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Requiem's Call[Survival Horror]


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Before you begin this this was the prologue to my RP on a forum so It will sound a little shaky at first but will flourish if people show interest!Also please post your thoughts on the Storyline I'm always open to suggestion's and idea's and if I use them I will be sure to credit you!

Rated R for Violence,Gore,Swearing,and Possibly Love Scenes

Link's to Chapters

Chapter One |Outbreak Part One | -this post-

Chapter One |Outbreak Part Two | Click Me!

Chapter Two | All Hell Break's Loose Part One | Click Me!

Chapter Two | All Hell Break's Loose Part Two | Click Me!!
Chapter Three | Survival | Click Me!!
Chapter Four | Reunion | Click Me!!
Chapter Five | Farewell | Click Me!!
Chapter Six | Legacy | Click Me!!
Chapter Seven | Rest and Relaxation | Click Me!!
Chapter Eight | Renew | Click Me!!
Chapter 9 | Onwards to the Sea Part 1 | Click Me!!

Chapter 9 | Onwards to the Sea Part 2 | Click Me!!

Character Profile's
Aaron Sohm

Name:Aaron Sohm



Job:Relic Thief

Job Info: Relic Thieves are People who steal Relic's from Museum's,Greedy Collector's who Illegally Purchase them,and the Like.They are Like a Modern Day Robin Hood.A Cut above your Average thief!



Starter Weapon: 2x 9mm Handgun & Dagger on his left hip

Starter Gear's

Portable Terminal-Basicly a Cell Phone,it resembles a Iphone but has the spec's of a Laptop.

Cache Case-Able to Carry small item's such as Ammo,Document's,and his Personal Gear.

Hacking Device-Small Device in his Cache Case,it's a simple device.Simply insert the Key Card into any lock and find the correct pass code.

Lock Picking Gear-This is used for picking simple primitive lock's such as Door's,Desk's,Locker's,etc.

Lighter-Used to light up darkened room's,ignite object's,etc.

Personality:Aaron is Quiet being a thief he tends not to talk much unless it's needed.He has a good heart.If someone is in trouble he will not hesitate to come to their aid.He hates corrupt people and has no quarrel about dealing with people like that.He is very intelligent and can adapt rather quickly to a situation.He enjoys a challange be it a hard heist or a puzzle.He's not afraid to speak his mind to people not caring if they will take it the wrong way.

Special Trait's

Silent Steps:He can easily sneak past people without making a sound.

Hacker Ability:Able to hack security,such as Electronic Locks,Passwords,and Firewall's

Lock Pick Ability:Able to Pick Locks with almost anything be it a paper clip or something else.This is handy when trapped or in need of breaking into a room for weapon's or supplies

Parkor Ability:This is a urban style of Acrobatics that many thief's use now,it makes it very easy to escape cops and such when they chase you on foot.

Bio:Aaron used to be a Archeologist for 3 year's but learned that the people he was hired by were corrupt and did not deserve to own them.3 year's later he became a Relic Thief and he decided that the world didn't deserve some Relic's of the world.So he began to steal Relic's from people who misused them or had no interest in the history,as time went by he sometimes had to sell the Stolen Artifact's he kept hidden in a underground storage facility though he only sold them to a select clients. He had the underground storage commissioned to be built in the year 2070 and began storing Relic's inside from Ancient Coffin's to Weapons,These Relic's belong to no one he keep's them from corrupt people who would mistreat them.

Lisa Walker

Name:Lisa Walker



Job: DIA Agent


Starter Weapon: .357 Magnum Revolver

Starter Gear's:

Personal Terminal: Basically a Cell Phone,it resembles a Iphone but has the spec's of a Laptop.

Radio:Simple Radio that can be strapped to her hip.

Combat Knife:A knife the military uses,can easily slice through flesh if needed.

Personality:Lisa is very outgoing and enjoy's a good fight,she has a temper issue,she will not tolerate misuse of power,she can be kind but rarely shows it,she won't hesitate to say whats on her mind,she's very stubborn,and can have a hard time showing her feelings.

Special Trait's:

Hotwire:Able to Hotwire most vehicle's without much effort.

Sharpshooting:Shot's are more accurate than most people.

Vitality:Has more energy than most people allowing them to last longer when running or in tense situations.

Gymnastics:More flexible than most people,allows for quick movements and allows the person to get into tight spaces.

Bio:Adopted from a young age, Lisa has few fond memories of her biological parents. Her mother was a gymnast and her father was somewhat of a historian interested in ancient myths of knights and weaponry. She learnt her gymnastic skills from an early age and also consequently developed an interest in her father's work. Unfortunately, her parents were killed in a car crash when she was 10. People believed that Alexa had run away from home because of it but in reality, she was taken under the wing of a field agent for the DIA.

Soon after the accident, strange people had come to her house to take her father's work. Unbeknownst to Lisa, they were DIA agents and her father had been working for them. Refusing to let them take the only thing she had left of her father, she ran away from the house with her father's research journal. She had managed to escape their grasp for 2 whole days before finally being caught. Her impressive display for evading authority despite her age caught the eye of one of her father's superiors, Luke Walker. After explaining the situation, he gave Lisa a choice. Either be sent through the witness protection program or let him adopt her as his own and train her to be a DIA agent. Lisa decided that she would continue her biological father's legacy and took on the Walker name.

Lisa grew up in a loving environment with Luke's wife Elizabeth while being educated and trained to be a field agent. Luke allowed Lisa to continue honing her gymnastic skills.

Maxwell Verges

Name:Maxwell Verges



Job: Accountant

Description: c3628f37bbf224c266ef9c010f065d62038ee01a

Starter Weapon: None

Starter Gear's:

Lighter-Enables people to see in the dark or ignite items.

Personality: He's quiet,Intelligent,a bit squimish,and a little cowardly, puts his girls safety above his own.

Special Trait's: None.

Bio:He was a Accountant in Washington D.C. and led a boring hum drum life, during the incident in D.C. he rushed home and got his family to the closest Army base, but even there they weren't able to escape the "Virus" as the base was overtaken by bloodthristy infected.

They were cornered in the base and faced death when a young man saved their lives, he got bitten in the process but escorted them to safety helping them escape that hell.

