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3 minutes ago, DRX said:

I think I'm the winner when it comes to anger issues like you saw over a misunderstanding, I had to take on my mom because she wanted to hit someone important to me

Have you hit your mom tho? I haven't but if given the chance now I would, she's garbage. If i got the chance in the last 3-4 years I woulda savagely beat her too (we obv don't speak anymore haven't for a few years) She's one of those people that deserves the worst fate a human can possibly have pure garbage. Accused my dad of buttraping me to spite him and for a custody case, she already had custody and still does this. She also smoked while she was pregnant with me. I honestly hope she gets brutally raped to death.


I've physically fought my dad too, a lot actually, he's an asshole too

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3 minutes ago, Samue1 said:

That's just wrong to throw something you don't like over a person who is innocent and clean slate.

Indeed it is, but being human that's all we do, we keep making wrong turns until we find ourselves in a dead end

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1 minute ago, DabDeity710 said:

Have you hit your mom tho? I haven't but if given the chance now I would, she's garbage. If i got the chance in the last 3-4 years I woulda savagely beat her too (we obv don't speak anymore haven't for a few years) She's one of those people that deserves the worst fate a human can possibly have pure garbage. Accused my dad of buttraping me to spite him and for a custody case, she already had custody and still does this. She also smoked while she was pregnant with me. I honestly hope she gets brutally raped to death.


I've physically fought my dad too, a lot actually, he's an asshole too

No just pushed her against a wall to defend the person she was going to hit

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4 minutes ago, DabDeity710 said:

Ahh see, I have the most uncontrollable rage *crowd boos*


You probably don't have parents that make you wanna hit them tho

I do, not as bad as yours maybe, but I get angry fast and they make me more angry, because there judgy and treat me like I'm five

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2 minutes ago, DRX said:

I do, not as bad as yours maybe, but I get angry fast and they make me more angry, because there judgy and treat me like I'm five

At least they care, I mean I think my dad cares but he doesn't act like it. Like he'll try to do something nice for me behind my back like sound out job applications without my permission (not to get rid of me, I want a job so I can get the fuck out of here lmao) but dude can't take me to a single fucking doctor when I have more health problems them him and he's 61

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27 minutes ago, DabDeity710 said:

My mom seemed like she cared, but only out of selfishness. She wanted my entire life to be on her terms. She's like the mother in the horror movie that locks their son in the basement when he turns 18 so he can never see the outside world/leave her custody

Your mom and mine should meet

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Yeah... I can barely tell what this is all about and I certainly don't intend to take part in whatever lovely stuff you guys are talking about.


A few things though, @Samue1. Next time when you make a thread about a problem you're having, include some more details. Outsiders like me have no idea what this is about. Money? Scandalizing? Previous posts? You should explain yourself as if you're talking to a complete stranger, someone who is completely unaware of whatever took place in the past. Tell us the full story. In your very first sentence you immediately go on the defensive instead of explaining the matter at hand, that what you're being accused of, etc. There's a logical order to these things.


Another thing: no need to personally target users like that. There is no need to portray yourself as the 'good guy' and call MaxxCatt or DRX 'traumatized' for having suspicions about something. Broad statements such as ''you guys are just breaking my barriers'' or ''I'm a newbie here and what? I'm treated like an outcast? An old rival enemy? Why can't I get some respect like a guest just walks in the door'' won't help you one bit.


Anyway, I'll leave it at that. I'd rather not get involved further in this. Just wait for a mod to reply and try to sort things out alright.

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3 hours ago, Samue1 said:


People like them (@MaxxCatt / @DRX) below are just traumatized because they think I'm doing the 'thing' that happened in the past (which I don't know what happen because I'm not on reddit).





WHAT? I'm traumatized?

All I did was mention why a bunch of links are dead.

How does that make me traumatized?

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1 minute ago, MaxxCatt said:

WHAT? I'm traumatized?

All I did was mention why a bunch of links are dead.

How does that make me traumatized?

I thought that 'person' on reddit did something so traumatizing that you feel like over-protective over the replies I replied.

