans. But his green eyes gaze off as his hair is blown by the spring breeze.

Darren speaks, "You know we've been talking about games so much, but you've never told me about yourself".

Tajya blinks from the unexpected question, "Well what do you wanna know"?

Darren says, "Not sure, how about your family? You got any brothers or sisters".

Tajya answers, "well not really-".

A lady yells out, "Hey you two-"! At a glance they realize she is a supervisor.

Tajya grasps Darren's hand and runs for it. They make it into the school building. She takes him into the washroom. Darren's eyes widen when he sees the girls sign. But he lets her drag him anyways. They catch their breath inside a cramped bathroom stall.

Darren gasps, "This is the girls washroom"!

Tajya laughs, "so? no ones here, It's just us".

The air grows strained between them knowing they are alone. Tajya backs up against the stall wall as she feels her leg being touched. They are no longer seeing each other with their eyes, but with their lips as they come closer together. Lips locked together as Darren feels further up her leg into her skirt. Just as quickly as they came together they separated. Tajya covered her face sliding down the stall wall. She had looked like she was about to cry.

Darren asked, "are-are you alright, I-I'm sorry". He clearly felt guilty looking at his hand that touched her like that.

Tajya dashes out the stall yelling, "I-I can't"! Only to fall over, face first onto the tiled floor.

Darren quickly comes to her aid, "Tajya! are you okay"!?

Tajya rolled onto her side holding her knee, "it hurts"! It was easy to tell by her face that she was in a lot of pain. Darren saw her shirt was rolled up a bit. He had caught eye of something so he reached for her shirt and moved it up just a bit. Only to see a big bruise across her side. She looked up at him in pain and sorrow. Darren picked her up and in time he was in the hospital waiting room.

He felt like he had been waiting days. Going over everything that had happened. Wondering if shes okay and if, it was a mistake to kiss her. Finally a nurse came telling him it's alright to see her. As he walked through the door his heart ached seeing her hooked up to machine laying in a hospital bed. The nurse slowly closed the door behind him. It was only the two of them. In a silent room.

Darren slowly walked to her bed and sat down in the chair. Tajya looked up at him almost ready to cry. Darren's lips barely opened, "Tajya, I- are your okay? I'm so sorry".

Tajya looks at him. Her lips move regretfully in a weak sick voice, "Darren, there's something I need to tell you".

Darren hastefully says, "What? what is it? please tell me".

Tajya looks away, "I had known about my sickness before we met, I didn't want you to find out" She stops to catch her breath, "and I didn't want to hurt you, But I- I'm going to die". Darren's eyes widen as a tear flows down. Tajya continues, "I have Leukemia, it's cancer of the blood and I was just so unlucky that nothing works".

Darren holds his face starting to cry, "T-then why did you meet me? and why didn't you tell me at all this past month?".

Tajya regretfully states, "Because I was selfish, I wanted a friend and then when my sickness was too much I was going to disappear". Darren picks up her hand holding it with both of his against his head as tears flow down.

He confesses, "Tayja, I-I love you, this past month with you has been the best time of my life, please tell me how you feel about me". He holds her hand tighter waiting on an answer in this sorrowful moment.

Tajya says, "I can't lie, I share the same feelings, it's too late to take back everything we've done". She takes her breath, "and you now know my sickness".

Darren says, "Then please let me love you till the end" looking her in the eye with tears dripping down his face.

Tajya looks into his eyes, "Are you sure you want to? I don't have much time left, a month if that".

Darren holds her hand even tighter, "Yes, I want to give you a happy ending, let me show you what love is". In his tearful eyes there was now strong determination.

Tajya weakly speaks, "Alright, just promise me that when I die, You'll live on and smile just for me, Please".

Darren nods, "Yes, I promise I will smile for you". He kisses the back of her hand as if he were sealing his promise. By night Tajya was relieved from the hospital.

Darren held her hand at her Apartment doorstep. Tajya looked over to him, "You can come in". Darren nods as they walk inside.

She flipped the light switch relieving the house. It was a simple small one bedroom apartment. The living room had a black leather love seat with a lavender lamp on a small table beside it. Across from it was a LCD TV on a black glass TV stand with an Xbox 360 hooked up beside it. The flooring was a simple gray rug. The kitchen was pretty small, It just had everything it needed.

Darren takes off his shoes and asks, "Do you have any parents?".

Tajya shakes her head, "No, my mother died some time ago". She puts away her shoes, "and I never knew my father".

Darren sorrowfully states, "You must live a hard life".

Tajya nods, "I was working at a restaurant to pay the bills and going to school, until just awhile ago when I had already gotten enough money to get through this last month".

He asks, "Why go to school? knowing your time is almost up?".

She answers, "Its better then just staying at home by myself with nothing to do".

He agrees, "True" rubbing the back of his neck.