After getting a few states away him and his family were able to escape to the west coast via a Commercial Airline, they were ordered down in a small town in Washington and forced to board a Military Cruiser.

Alicia Verges

Name:Alicia Verges

Age: 17


Job: High-school student

Description: 5afac35a4ee6de9cc388a19aec6d0502.jpeg?76

Starter Weapon:None

Starter Gear's:None

Personality:Alicia is very outgoing and takes care of her younger sister Marie,shes quite hotheaded and doesn't think ahead,shes a tad naive.

Special Trait's:None

Bio: See Maxwell Verges Bio

Marie Verges

Name:Marie Verges


Gender: Female

Job: Middle School Student

Description: sample_f3e0329eda81d4bc899e3cd0e1febad5e

Starter Weapon: None

Starter Gear's:None

Personality:Unlike her older sister Marie is a smart girl,she takes her time and figures out what needs to be done,She's very shy and quiet,shes a fast learner,enjoys spending time with her annoying big sister.

Special Trait's:

Quick Learner-Able to learn other skills in a very short amount of time.

Bio:See Maxwell Bio

Zombie Information

To Be Added During the Corrupt Arc.


Chapter One | Part One:The Outbreak Begin's

The Year is 2073 People in the world spend their lives trying to find treasure and artifacts in order to share the old worlds history, amass a fortune, and become famous.

In a Desert in Eastern Europe a Small group of Archeologists find a Village in that has been buried for centuries, They find a massive temple with the Templar Knights Symbol engraved onto the stone pillars, The Archeologists go inside and find 2 Templar Knights their Bodies laying on Two Slabs with a sword stabbed into their hearts, their hands resting on the hilts of the Swords. They enter deeper inside the building being careful since it has been buried for centuries.

Archeologist: What on Earth is this building.. A grave site..?

They move further in and examine the room looking for clues as to why the knights committed suicide, One of the young men find's a Old stone desk inside the drawer is a stone tablet, written on it was this..

Oh Hear Ye Of Faith, Do Not Befoul This Place Of Those Who Hath No Faith, Do Not Remove Relics Of Old From This Crypt, For Those Who Hath Faith Shall Follow These Commandments..

If Ye Do Not Heed These Words The World Will Fill With Darkness And The World Shall Feel The Wrath Of Hell And Be Cursed To Being Wandering Souls For All Eternity..

The Young Man shows the tablet to the Head Archeologist..

Archeologist: Hmm a Warning in the words of the old world... Even so this is a discovery that we cannot pass up, the Knights Templar are such a Rarity to see now we have to Preserve the Armor and Relics they Used..

As he Orders to remove the Armor and move the bodies, the others are hesitant and decline they then leave the leader to himself, The Lead Archeologist snuffs at their fear.

Archeologist: ...Fine I shall take all the credit then.. Being afraid of such things will not make you famous in this world!

As the Archeologist removes the sword from the first knight a eerie wind blows through the room, he shrugs it off and removes the other sword placing them on a cloth on the old stone table, he Also Takes the bodies down, he removes the first body as he does a pressure switch releases.

Archeologist: ..Oh..? So there is something hidden here..!

As he Removes the final body from its resting place the middle of the floor falls almost taking the Archeologist with it, he sighs in relief but looks down to see a Staircase leading down. He takes a flashlight from his side and walks down, he reaches a door and tries to open it but cannot, he examines the sides and sees two slots where a key would go.

Archeologist: What is this.. Two holes..? Maybe the Swords..?

He Retrieves the swords from the previous room, goes back to the door and inserts the swords after which he turns them as he does the door opens revealing a small tomb with a coffin inside. He Proceeds inside instantly drawn to the coffin he reads the etching's on the top of the coffin.

Oh Ye of False Faith, Ye Who Fail's To Heed God's Word, Open This Grave of Pestilence And Ye Shall Bring Doom And Despair To The World, Ye Shall Send The World Into Everlasting Darkness.

To Ye Who Still Have Faith An Artifact Can Be Found To Save Those Who Have Faith And Return The World To Light Once More.

A Image of a Herb is inscribed under the text that seems to glow, The Archeologist shrugged and paid the warning no mind he pushed the heavy top of the Coffin off making sure he could take it with him, inside the Grave was a Final Knight Templar with a crimson sword onto his body, for a moment it looked like the knight moved.

Archeologist: ..Hmmm did it move..? What is this blade..?

Curious he rubs the blade and some of the red dust lifts onto his finger yet the sword remained red, he looks at it closely but the dust in the room had started to get to him, he acted as if he was going to sneeze and placed the red dusted finger under his nose unknowingly breathing in some of the dust, he did not sneeze and resumed his raid on the Crypt.

He takes the armor the Knights wore, swords that were Keys, the coffin, the tablet, and finally the red sword. He places them inside a crate marked as Museum Materials. A week passes and he returns to Washington D.C. Yet he has become very sickly.

The Start of Infection

At 7:30PM, The Press Conference was being held in Washington D.C. and the Archeologist was announcing the discovery of the Templar Knight bodies, the weapons and the armors they used, he lifts his arm and removes the veil, it reveals the Relics and The Coffin. Within a Hour at National History Museum he falls to the ground grasping at his chest, he soon cringes and dies, as everyone watches in disbelief as he lays motionless on the floor, but soon his body begins to move he moans and rises he limp's to a Reporter and grabs at her who at the time was covering this event, he bites her neck and moves to the camera man and then the reporter rises and chases other people, The Crowd of People Panic and run amok through the city, Infected and Non-Infected Alike.

This is the First part of the Outbreak Chapter, I'll post the 2nd part of the chapter tomorrow at some time hopefully people will enjoy this Zombie Storyline I've made up.

Edited by xAaronx
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Chapter One Outbreak | Part Two

The Beginning of the End

It has been a week since the Archeologist Named Geist made his discovery and sent word to the Museum of Natural History. The plane carrying Him & The Knights Templar Artifacts land's in Washington D.C., Without wasting any time they unload the Artifacts into a large semi-truck that was awaiting their arrival, it then drives ahead of Geists people to the Museum of Natural History, Geist goes to his Hotel to get ready for the unveil.


Night has fallen and the Unveil is about to start, The Archeologist Geist is in a Limo on his way to the event, inside the Limo he seems sickly coughing, sweating, and wheezing.

