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Spoilers in the Statuses

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Although most would consider this something that doesn't need to be said, I want to make sure there's no ambiguity.


Almost all of us here consume some sort of media. Whether it's anime, manga, video games, or television shows. We all have something we're invested in.


As such, please show some consideration for each other and don't post spoilers of any kind in the statuses. It doesn't matter if you personally are not bothered by spoilers--others are.


The statuses are right there on the front page and there's no real way of filtering them without hiding them entirely, so anything posted here is highly visible.


Statuses reported as containing spoiler material will be removed. Attempts to replace the status will result in further disciplinary action.


If you think it could possibly be a spoiler, go the easy route and don't take the risk. Just post about it in the forum proper and use spoiler tags.


Just because it's a couple years old doesn't mean everyone has seen it, or that there isn't anyone here who has recently picked it up. Don't take the risk!


Again: Don't post spoilers in the statuses.

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This rule I like, to often have I had things spoiled due to the status updates, I just felt they had right of speech and I guess I really didn't know if I could say "Hey would you not mind not posting spoilers".


I Third this rule!!!!

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I also back this up.  I don't like when people put spoilers...even on older anime.  I know some spoilers are on anime that are a few years old, but some of us still haven't seen them yet and want to.  Even when I write my anime reviews, I do everything in my power not to write any major spoilers.  It just really kills it for someone who still hasn't seen the anime.

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Great! I hate spoilers in status', it ruined death note for me!


Ruined Code Geass for me. Hey what about spoilers in Signatures, now I know there is a limit to doing this such as renders of characters forms or attires or other things I know you cannot really stop people from doing this, but what about posting a scene from an anime that isn't edited in anyway but adding their name and a comment as their signature that shows a major end of story spoiler? Or would that be going to far ;)

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I don't believe I've seen anything of that sort in a signature, but I'm not much of an anime consumer so I wouldn't know even if I saw it. If you think there's something problematic about a person's signature, you can report it. I personally don't mind spoilers too much so I can take the helm on those, just make sure when you make the report to indicate what's being spoiled (title of the series, movie, game, &c).


As a side note, you're technically not allowed to use spoiler tags in your signature. I don't think we have a lot of those floating around, but if you see them, just let us know and we'll see about editing it out.


I added a bullet point to Forum Etiquette about posting unmarked spoilers, so if you guys see it around the forum at all, just report it and one of the mods can go in and put it in spoiler tags. If we notice a person doing it a lot, we'll have a talk with them, but I know people forget or think certain things aren't spoilers when they are, so it won't result in automatic punitive measures. Again, just make sure you indicate what is being spoiled (unless it's in a specific anime or game subfora like Bleach or Kingdom Hearts--then it's obvious, haha).


Don't worry about being too stringent--we're a forum based on media consumption and we regularly use spoiler tags, so there's no real excuse for spoiling things for people. We'll be vetting the reports regardless.

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There has only been a few occasions where someone signature has the ending of an anime as his signature which in a way spoiled the ending of the anime as I had not seen it. Which was a annoying for me as I get worked up every time I spoil something for me, especially if it is an anime ending.


Now I feel like I am telling on people, I don't want to take away people joys of having their choice in signature but on the other hand I want to hide away spoilers so other people can enjoy their anime/shows without fear of spoiling the story. I know not everyone cares about spoilers but there are people such as me that hate spoilers.

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I think I've seen spoilers in signatures here and there too. (Like my Code Geass Signature, in the spoiler below)

Though it's not the ending, it kind of spoils that she dies.



So, sorry if I've spoiled that part to anyone. I personally enjoy making signatures out of my favorite parts of anime, but if it's being a hindrance I can go cold turkey on it.

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I think I've seen spoilers in signatures here and there too. (Like my Code Geass Signature, in the spoiler below)

Though it's not the ending, it kind of spoils that she dies.



So, sorry if I've spoiled that part to anyone. I personally enjoy making signatures out of my favorite parts of anime, but if it's being a hindrance I can go cold turkey on it.


Looking at the signature it is one that I wouldn't have taken as a spoiler but that us because I didn't really look into it as much when you wore it. The signature I refer to is this one


!!Caution!! Only look if you have finished Code Geass or don't care for spoiler as this is a big one.



Even though the ending isn't 100% this it is still a major spoiler.

Edited by J-Lord
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Haha, don't worry about tattling on people. I have no "snitches get stitches" philosophy. We're not going to shoot people for having spoilers in their signatures.


If there's one thing I know about the Internet, it's that there are spoilers everywhere. I wouldn't be too fussed about infringing on people's free speech here on Kametsu when there are like eight million other venues where they can tell the whole world that this character died and this character is actually related to this character.


As far as making signatures, I think as long as you don't wear them it's okay. You can still show them off in showcase threads and submit them to SOTW--at least I think so, but it's not my place to moderate. That may be something Apollo and Poe will want to discuss for future iterations. I do know right now there isn't any rule in the SOTW preventing this.

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Screw this system!


i obey nobody's rules!


Take this:


Darth Vader is Luke Skywalkers father. MIND BLOWN.


Spoilers in youtube comments are the worst. Yes, you've read the manga, well done, bravo.Oh? The antagonist is impaled on a traffic cone in the end? Fantastic! Now piss off somewhere else and stop ruining the damn plot.

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