Tajya sits on the love seat waving her hand on the empty side ushering him to sit with her. Darren sits beside her. They are alone now. The air between them hardens, so close. Darren lifts his hand and feels down the side of her face. Their lips move closer into a kiss. He looks at her and asks worryingly, "Why is your arm all bruised?" as he feels down the bruise with his hand.

Tajya states, "It's because of my Leukemia, I bruise very easily, remember when I fell earlier?".

Darren whispers in her ear, "I guess I'm just gonna have to be gentle". He slowly pushes her on the love seat kissing down her neck and at the same time feeling up her skirt.

She asks him, "Are you sure you wanna do this?" holding onto his shoulders.

He said, "Yes" sealing it with a kiss.

They woke up in her bed Wednesday morning. Looking at one another. Darren hugs her close to his heart and says happily, "Good morning".

Tajya smiles, "You know what time it is? skipper".

Darren kisses her on the forehead and says, "Well id rather spend time with you".

She laughs, "I'll let you get away with it today, but you'd better get homework if your going to be spending time with me, I at lest have an excuse".

Darren jokes, "Yes mom". Tajya giggles in his arms.

Three weeks passed as they were happily together. They would play games and just have fun. But sometimes she would have her bad days. Where she couldn't get out of bed. Time was running out.

Darren took her to his house today. His mother was gone for the night at work. The house was messy and unorganized. Some cloths hang down from the plain brown couch they sat on. With only a box TV and games scattered in piles around it. Tajya asked, "Hey Darren, do you have any family besides your mother?".

Darren answered, "Yeah, My older brother moved out years ago, comes and visits sometimes" hooking up the game system.

Tajya asks, "Whats it like having a sibling?".

Darren's heart ached realizing the importance of this question. This was something she will never experience. He said, "Well, I guess it's troublesome" He smiles, "We used to beat each other up a lot and make everything a competition".

Tajya says, "Yet your smiling, was it really so troublesome?".

Darren grins, "Well maybe a fun kind of trouble".

She put her hand on her heart and said, "I think I understand".

Darren stands up, "Well games up, you ready to play?". He turns around, "Tajya?". She was bleeding from her nose, holding her chest tightly. He rushed towards her, "Tajya! are you okay!?".

She weakly spoke, "It'll pass, just wait". Darren held her weak body in his chest, praying in his mind she'll be alright. She held onto his chest tightly.

In time the bleeding stopped but she was still in immense pain. Tajya said, "Darren, I-It still hurts".

Darren hastily said, "We've gotta get you to the hospital"! Tajya put her hand on his. Just has he turns his head towards her she gives him a kiss, as if it were the last kiss they were ever have.

She uttered the words, "I love you Darren".

He grasps her hand and says, "I love you too Tajya".

She was rushed to the hospital with Darren holding her hand all the way. Once again Darren stands in the same waiting room. Wondering and going over everything. Sitting down and getting up once in awhile, impatient. Finally a nurse comes around the corner. Darren waits to hear the news and hopes to death she isn't gone.

To his surprise the nurse tells him it's okay to see her. Once again he sees Tajya hooked up to a machine as the door closes behind him. Alone again. That same feeling just like he was reliving the past. He walks up to her bed and sits in the chair beside it. He says, "Are you going to be alright?".

Tajya looks him in the eye, "Not this time" A shock to the heart. Something they both knew was going to happen sometime. Is now coming true.

Darren gently grasps her hand with both of his. This time there are no tears. There is too much for tears as he sets his head on her hand. He speaks, "I love you Tajya".

She reply's, "I love you too". He kisses her hand, sealing fate.

One month later. He kept his promise, hes still around. Living on and smiling, just for her. He was moving the TV stand when he found something. A wallet. He simply assumed someone had lost it opening it up to see who's it was. Much to his surprise, it was Tajya's. But underneath her ID another card was sticking out. He pulled it out, only to see a ID of someone else he knew very well. It was a girl with plain brown hair and brown eyes. Putting these two pictures side by side he saw a huge resemblance.

A piece of paper hand fallen out of the wallet when he pulled the card. He picked it up to find that It was a note addressed to him.

"If something that was always there but you never saw, just disappeared, Would You Notice? If something came before you Different, yet the same, Would You Notice? Could you put two and two together? Or would it never occur to you?

Yes that plain girl in that picture is me. I'm sorry I lied to you this whole time. When I found out I had cancer I wanted a second chance. A second chance at having a friend but we turned into much more then that. I really did love you this whole time, Thank you so much for the life you gave me. I'm so sorry if this upsets you. If it does please discard it and remember me as Tajya. Leaving this here for you may even be so pointless but I want you to know the truth. I didn't tell you while I was alive because If you had hated me because of it then you would have been forced to love me until I died. Please live a happy life even if it's not for me."

Darren smiled, accepting the note. He spoke, "Thank you, for being honest with me in the end, I will always love you".

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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