Archeologist Geist: "Ugh.. I must have caught a bug over there.. I feel like shit.."

He wipes the sweat from his forehead and cleans himself up as much as possible, as he finishes the Limo pulls up to stop he opens the door and as he steps out he is bombarded by flashes from cameras, He just smiles and walks inside along with Celebrities, Political Parties, and even the President makes a appearance to the event.


Everyone gathers inside the lobby of the Museum, It has been a half hour, Geist has been getting worse little by little, he plans on doing the reveal and going home to rest,  he waits behind the curtain waiting on the announcer to call his name.

Announcer: "Welcome everyone to the Reveal,I'm very happy to announce we have a vast new collection to add to our Museum, Tonight you will see Swords, Armors, and Artifacts used by the Knights Templar. These have been buried for many years and we are fortunate to have the discoverer of this with us tonight.

Please Welcome the Archeologist who brought us these wonderful items, Professor Geist!!"

The Curtains rise showing the horrid looking Geist, he steps up to the podium to announce the Artifacts he had found in the middle east.

Archeologist Geist: "Thank you... I am very happy to share these Artifacts with the world, We made this discovery by accident to be honest. Inside you will see Images of the Place where we found the Artifacts, The Swords and Armor the Knights Templar used during their life, and A Coffin Inscribed with ancient text. I hope you all enjoy these findings and all the work it took to bring them to the United States.

As Geist steps down from the podium, he collapses and falls to the ground, as his head hits the ground he coughs up some blood, shocked by this the announcer asks if there is a Doctor in the Audience, a old man in the crowd responds, the doctor moves to Geist and checks his body for a pulse.

Doctor: "I'm sorry... This man has passed away... It seems like he's been ill for sometime." He says as he stands back up wiping his hands clean with a wet cloth.

As the Old Doctor begins to walk away, Geists body moves once again, grabs the Old Doctors leg and bites down on it causing blood to spray onto the floor and on the dead Geists face. The Old Man Screams in Pain before collapsing onto the floor in shock, Geist still feeding on his leg and is making the most disgusting sounds.

Everyone stares for a moment in shock, a moment later a woman screams loudly echoing throughout the museum, the crowd begins to panic and run towards the exits but the mob soon blocks the exits. Soon the Doctor and Geist begin to moan and move in for another victim, they continue to infect the trapped people.


The Secret Service who were there to protect the President break a window open and escort the president outside to escape, people try to follow after them but the Presidents Personal Guard shoot any who attempt follow not risking the Presidents Life to this outbreak, They escape safely leaving total chaos behind them.

And So Begins the foretold curse....

End of the First Chapter

Edited by xAaronx
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Chapter Two | All Hell Break's Loose Part 1

Aaron's Entrance




Friday,7:00PM to 7:30PM

It's just about time for the Museum Event, Aaron begins getting ready to go, he grabs his gun, knife, and cache case with his hacking terminal, personal terminal, and lock pick. He then moves towards his garage, he grabs his helmet, puts it on and jumps on his Motorcycle.

Aaron: "...Alright.. All Set.. Time to move..."

Aaron Revs up his bike and smiles as he let's go of the breaks, he launches out of the garages exit, he leaves his large home and clicks a button on the left side of his bike which closes his homes large iron gates and speeds off into the city.

Aaron: "I can't believe they dug up graves of the Knight Templar.. Those places should never be touched by human hands..."

He drives off the main roads and takes the back allys, he soon reaches the Museum. He parks his bike behind some crates and gets off his bike, he walks to the unguarded back door which has a electronic key lock, he open's his cache and reaches for his small computer hacking device, he slides the card into the key slot and enters in data, within a few minutes the door's electronic lock clicks and he opens the door, he begins to move inside the Museum.

He turns on his personal terminal and checks his map, he follows it to the Room where the Artifacts are held.

Aaron: "OK.. Now I just need to grab these before they let those people inside."

He quickly moves towards the case and sees that they use electronic key locks on the case. He takes out his hacking tool once more and unlocks the case, he uses his personal terminal to take a photo of the Coffin and other Relics he attempts to grab the red dusted sword, before he can even go near it he hears a woman's scream.

Aaron: "What the hell..?"

He moves to the large doors that connect to the lobby, he cracks the door open enough to see into the lobby, as he looks he sees people eating each other while others are trying to flee from the exits.

Aaron: "Again.... What the hell..!? I better get out of here, don't want to be dragged into this shit..."

He closes the door leaving behind the stolen relics, he runs through the empty halls of the museum hoping that those things didn't wander into the rest of the museum, as he gets close to the door and opens it, his left arm gets grabbed by something outside without thinking he kicks the door slamming it on the persons arm breaking it off the body, he grabs the arm and throws it on the ground after which pulls out one of his handguns and fires 4 rounds into the door, he cautiously re-opens the door seeing a dead man on the ground missing a arm, he re-holsters his gun.

Aaron: "That was not on my list of things to prepare for.." He grumbles aloud before kicking the corpse out of the way.

He gets his bike back out from behind the crates in order to get the hell out of there, when he looks to where he kicked that corpse, he notices that it's gone and only a bloody stain is on the concrete where it was.

Aaron: "What th--" Before he could finish that sentence the corpse attacked him once more from behind grabbing him with the one arm he has left. Aaron grabs the arm and whips the guy around slamming him to a wall, after which he grabs his gun again and shoots the man in the head.

Aaron: "Stay dead this time Dammit!!" He yells at the corpse out of shock.

He gets on his bike and revs it up again preparing to leave the ally.

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Chapter Two | All Hell Break's Loose Part

Outside the Museum 7:00pm

A young woman is standing guard close to the museums entrance. She sits against her car talking over the Radio.

Lisa: "Seriously why do I need to be here..? I mean the Secret Service is here along with most of the local PD..." Lisa Spoke bluntly to her partner over the Radio.

Luke: "It was a request from the Secret Service and the local PD to have us Assist in the protection of the Museum and the President.. Just do your job and it'll be over sooner than you think... Luke out.." Luke cut off his radio to make a point to her.

Lisa threw the radio inside the car pissed that her partner didn't have to come with her..

Lisa: "Damn him... Acting so cool when I'm stuck at this museum..I should be doing real work not wasting my time with this crap.." She leaned against her car again looking at the Museum she could faintly hear the speech starting.

