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Staff Polling #1


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Pretty much the same as the Superlatives, but directly aimed at members of the board of staff.

Keep responses to people actually in staff; namely those listed here:



Most Committed

Most Likely to Abuse Power

Most Likely to Let Things Slide

Most Active

Most Inactive

Most Integrated (posts throughout the forum)

Least Integrated (rarely posts outside of a select few boards)

Most Helpful

Least Helpful


Seems Unfriendly

Most Liked

Most Knowledgeable

Doesn't Know Anything

Most Sociable

Most Unsociable


Seems Unapproachable

Most Feared

Most Thoughtful (comes up with great ideas to improve forum)

Most Positive

Most Negative

and one not related to staff members:

Most Deserving of Becoming Staff

I was trying to think up plenty of categories, I bet there will be some I think of later and be like oh damn wish I'd have thought of it sooner.

Edited by An IP BreAKDoWN
Removed Apollo from the picture
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Umm. I would like to remind everyone that I quit the graphics team a few months ago. Obviously, after quitting, I shouldn't have been expected to continue my duties. But watch, I bet that I'll get a bunch of those negatives, like most inactive and least helpful. But duh, I haven't been doing anything because I stepped down!

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It's fine. I just know I'm going to get attacked even though I quit months and months ago. I don't know why Koby never officially took me off the group, but to the general public it probably just looks like I've been neglecting my duties for the last three months. But in actuality, there weren't any duties to neglect in the first place because I quit.

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I hadn't realized that Apollo was no longer on the Graphics Team.  It makes since now...why I haven't seen him doing anything.  I also now understand why it sometimes takes Poe awhile.  I feel bad that Poe's doing alone now.  Good luck, Poe.  :)


[EDIT:]  I hated voting on the more negative ones...because I didn't want to give negative votes.  I ended up leaving the last one blank.  The "Most Deserving of Becoming Staff" because I don't know who I'd honestly vote for, and didn't think it would be right to vote for myself...so I just left it blank.  Hope that is alright.  I really had no clue whom to vote for on that one.

Edited by Dreamcastor Rei
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I hadn't realized that Apollo was no longer on the Graphics Team.  It makes since now...why I haven't seen him doing anything.  I also now understand why it sometimes takes Poe awhile.  I feel bad that Poe's doing alone now.  Good luck, Poe.  :)

I manage... occasionally. @_@

But seriously, thanks. :3

No problem.  I really treasure the Graphics section.  I wish I could help you more.  You are a very nice member and you work hard.  Keep it up.  :)

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I hadn't realized that Apollo was no longer on the Graphics Team.  It makes since now...why I haven't seen him doing anything.  I also now understand why it sometimes takes Poe awhile.  I feel bad that Poe's doing alone now.  Good luck, Poe.

Yes, it does make sense. That's the thing about quitting. You kinda don't have to do anything once you quit. Don't get me wrong. I loved being on the Graphics Team. But eventually it got increasingly difficult to perform my duties due to lack of computer or Internet. I simply could not do a good job with just my cell phone and a work computer that blocks Kametsu half the time. So yeah. It was a hard decision, but it had to be made.

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I hadn't realized that Apollo was no longer on the Graphics Team.  It makes since now...why I haven't seen him doing anything.  I also now understand why it sometimes takes Poe awhile.  I feel bad that Poe's doing alone now.  Good luck, Poe.

Yes, it does make sense. That's the thing about quitting. You kinda don't have to do anything once you quit. Don't get me wrong. I loved being on the Graphics Team. But eventually it got increasingly difficult to perform my duties due to lack of computer or Internet. I simply could not do a good job with just my cell phone and a work computer that blocks Kametsu half the time. So yeah. It was a hard decision, but it had to be made.

That's okay.  I remember it mention a few times that you had troubles due to lack of internet.  I completely understand.  I hold no ill intent towards you.  You do what you can to the best of your abilities.  No one should be upset with you for that.  :)

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I hadn't realized that Apollo was no longer on the Graphics Team.  It makes since now...why I haven't seen him doing anything.  I also now understand why it sometimes takes Poe awhile.  I feel bad that Poe's doing alone now.  Good luck, Poe.

Yes, it does make sense. That's the thing about quitting. You kinda don't have to do anything once you quit. Don't get me wrong. I loved being on the Graphics Team. But eventually it got increasingly difficult to perform my duties due to lack of computer or Internet. I simply could not do a good job with just my cell phone and a work computer that blocks Kametsu half the time. So yeah. It was a hard decision, but it had to be made.

That's okay.  I remember it mention a few times that you had troubles due to lack of internet.  I completely understand.  I hold no ill intent towards you.  You do what you can to the best of your abilities.  No one should be upset with you for that.  :)

Well, I couldn't imagine why it wouldn't be okay, but thanks.

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