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Weird Things Found While Cleaning

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What it says on the tin.


It's spring cleaning season and while I haven't personally found the motivation or will to do any of my own, I will eventually. One day.


Anyway, tell me about the weird crap you once found while cleaning. Or maybe tell me about weird things other people found while they were cleaning.




My roommate told me a story about some kid he knew who wasn't allowed to eat in his room. Randomly one day this kid had a giant sausage in his room. Things happened and he ended up hiding the sausage somewhere in his room.

Fast forward.


His mother is cleaning out his room and discovers the sausage, completely disgusting and awful. The smell is horrible. She questions why in the world there was even a sausage in this child's room. He cannot stop laughing.


Other than finding old writing, embarrassing notes I used to exchange with friends in my school days, and scribbled confessions of my undying feelings as a teenager, I don't think I've found anything of note while eliminating waste.


I will say, however, that I vaguely remember being pretty young (under seven) and, while we were packing up to move, my parents yelled at me because I scribbled on a board or a piece of furniture or something. I think it was weird and confused and sexual in nature, but for the life of me I could not remember ever making the drawing.


It's an even blurrier memory now that I look back on it, I'm pretty sure this is because I attempted to repress it for some reason.

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Sometimes I randomly go on a huge cleaning spree. Its never scheduled or planned...I just suddenly get the urge to clean and move everything around.  My weird things I find is generally stuff that I want seen in years.  The last time I cleaned I found art I had done back in high school...so basically 8 years ago.  It's amazing the stuff I find..usually its like "why the heck do I have this in the house" or "I can actually use this".  I'm sure clean will find much weirder stuff as my child grow...LOL!!!

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The most recent weird thing I found was among the numerous files in my mum's almarah was my first eye test and it was way back in 1999 or 2000. Guess what they had written as my name...............Baby Rehana.........BABY!!!! I was so mad when I saw it!!!!!!!  :mother-ficker was:  Seriously why do people still keep thinking I'm younger than I actually am?

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The most recent weird thing I found was among the numerous files in my mum's almarah was my first eye test and it was way back in 1999 or 2000. Guess what they had written as my name...............Baby Rehana.........BABY!!!! I was so mad when I saw it!!!!!!!  :mother-ficker was:  Seriously why do people still keep thinking I'm younger than I actually am?


I'd rather people think I was younger.  Everyone generally think I'm and older woman.  I've never been card for alcohol.  Its depressing being thought of as an old lady.  :too_sad: 


I've found elementary report cards before.

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I apparently can't see it :(


I found an old outline for a D&D campaign that I wrote in junior high once.. It wasn't terrible, but I did set up a lot of different branches for if the players decided to wander off and be caravan guards instead of saving the world. Basically, if they ignored the adventure hooks more than three times, they got to RP on an exploded planet and everyone still alive would hate them and want to eat their faces. ^_^ I r good DM


I've also found money that I'd stashed away for something that I'd already bought by the time I found the money again.. Planning fail, but oh well. Dinner!


I found a cat while cleaning the garage. It was very angry and hissy, so I didn't keep it. Because angry and hissy often turns to bitey and clawsy. Which is no fun at all.


One time when I was cleaning this house, I found a surprise Mal left for me. It was a cute little teddy bear holding a heart, and the heart was a pocket full of candy. ^_^ That one really made my day.

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@EO: Nah, it didn't scare me. IN fact, I got so happy that I started to play with it and it's head fell off. :<


One time i found an old book...when I opened it lights came swirling out of the pages and surrounded me. I couldn't breathe and was losing my vision due to brightness of the lights but eventually when it stopped....my sight came back. I was in Atlantis.

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Today I was cleaning and rearranging the living room, and I had totally forgotten that I stored several 12 packs of Coke under the couch (I have some of those furniture raisers on the couch because I like it tall, and a blanket covering it so it just looks like a tall couch.) Saved me from having to go to the store. ^_^

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I'd rather people think I was younger.  Everyone generally think I'm and older woman.  I've never been card for alcohol.  Its depressing being thought of as an old lady.  :too_sad:


I've found elementary report cards before.



Ah I have almost all my report cards and sportsmeet invitations and prize giving invitations, parent-teacher communication books - practically a lot of my school stuff...........every teensie weensie bit of it..........hehe, I'm a hoarder!  :byebye:


Yeah, it's better for people to think I'm younger than I really am, they think that I'm still a school-going kid even though I'm almost 22 now and have been working at a job for over one and a half years..........

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I'm a hoarder for two reasons--depression and hoarder mentality ("what if I need this random screw and plastic cover?? I might find the things they belong to eventually!!")


It hasn't got real bad while I've been on my own because I've moved so much, and between that and the tiny dorm rooms I've had to live in, there's just no way I could really manage having so much stuff. My dad, though, he's got unpacked boxes of stuff in the basement.


A lot of people think I'm like 16-17, haha. Some people pick up that I'm older, based on my posture and the way I walk. I have a sort of distinct gait, between military training and my limited arm swing, not to mention that I'm angry like 85% of the time I'm walking down the street, so I'm even more stiff than usual, haha. Also some people manage to notice my wedding ring, which is a pretty big clue, derp.

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I have found last month some nice thing that i didn't remember for a long time



it was an old announcement of the comic store that i used to purchase anime


Good memories came to my mind of my years in high school discovering this amazing world of anime and manga before i only know of the series on tv like dragon ball dragon ball Z, saint seiya, sailor moon, robotech aka Macross, very mainstream shows for the time but now i watch my personal collection and i think wow! what a whole bunch of anime that i have now and  i will never get rid of them!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never live in one place enough to find stuff like that. Now that we've bought a house and I have my own stable room(I used to sleep on the couch for years) I know where I left every pit of garbage I am too lazy to go get. There's still a paper airplane from my bf behind my TV stand. I know a few papers fell behind my dresser. I do "lose" things often but that's only because I have so many places I place things. So I look through all those and miss one of them. I usually find them later or I found out I placed them in a box in my closet.

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I often fall asleep reading Manga's and comic books. When I wake up I spring out of bed and forget that I lost the book behind the bed. So when I Chinese Field day I'll move the rack and find a stash of comic books and manga's behind the bed. For the most part though I stick my hands in my pockets every once in a while and find like a 20 or a 5 that I forget I left in there and is crinkled from going through the rinse cycle a few times.

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I often fall asleep reading Manga's and comic books. When I wake up I spring out of bed and forget that I lost the book behind the bed. So when I Chinese Field day I'll move the rack and find a stash of comic books and manga's behind the bed. For the most part though I stick my hands in my pockets every once in a while and find like a 20 or a 5 that I forget I left in there and is crinkled from going through the rinse cycle a few times.


I love when that happens, the money thing I mean. Finding random money is always good, especially if you're currently short on cash when you find it

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Oh and this is gonna sound really geeky but, one time before I left home I was spring cleaning my parents attic and I found a box with a Christmas present they forgot to give me when I was like I dunno 10 and it was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figure. I kept it in the box and stuck it next to my EVA unit 1 that I got off Ebay LOL.

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