Lisa: "Well it could be worse I suppose I could be in there listening to some guy talk about how he found some old rusty stuff from a forgotten age.." She started to sound a little calmer.

Lisa decided to walk across the street to the museums windows to see if anything interesting was happening. She looks inside and sees the Archeologist giving his speech about that stuff he found, she sighed and was about to turn around when he suddenly fell down.

Lisa: "What the..? Did he trip?" She spoke almost giggling at that fact, but soon fell silent as the man wasn't moving.

She watched as a Older man walked up to the fallen man checking for a pulse only to see the old man shake his head to say hes dead. As the old man got up to walk back to the group the man on the ground grabbed his leg and then begins to bite into it. The old man collapses to the ground and gets devoured by the other, the room fell silent for a moment and then a woman is heard screaming.

Lisa: "What the hell is this!? I wanted something interesting to happen but didn't want this!!" She spoke with shock in her voice.

She saw the Secret Service run towards the window where she was at, Lisa ran to the side of the building and watched around the corner. The Secret Service men broke the window and got the President out of there but when people were trying to follow they opened fire onto them killing innocent civilians.

Lisa: "Seriously they're killing people who may now be involved just to save his ass!" She yelled out and drew her .357 Magnum and aimed it at the men shooting the people and opened fire.

Lisa: "I don't care if that guy lives or dies but you won't kill people who have nothing to do with this!!" She yells as she fires at them, hitting their shooting arms. The Men leave and drive away with the President in tow.

She holsters her weapon and waves survivors over to the window.

Lisa: "It's safe now! Come on get the hell outta there!!" She yelled out to the people still inside trying to get out of the building, most of the people made it out alright but the few people who were "Dead" were coming towards the window. She draws her weapon aiming it for their legs, firing the magnum she blows out a chunk of their legs, they fall down and cannot get up. "It's strange they feel no pain and keep coming no matter what.." She thinks to herself.

As she's about to return to her car she hears a series of gunshots followed by a mans voice.

Male: Stay Dead this time Dammit!!

Lisa keeps her gun drawn and runs down the ally looking for the source of the gunshot and yelling.

======================================================================================== Edited by xAaronx
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very intersesting so far, a few little gammar mistakes, a word of advice: commas are your friends. i like the way you show who is speaking, i often get confused in storys when they stop using names

Thank's Shazi,yeah I'm not really good with my comma's x.x;

its nice to finally have some feedback on this xD I'll be trying to fix my posts :3

I think it's helpful that I post the Profiles too so people have a little backstory to each character

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Chapter Three | Survival

Aaron revved his bike's engine preparing to get the hell out of this mess when he see's a woman coming down the ally, not knowing if she was human or not he grabs his handgun aiming at the woman's head since that seemed to be the only thing that kept them down.

Aaron:"If your human stop now or I'll be forced to shoot!!"He spoke loudly so the person approaching could hear his warning.

The woman stopped and rose her hands.He noticed a revolver in her hands.

Lisa:"You'd shoot a woman..?"Lisa responded

She's Human..Probably a cop knowing my luck...Aaron thought to himself he lowered his weapon and holstered it, as he did the woman moved quickly aiming her .357 Magnum at his face.

Lisa:"Alright just drop your gun to the ground now!"

She didn't show any chance of flinching or holding back so Aaron followed her instruction's, taking his gun and dropping it on the ground.

Aaron:"You honestly think now's the best time to do this kinda crap..I mean look around we have human hungry freaks all around us..."He responded before kicking his gun towards her.

Lisa stopped the gun with her foot, picked it up,and placed it in the back of her pants.

Lisa:"Even so..How do I know that you didn't start this whole mess..?"She asked him.

Aaron:"I don't kill needlessly..I just return artifacts to where they belong..No more, no less..."

Lisa:"So your just a thief.."She lowers her gun to her waist.

Aaron looked slightly relieved to see that the cop lowered her gun, he looked and saw one of those freaks coming up from behind, he moved fast and grabbed his knife from his leg, he tossed it at the person sneaking up on her, though in his rush to throw it the only part that hit its face is the hilt, but it was enough to make the girl look behind her, she rose her gun and shot him in the face, the first shot went through his cheek blowing a hole in his face but he was still coming she shot again and nailed him, brain matter flew and hit the wall's of the ally.

Lisa:"You know I could have just shot you for that move.."She said to him

Aaron:"Well beats watching you get eaten by that thing.."He responded sarcastically

Lisa:"Heh..If I let you go what will you do..?"

Lisa took the gun from her back and grabbed his knife from the ground,she walks over and hands them back to him, Aaron takes them back and puts them back into their holsters.

Aaron:"Well I guess get the hell outta the city and get to my home since its the most secure place I know of..After that I'll probably get the hell outta here before the army get's involved.."

Lisa walked behind him and jumped onto the bike holding onto his waist.

Lisa:"Sound's like a plan, I'll be joining you since I wanna make sure your not involved in any way, My car's up ahead stop by it I need to grab my radio."

Aaron:"Shouldn't you be helping civilian's..?"

Lisa:"The local PD is here and the army will be showing up soon since the President was involved,I don't think they'll be needing me.."

Aaron sighed, he drove the bike out of the ally and stopped it at the exit to the main street, Lisa pointed to her car across the street, Aaron drove the bike over to it and stopped by it, Lisa got off and looked inside for her Radio, she finds it only to see it's antenna destroyed.

Lisa:"Damn..I really need to get my anger under control.."She mumbled to herself.

Aaron:"We need to move...It's getting worse around here.."

Lisa sighed and left the broken radio in the car, she got back onto the bike.

Lisa:"My Radio's busted..Let's just get outta here.."

Aaron shrugged and drove off, the street's are normal seems like the incident hasn't spread too far, they swerved past car's and got out of the city and moving into the outskirt's, Aaron drives up the dirt road that leads to his home.20 minutes pass and they finally reach Aaron's home, he slows the bike down and hits the button on the left handlebar again opening the large iron gates at the front, he drives the bike into his garage.They get off the bike and walk inside the house.

Aaron:"Well this is where I live sorry for the long drive..Feel free to look around.."

Lisa:"Where are you going?"

Aaron:"Well I need to check these photo's I took of those artifact's, they might have a clue as to what the hell is going on around here.."

