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Group Rank Icons Updated


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I disliked the font and I felt like changing the icons up a little. So now they've got an extra box and an arrow which holds some other information.







I might change the text colors if I can ever find a new set I like that all flows together. The only ones I'm really happy with the group colors for are Graphics Team, Donator, and Uploader.


Let me know what you think of the changes. Was it better before or better as they are now?

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I've already forgotten what the old ones look like, but congrats on 10k posts, by the way!!


They look pretty good, I am amused by "Bad Member".

I guess the only complaint I have at this point is that the avatar sidebar repeats itself twice (if the group icon and "Administrator" text above didn't tip people off to the fact that you are, indeed, an admin), which is what it did before and doesn't really have anything to do with this update.

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I've already forgotten what the old ones look like, but congrats on 10k posts, by the way!!


They look pretty good, I am amused by "Bad Member".


I guess the only complaint I have at this point is that the avatar sidebar repeats itself twice (if the group icon and "Administrator" text above didn't tip people off to the fact that you are, indeed, an admin), which is what it did before and doesn't really have anything to do with this update.

Yeah, it's configured to show the text because rank icons aren't there by default for the group (except Admin iirc). However seeing as we have them, we don't have any need for the text. I'll look at the skin code later and remove it.
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Nice, the new Icon as described above give a new refreshing feel to the forum. The new font is ok but in saying that I didn't mind the old one anyway still out with the old in with the new. I also like the bad member detail of banned members.

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It's actually like the 3rd time I hit 10k. I had almost 11k on vB and when we converted to IPB it recounted to what was currently existing (and not what had been deleted) and thus put me down to 9k. I got back up and then we had the server failure and lost like a month and a half, then we've had some other issues and my postcount just kept dropping.


Also, that's just from this iteration of the forum. In the original version I had 6k posts before the issues we had, then we started over and I was at like 7k, then we ended up starting over again... lol.. but I don't care really.. it's just an eye opener when you realize how much time you've spent on one tiny corner of the vast interweb and how many years it's taken you to get to this point.

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I did personally like the old ones more, but that might just be because I'm used to them. Either way, not sure if this constitutes as an error but when you look up members then they are still called Crusader-0 or Crusader +, but we aren't called that by the icons. So just in case this is seen as problematic...

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Our Favicon is back!


For those who don't know what a Favicon is, it's the icon that appears in the address bar or tab bar (depending on your browser) when on a site. It also appears in your bookmarks for that site.


Our Favicon happens to be a modified version of the Fairy Tail anime/manga's logo.

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Yay I've been missing it!

That said I don't see it in Chrome. :[ All I see is that default IPB one.

It works in FF and IE though.

Can anyone else confirm with Chrome?

Chrome sucks. IDK why you'd be seeing the IPB one though as we had the default vB one for some odd reason here since the conversion. We've never ever had the IPB favicon.


Try clearing your cache or using ctrl+f5.

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I have FF and it looks the same as always.  I've not notice a change in it.




I have FF and it looks the same as always.  I've not notice a change in it.



Try clearing your cache. I have the same problem, but I dont really want to clear my cache to fix it



Oh ok sorry yeah it's the vB one. The blue box.

Yeah I tried ctrl-f5. I'll give it a night and see if it fixes itself by tomorrow.

Try going here: http://forums.kametsu.com/favicon.ico

and then ctrl+f5 that page a couple times.

Let me know if this solves the issue.

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