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Avatar & Cover Photo Uploads Fixed


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Valdearg managed to figure out the issue with image uploads and has corrected it. So you can finally upload your avatar directly as well as update your Cover Photos.


Seems all Cover Photos were lost in the upgrade process. However you can no longer link remotely to them and instead only have the option to upload them. This is the way IPS has made it going forward.

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7 minutes ago, Etzimal said:

How exactly do we go about updating our cover photos? I may just be blind, but I don't see the option in my profile.


This will either make 2 blind people, or confirm your suspicions, but I can't seem to find the setting either. I would expect to find it near "Edit your profile" as a picture icon (same as displayed on your profile picture when you want to change it). 

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18 minutes ago, Etzimal said:

How exactly do we go about updating our cover photos? I may just be blind, but I don't see the option in my profile.


9 minutes ago, Moodkiller said:


This will either make 2 blind people, or confirm your suspicions, but I can't seem to find the setting either. I would expect to find it near "Edit your profile" as a picture icon (same as displayed on your profile picture when you want to change it). 

Top right.



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39 minutes ago, Koby said:

Meh, probably more usergroup permissions that got royally screwed over in the update. >_<

Have pretty much had to go setting by setting for each and every thing. It's been a mess.

I'll look into and ensure all groups have the ability soon.


Sigh, alright best of luck. Seems like we have less space for a cover photo now, so don't know if I will utilize it. 

On the plus side, glad to know its not myself ot @Etzimal going blind. 

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On 10/30/2015, 9:35:22, Moodkiller said:

Yeah, should be:


I'm pretty much in the same boat; I was looking for the Update Cover Photo button that Koby mentioned in his screencap, but it is not present, and this coming from someone whose legitimately legally blind, too!!  No joke!

On 10/30/2015, 9:45:59, Koby said:

Meh, probably more usergroup permissions that got royally screwed over in the update. >_<

Have pretty much had to go setting by setting for each and every thing. It's been a mess.

I'll look into and ensure all groups have the ability soon.

You're doing a fantastic job, running the place, Koby!  Keep us posted once this gets resolved.

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53 minutes ago, ElementalCards said:

Very nice, I definitely approve the 150x150 size limit for the avatars. ^_^


EDIT: Is there any way to disable the "crop the image" option? There's no way to skip it and this was never done before.

I wanted to, but unfortunately I haven't found a way to do so. You can resize it larger, but it's forced into a square that you can't change. =/

I've brought up my issue with this at IPS.

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