Lisa:"I'm coming with you or didn't you listen to me, I'm not sure about you just yet!"

Aaron:"...Fine...do what you want.."He sighed as he walked down the hallway stopping at a door with a number pad key lock, he enters the code and unlocks the door, Aaron walk's down the stair's Lisa following behind closely.

Lisa:"What the hell is down here..?"


They finally reach another door with a number pad key lock, he enters another code and open's the door, as the door opens light's come on revealing a large room full of glass cases with coffin's, swords, bones, and other various relics.Aaron walk's over to a desk in the center of the room, sits at the chair opening the laptop on the desk and linking his personal terminal to it.

Aaron:"This may take me awhile so look around, just try not to break anything.."

Lisa:"No thanks...I don't really like this kind of stuff..."

Two Hours go by and Aaron finally figured out the legend behind Geist's discovery..He call's Lisa over to him.

Aaron:"Finally found out what the hell Geist dug up, took awhile since information on the Knight's Templar is so rare..But after searching through my database I finally found a Legend to why this place was buried.."

Lisa:"Well spit it out.."

Aaron:"Well from what I've understood, Geist found a crypt of a Templar Knight who supposedly slayed the Horsemen Pestilence...The sword and knight was sealed away in a crypt and two Templar's were sacrificed to keep it locked away, over time the grave site was buried underneath the desert..Anyway it said that the blood of Pestilence was rumored to infect a person causing them to revive after death and spread the disease throughout the world, kind of like a "Undead Apocalypse"..Though it say's that a Herb can be used to reverse the effect's of the disease..

Lisa:"...Seriously?Your saying that we're going through a Apocalypse due to some blood on a sword from centuries ago, that sounds like crap!"

Aaron:"I never said it was believable, but it explains what's going on..Like it or not this isn't something the Military can handle..I don't know about you but I'm going to look for this herb, if I can find it I can at least help people who haven't changed yet.."

Aaron got up from his desk and walked towards the door, he looks back to Lisa..

Aaron:"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna try to fix that guy's mistake.."He said to her before walking back up to the house.

Lisa just stood there and thought about the current event's.I can't believe this..It's just too weird..Dead walking among people..A Apocalypse...What should I do...Finding Luke should be my first priority..He's stationed at the military base so maybe he's going to help in town..She made up her mind and ran up the stair's.


Chapter 3 | Survival End

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Chapter Four | Reunion

Aaron had just reached the top of the stairs and walked over to a large safe that was left by the door, he opened the large steel safe, as he did Lisa made it back up panting slightly.

Aaron:"...Did you make a decision Officer..?"

Lisa:"...Y-yeah..There's someone in town I need to find first but after that once we get him I'll help you out, I'm sure he'll help too.."She spoke while catching her breath.

Aaron smiled a little and grabbed a box of ammo that was for magnums, a gym bag, and tossed them to her.

Aaron:"..My name's Aaron...Aaron Sohm,nice to meet you.."He smiled once more.

Lisa caught the bag and ammo box.

Lisa:"Nice to meet you as well Aaron, My name's Lisa Walker..Don't make me regret my decision!!She spoke jokingly.

Aaron Grabbed another gym bag and filled it with some ammo for his gun, some first aid supplies, and a map of the city, after which he slammed the safe's door shut and started to walk back towards the Garage, Lisa followed close behind thinking of Luke and praying that he was able to stay alive.The two go inside the garage, Aaron walks up to a large object that had a black tarp over it her tore down the tarp revealing a Red Hummer, it looked as if it was a military hummer with the windows covered with steel only a slit in them to see outside.

Aaron:"Well..Let's get a move on then Lisa, where is this friend of yours?"

Lisa:"He should be stationed at the military base on the other side of D.C., He's supposed to be helping his friend with training exercises at the base hopefully he's still there securing the base for civilian's."

The two climb inside the Hummer, Aaron turns the key and hit's the gas the hummer launches out of the garage jumping into the air a little, He turns the vehicle and leaves the iron gates, once again he presses a button on the sun visor to close the gates to his home just in case they needed to return.

Aaron:"Well there's a Radio in here, if you want to try and contact him."He point's to glove compartment.

Lisa opened the glove compartment and saw a small hand radio designed for military use, she switched the radio's frequency to Luke's.

Lisa:"Luke...Come in, do you hear me?"Lisa spoke into it.

All they heard was static for the first minute,but the static soon broke out and a voice was heard.

Luke:"L...a,That y...?, I c..n b.....ly hear ...y..."Only jumbled words could be heard

Aaron punched it and drove down the dirt road clocking 65mph, trying to get closer to D.C. for better reception, the hummer bounced roughly on the road.

Lisa:"Luke please answer!? Are you OK!?"

Again nothing but static for a few moments.

Luke:"Yeah, I'm fine but what the hell is going on..We heard there was a terrorist attack at that museum and I couldn't contact you for awhile!?Are you OK!?"Panic could be heard in his voice.

Lisa:"Thank god...I'm fine, stay at the base we're coming after you!"

Luke:"We're? Who's with you?!"

Aaron slowed down so he could grab the radio from Lisa's hand.

Aaron:"Not important at the moment! The base is taking in Civilian's now isn't it!?"

Luke:"Y-yeah why?"

Aaron:"Make sure you get them examined by a doctor, I can't explain right now but it's some kinda of Viral Attack..A simple bite or scratch is what infects them! Hang in there a little longer and I'll try to explain the situation."He told him lying about what really is causing this..

Aaron handed the Radio back over to Lisa.

Lisa:"I know it sound's crazy but we've seen it ourselves, we barely made it out of there.."

Luke:"Right..OK I'll be waiting for your report Lisa..Luke Out!The Radio cut out.

The two make it to the city within 10 minutes, in the short time that passed the street's were covered in fire and bodies Army and Civilian alike, a few Undead are roaming the road, what ones came in front of the hummer were easily run over, the only thing the two heard was bones cracking and a little thud from driving over the body. They drive through the street's and eventually make it to the Army base that has been secured.

As they pull up in the blood stained hummer the men stationed at the base surround them guns aimed at the doors, They get out hands up and the men escort one to the male medical tent and the other to the female medical tent. The doctor's have them strip down to nothing check for fluid's or bite marks, They both pass, get dressed and are allowed to enter, they grab the gym bag's from inside the hummer and proceed inside the base. 10 minutes later they find Luke.

