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1 Post to see Downloads


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Just to prevent so many zero posters and to get people to introduce themselves to the community and to make sure visitors are actually visitors and not someone just coming to grab links to report...

I've made it so members must make at least 1 post before being granted the ability to see the Anime Downloads.

0 Posters still have the ability to create a thread in the downloads so they can post their own downloads, and their thread will count towards the post needed to view the downloads as well.

The forum is set to upgrade accounts every 10 minutes. So expect a small 10 minute delay after your first post before your account is upgraded.

I would appreciate it, if you stick around and actually continue to post though. Be sure to at least post a thank you to the uploaders in the thread if you download something!

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thats what every1 will do tho, use quick responses to gain access to the downloads that is

Well, I will have to take other measures then. I don't want to waste my time doing all this just for ungrateful people who only want to leech. I do this for those who care and for my friends. If this doesn't do anything.. I'll have to up the post limit substantially or find some other method of contributing.

Considering the work put into this site it shouldn't hurt people to contribute or post a little to show their appreciation or to help out the community.

If activity doesn't pick up I might as well just shut the whole place down or remove downloads all together.

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Hi I'm Angela and i'm new to this site. I looooove naruto and naruto shippuden !!!! I would like to say thanks for the uploaders cause i can'i find english dubbed episodes anywhere so thx a loooooooooooot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Keep up the good work !

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hi angela,

i'm new as well and i think the 1 post rule (or how ever many posts you eventually decide on) is a great rule! it draws people out into the community and gets them involved, even if just a little. people shouldn't be so eager to take something without giving something in return (sounds kinda like the motto in FMA lol)

anyway, thank you and all the posters for being so generous with time, i know it can be a daunting task, and i certainly appreciate all the efforts.



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Definitely a good idea.

Even if you raise the amount of posts needed it's not asking a lot.

There's tons of hard work put into the site and the upload, the least people can do is be a part of the community and contribute when possible.

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Definitely a good idea.

Even if you raise the amount of posts needed it's not asking a lot.

There's tons of hard work put into the site and the upload, the least people can do is be a part of the community and contribute when possible.

I agree being part of the community is a small price to pay

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Koby, thank you for uploading this site so I can watch anime.BTW you should convert some anime video into mp4 version for psp user like me to download them.


I got your PSP animes dude ;)

On-topic: There is always going to be leechers, you just have to deal with it. One post to see downloads should be enough and yes, people will only post 1 time and probably rarely ever post again but hey that's what happens. Every so often you'll get the people who do care and start posting more and more.

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