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11 minutes ago, Samue1 said:

I thought that 'person' on reddit did something so traumatizing that you feel like over-protective over the replies I replied.

They shared links w/o permission leading to the takedown of over 1tb worth of stuff that was up for years. Then when cartoons made a g drive to revive his stuff the g drive was taken down for copyright in less than a week. Tooncore has his links taken down a little more than half a year ago, again 1-2tb of stuff at least. He reupped a bunch of it like 5-6 times and they all got taken down within like 48 hours EVERY TIME. That's this year alone. TC even retired from uploading for months sick of reupping stuff just to have it taken down in a day AND lost paid cloud service account after paid cloud service account. You don't think this overprotective attitude is warranted? We don't feel like losing our best uploaders to casuals from reddit who can't follow rules

Edited by DabDeity710
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1 minute ago, DabDeity710 said:


They shared links w/o permission leading to the takedown of over 1tb worth of stuff that was up for years. Then when cartoons made a g drive to revive his stuff the g drive was taken down for copyright in less than a week. Tooncore has his links taken down a little more than half a year ago, again at 1-2tb of stuff at least. He reupped a bunch of it like 5-6 times and they all got taken down within like 48 hours EVERY TIME. That's this year alone. TC even retired from uploading for months sick of reupping stuff just to have it taken down in a day AND lost paid cloud service account after paid cloud service account. You don't think this overprotective attitude is warranted?


I know how it feels to re-upload stuff. It's tiring.

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32 minutes ago, Scyrous said:

Yeah... I can barely tell what this is all about and I certainly don't intend to take part in whatever lovely stuff you guys are talking about.

I see this thread has gotten pretty off topic



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17 minutes ago, Samue1 said:

I thought that 'person' on reddit did something so traumatizing that you feel like over-protective over the replies I replied.

At my age the only things that might traumatize me would be the sudden death of a family member, close friend or a pet.

Something like DMCA'd links or even my uploads don't even phase me, it's just part of life.

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10 minutes ago, DabDeity710 said:

I see this thread has gotten pretty off topic




I think I'd better stop replying because I make it sound so useless.

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All right, mod stepping in now. Everyone, let's remember that a forum is not a real-time communication method. If you're about to make a post that's in any way hostile towards another forum member, stop. Step back. Walk away from your computer for five minutes at the very minimum. Think about what you're about to post, and if it's at all merited and is in any way productive and contributory to conversation on this website. (Hint: It isn't. End of story.)



Now, @Samue1, you've not really made a great impression on staff and long-standing members of the forum so far, but you haven't been banned yet. That said, I would like to note that you've been very actively hostile toward several members, including staff, without any significant provocation (and in some cases, no provocation at all). Please consider my advice above, as repeated flaming and aggressive action toward members will face action.



As for your website that you've been posting about, and please correct me if I have the wrong impression:

  • You intend to host a website that offers paid content from sources like iTunes and the like.
  • This content will only be available to subscribers, paying a monthly fee.
  • The fee is primarily intended to purchase more content to then offer on your site as a feedback loop.
  • You do not intend to use any content taken from Kametsu (except stuff you have requested yourself specifically for this website) and will supply all your own content.


While the last point should ease how much hostility you receive at this site, I would like to note that what you're doing goes against the entire principles of file sharing, of which Kametsu is a supporter. Subscribing to access content is not something we support here. We offer all our content freely, and the only restrictions in place are to help reduce spam, link hijacking and shutdowns, etc. I personally find a site like the one you've proposed to be objectionable, and also rather pointless since 99% of content you'd list is readily available at public torrent sites anyway.


I must ask that your website not be advertised on this board in any capacity, and I'd strongly advise you reconsider creating it in the first place.

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20 minutes ago, Catar said:

I personally find a site like the one you've proposed to be objectionable, and also rather pointless since 99% of content you'd list is readily available at public torrent sites anyway.

Have you see me liking something that is MKV and it is torrent based MKVs. No. I believe that the stuff I want isn't what I really want. I want iTunes Plus and that's what I want.



I'm done I can't do this anymore.  I'm out.

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