Luke:"Good your here Lisa!"Relief could be heard in his voice, he ran over to Lisa and hugged her tightly.

Lisa:"OK OK! Enough, I'm alive alright...She pushed him off,his bear hug was as tight as always.

Luke:"So this is the guy that knows what's going on? We found those infected and locked them up in the armory for the time being..So how about explaining what's going on.."He leads the two to a separate tent that is empty.

They enter the tent and sit at the table. Aaron explains the truth to Luke and gets him up to speed with the recent event's.

Luke:"You gotta be kidding me..If what your saying is true there's no cure aside from this plant?"

Aaron:"Sad to say, but that's what was inscribed onto the coffin Geist dug up...I think this herb has been discovered but I need some time to find out what kind of herb it is, the image on the coffin had details on how it looked.As he said that he got up and took a seat at another table taking out his personal terminal doing a image search of Herb's.

Luke:"...Can he be trusted Lisa?"

Lisa:"I think so he seems genuinely concerned about this, he's saved my life once already..I've decided to help him find it so we can save people who were infected and haven't changed.."

Luke:"Well..If you trust him then I will too and I'll be coming with you two, I can't just let you do this by yourself."

Lisa:"Your always watching my back, I swear you act like a brother more than anything."She giggled

Aaron:"Alright!! Found the herb, it's called...Yurba Yensa, It's a snow white herb,the only place it can grow in the U.S. is Alaska, it seems like it's only found in cold climates too.."


Luke:"Well, Choppers will probably be out of the question they'll reserve them for if a evacuation is ordered, and I'm sure they've forced local planes to land till this mess is cleared up, That only leaves ships really...

The three plan on how to get to Alaska to get the one thing that can stop the spread of the virus..


Chapter 4 Reunion Complete!

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I really like this story! It has a great storyline, and it looks like you've worked hard on it~

Thank you very much ^_^,I wanted it to be original.

I did work hard on it,It started as a RP 3-4 times just never got any active people but thanks to the RP I had a solid start on the chapters :3

I think I have 2-3 more chapters pre thought up in my head after that I'll have to think about where to go next xD

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Chapter Five | Farewell

The Three we're conversing on what their next move would be when a siren went off overhead, Lisa and Aaron grab their bags, they all stand up and rush outside the tent when they get out and into the base they see that a massive swarm of the undead we're swarming the base. As they overtake the front gate the military slowly retreat inside spraying the gate with machine-gun fire, bodies falling left and right but the mass of undead still enter inside the base, it seems like it's endless.

Luke:"..My god..There's so many of them.."His eye's got wide in disbelief

Aaron:"Damn..I didn't think it would spread like this so quickly.."

Lisa:"W-what do we do now.."

Luke:"No choice, the base will have to be evacuated..Let's get to the chopper pad and get outta here we need to get that herb as soon as possible!"

Luke guides the group to the Chopper Pad, gunfire can be heard everywhere along with the scream's of people.

Luke:"Can you fly this Aaron?"

Aaron:"Yeah shouldn't be a problem, I've had to fly these before I know the basic's.."

Aaron get's into the Pilot's seat and straps in, Lisa sits in the seat next to him and straps in as well they both put on the headset's, Lisa looks down and see's Luke standing on the ground still.

Lisa:"Come on Luke get inside! We gotta go now!"

Luke shook his head.

Luke:"You know by now I put people before myself, I'm staying till the uninfected are safely out of this mess go with Aaron and get the cure to this."

Lisa:"What!! NO I can't leave you behi--"

Luke:"LISA!! Go! This is my decision! I won't die here trust me! As soon as I get them to safety I'll follow behind you in a Chopper!"

Lisa didn't want to leave him behind, but he's always been stubborn, nothing she said would change his mind.

Lisa:"...Alright, but you better not die! You do and I'll come back to kick your ass!!"Tear's were in her eye's when she spoke those words.

Lisa closed the chopper door, Aaron closed his as well and started up the chopper the blades begin to spin, Luke ducks and walks to the outer edge of the pad, the blades spin faster and the chopper begins to lift off the ground and soar's off, Lisa kept watching her Partner till she couldn't see the base anymore.

Aaron:"Try not to worry too much."


Before she could finish that sentence a announcement was aired over all military frequencies.

Radio:"Attention All Military Personnel, The President has been safely taken aboard Air Force One, the contamination has spread too quickly and the President has ordered the bombing of Washington D.C., All Military Personnel are ordered to evacuate within 20 minutes.

Repeat:A Bombing of Washington D.C. will happen in 20 minutes, Evacuate all Military outposts.."

Lisa:"No! We have to go get Luke!"

Lisa frantically grabs the radio and tries to tell Luke but they are out of range.

Aaron:"We're too far away...Even if I turn around we'll never get back in time.."He said to her biting his lip.

Lisa hits the console and looks down her hair blocking her face tears running down her face.The chopper keeps heading towards the northwest.


Luke watched as the chopper with Lisa and Aaron fly off towards the northwest, when it went out of sight he smiled and spoke to himself."Take care Lisa..Live on..", He went back towards the main gate he grab's a machine gun and a few clips from a soldiers corpse.

Luke:"Sorry pal, I need to borrow this for awhile..."

Luke loads the gun and hears some people screaming, he run's over towards the screams and see's a small group of people surrounded by the dead, he unloads ammo onto the small horde killing 3 of the undead bastards, the others slowly turn and move towards Luke they moved quickly, Luke shot 2 more in the head causing brain's to blow out onto the ground in front of the group. The Last two manage to get close to Luke he hits one with the butt of his gun and shoots his head, the last one manages to bite his right forearm, he screams loudly before taking a knife from his side and stabbing it in the face.

Luke:"You sorry son of a..."He said before kicking the corpse off of him he waved at the people and lead them to a hummer he passed, he hotwired it for them, as the people thanked him before leaving, the Radio in the hummer announced something.

Radio:"Attention All Military Personnel, The President has been safely taken aboard Air Force One, the contamination has spread too quickly and the President has ordered the bombing of Washington D.C., All Military Personnel are ordered to evacuate within 20 minutes.

Repeat:A Bombing of Washington D.C. will happen in 20 minutes, Evacuate all Military outposts.."

The people offered to get him out of there with them but he shook his head saying "When your bitten your screwed." He told them to get moving and head to Alaska where a cure could be found. The people he saved thanked him once more before speeding out of the base running over zombies.

Luke:"Sorry Lisa, looks like I won't be able to come after you.."He growled and decided to take down as many zombies as possible.

18 Minutes pass and Luke finally run's out of ammo, zombies start to surround him he fall's on his butt and looks up at the night sky flames and smoke fill the air..

Luke:"Wanted to see the night sky one more time..."He said to himself, he heard the bomber jet's coming in and closed his eyes.

A minute later the bomb's are dropped over the military base exploding destroying the Zombies and Luke in a fiery blaze, the bombers continue bombing D.C. trying to eliminate the outbreak before it spreads to the rest of the State.


Chapter Five | Farewell End

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Sorry about the wait,been hooked on a MMO lately XD,This'll be a short chapter for the two main characters to kind of bond.


Chapter 6 | Legacy

The helicopter was very quiet, the two never spoke, it's been 8 hours since they left the base in D.C. by now they're over Wisconsin.

Aaron:"...I'm sorry Lisa...For not turning back.."Breaking the silence of the Chopper.

Lisa didn't respond and just kept staring outside the cockpit to the ground, Aaron was getting tired from the long trip, he looked for a clearing in the forest below, when he spotted one he began to land the helicopter slowly. As the Helicopter touched the ground Aaron cut the engine. Aaron get's up and goes into the back of the chopper, he find's a few tent setups, MREs with cooking supplies, and a machete for survival, He takes the gear and walk's outside, he spends a hour setting up the annoyingly difficult tent's even army ones seem overly complicated to set up.

He get's up and walk's back to the chopper, he open's Lisa's door.

Aaron:"I set up a tent for you...If you want to rest go ahead, I'm going to get some Firewood..."He closed the door slightly and walked into the wood's.

Lisa opened the door and walked outside, she looked at the bright sky, the sun beaming down on the forest. She thought about Luke, he was always stubborn, even if they went back they may have died with him...and people looking for a cure would probably never find it..She went inside the tent Aaron had made for her and decided to rest her eyes for a bit.

8 more hour's pass, Lisa wake's up and notices the fire, she walk's outside the tent and sits by the fire that was carefully made a tall wall of rock's keeping the flames controlled, Aaron was inside his tent resting, He did his best to make the situation better for them, She picked up a few MRE's and began to prepare them, 20 minutes later the aroma woke Aaron up from his slumber and walked outside his tent.

Aaron:"Oh, you're awake.."

Lisa:"Yeah...Sorry about the silence..I shouldn't have blocked you out...I just couldn't wrap my head around Luke's death.."

Aaron:"Don't worry about it, Least you didn't slug me."He said jokingly

The two laughed for a bit and ate the meal's they stared into the night sky.

Aaron:"One thing you can do for Luke you know..."

Lisa:"..And what's that?"

Aaron:"You can be his Legacy and live on in his place.."


Chapter 6 End

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 7 | Rest and Relaxation

Note that this chapter is to break from the death and destruction of the main story

Also there's a bath scene that end's with some awkwardness so I'll try not to get graphic XD

Current Events:A week has passed since the bombing of Washington D.C., The Press have been on constantly with updates over the situation surrounding the "Risen Undead" situation, the bombing attempt failed and the surrounding states were sucked into the outbreak of undead.


Aaron and Lisa's chopper has run out of fuel near the town of Helena, Montana, the chopper landed safely and the two now travel on foot towards the town.

Aaron:"..Damn, I was really hoping that chopper's fuel would have lasted longer.."He grumbled

Lisa:"Can't be helped, I'm surprised it got us this far..Besides I was starting to get claustrophobic in that tin can.."

The two finally get out of the wood's and find themselves on the highway, they see a sign..

Lisa:"Let's see....Helena 7 miles...Damn.."

Aaron:"Well no point just standing here let's get going, I doubt the outbreak has reached this far west in that short amount of time.."

The two walk down the highway headed towards Helena, 3 hour's pass and night fall's, the two finally reach the outskirts of the city, the town is small and look's normal.

Lisa:"I'm bushed...Let's find a hotel, get a decent meal..I am not eating Squirrel again..."

Aaron laughed at the comment and replied

Aaron:"Oh come on it wasn't that bad was it?"

She cocked her head away from him and walked into the town, They find a small hotel, named The Red Velvet, Aaron and Lisa walk inside.

Man behind the counter:"Welcome, How may I help you today?"

Aaron:"We'd like a single room for the nig--"Before he finishes his sentence Lisa grabs the collar of his shirt and drag's him to the side.

Lisa:"Hold ON, Why a Single! Are you trying something!!"She said whispering.

Aaron:"Well, do you have alot of cash on you at the moment..?"He replied


Aaron:"Then quit complaining, I don't have alot of cash on me since we had to escape D.C., If I blow it on 2 singles we'll have to eat Squirrel again.."

Lisa:"Dammit....Fine, but if you try anything I'll kick your ass!"


Aaron walk's back over to the man behind the desk, requests a single for the night, Pays and sign's a piece of paper.

Man behind the counter:"Alright...Mr.Sohm, here's your key please enjoy your stay..."

Aaron takes the key, the two reach their room, Aaron unlocks the door and the two walk inside, once inside the two see that everything is red and silky, pillow's are shaped into heart and the two fall silent.

Lisa:"...Are we in one of "Those" Hotels...?"Her voice stutter's at the thought..

Aaron:"...Well nothing we can do about it, go ahead and take the bed I'll sleep on the...Floor.."He was reluctant to sleep on the floor even though the room looked spotless there could be stuff they can't see..

Aaron drop's the bag's with their gear/supplies on a red chair shaped like a heart, He check's his wallet.

Aaron:"Well seems like this town's fine for now, so I think I'll go get us something to eat why don't you relax and take it easy."He said before walking outside locking the door behind him.

Lisa:"Least I'll be able to eat something soon, but it's been too long since I've been able to get cleaned up..."She checked the door making sure it was locked.

Lisa walked into the gaudy bathroom full of red and white, she examined the tub.

Lisa:"Hmm..No shower head..Guess I'll have to take a bath.."

Sighing slightly she takes off her clothing tossing it onto the bed in the other room, she return's to the bathroom and turns on the water to the tub, gets it to the right temperature, and get's in, she spends a half hour cleaning herself up and enjoying the bath, She didn't notice how much time she spent in the tub, A Few minutes later Aaron uses his key to open up the door to the room and walking inside his arm's full with food for the night.

Aaron:"Hey Lisa, I'm back.."He yelled out into the room.

Lisa jumped, she never even noticed that the door opened, she get's out of the tub taking on of the short red towel's, wrapping it around her supple body, it barely cover's her.

Lisa:"W-welcome back...H-hey Aaron...Could you do me a favor...?"

Aaron:"Uhh sure, lemme just set this stuff down first.."He said before setting the food onto a table.

Lisa:"U-uhmm can you hand me my clothes that are on the bed..."

Aaron:"Sure hang on.."He responded grabbing her clothing off the bed, he tried not to look at them.

Aaron:"I got 'em..."

She cracked the door, Aaron walked towards the door but trip's causing him to stumble into the door knocking Lisa on her back, Aaron fall's on her his head landing in between her chest, silence again fills the room he looks up to her face only to see a extremely pissed off look, she raised her fist.

Lisa:"YOU BLOODY FREAKING PERVERT!!!!!!"All that could be heard was a thud.

10 Minute's Later

Aaron sits at the table eating some Pizza with one hand and holding a Ice pack on his right eye in his other, Lisa still has her pissed off look eating her salad.

Aaron:"...It was a accident you know...I didn't see anything..."

Lisa:"Don't care...Your head was on my chest!"She yelled out at him

He took the ice pack from his eye a moment, Lisa looked up to see his eye, she really clocked him good...

Lisa:"But...I am sorry that I hit you that hard, I really meant to just slap you..."

Aaron:"It's fine, this day's been tense even though none of those things are around..."

The two finish eating, Lisa get's into the bed, Aaron places some towels on the ground and lies down to sleep.

Aaron:"Good night Lisa..."

Lisa:"Good Night..."

The two fall asleep and the day ends.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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Chapter 8 | Renew

It's been 7 days since Aaron and Lisa have arrived into the small town of Helena, Montana. The two have been doing odd job's in order to get money for the next leg of their trip to Alaska.

Meanwhile the Media has been covering the events of the Outbreak everyday, at the moment the media reports that the situation is "stable" for the time being, the military has sealed off the eastern states from Michigan down to Mississippi, they dispatched the Army to protect the new A.O.B.((Anti-Outbreak Barrier)) and the Navy to send bombing planes into the states as well as bombard the eastern seaboard with gunfire, Canada and Mexico have severed ties with the U.S. and sealed off the borders having their military's guard the border killing anyone who attempt's to pass, Human and Infected alike...


Aaron clicks the T.V. off and lay's down on the bed of their hotel room, Lisa is out working as a Waitress in a local resturant to help fund their trip.

Aaron:"Dammit...only been a week since this shit started and already the eastern part of the U.S. is gone..."He sits up and rubs his eye's.

He opens up his bag and starts packing the Ammo, Guns , Maps, and supplies into the duffel bags, all they need now is enough money for food.

Aaron:"This is bad, I figured we'd be able to keep it from getting out of hand but...At the rate it's spreading the U.S. might be gone by the time we get this Yurba Yensa herb..."He zipped up the bags and placed them in the air vent before laying down to rest.

5 Hour's pass and the door open's, walking inside the room is a tired Lisa, she locks the door behind her and walks over to the bed Aaron is lying on, not even caring that he's there she gets on the bed and lays on it, her head resting on Aarons chest. Aaron feels the bed move and starts to wake up, he looks down to see a exhausted Lisa passed out on him.

Aaron:"Heh..Guess she had a rough day..."He lifted her up and placed her in the bed covering her up with the cover, he made his spot on the ground and went back to sleep.

Morning comes and the two wake up from their sleep and eat breakfast.

Aaron:"How'd you sleep Lisa..?"He said while eating his breakfast muffin.

Lisa:"Very well thanks and good news I got my paycheck and my tips yesterday, we can officially leave this town!"She slid a envelope over to Aaron, his eyes widen at how much she'd gotten in just that little time..

Aaron:"Good I'm tired of sleeping on the floor, My back's all stiff now.."He said before arching his back popping his spine slightly.

Lisa:"Hehe..You could have stayed with me that time, I didn't mind it this time since we've been working together for awhile..I trust you more.."She said with a smile on her face

Lisa:"Thanks for tucking me in too..."

Aaron:"S-sure.."He figured she was asleep when he did that..

The two finish their meal, Aaron grabs their supplies from the air vent and the two leave the hotel, they get a rental car and begin their trip to Alaska.

Lisa:"So how are we getting to Alaska..?"

Aaron:"We'll have to grab a ship in Washington, Canada has sealed off their border from the U.S. and are killing anyone that attempt to cross...So taking a boat is our safest gamble at the moment.."

Lisa:"WHAT!? Why would they do that!!"

Aaron:"Think about it....The people of their country are scared to death that it'll spread to their homeland, We would do the same if it was them..."

Silence filled the car once again, The two now begin their trip to Washington.


Chapter 8 End,Note that some serious crap will hit the fan in chapter 10 or 11

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I see we have another hidden gem in the Lit section. Love the way you organized the chapters, the story as a whole is pretty easy to navigate through (only suggestion: space after commas to avoid cluttering your sentences).

The story itself has a great premise; Lisa’s bio reminds me of a cross between Tomb Rader and Jill Valentine from Resident Evil (I agree profiles make it easier to grasp the characters). I like the way you gave multiple perspectives on that night at the museum as well, it really helped pull my interest into the story. One question, if Aaron’s house is so loaded with artifacts, hummers, and remote controlled fence, why is he strapped for cash at a hotel? Also seems 5 days would be a little early for Lisa to get paid at a grocery store, I could see her making tips as a waitress.

Great job so far overall! I am looking forward to your next chapter. *subscribes*

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I see we have another hidden gem in the Lit section. Love the way you organized the chapters, the story as a whole is pretty easy to navigate through (only suggestion: space after commas to avoid cluttering your sentences).

The story itself has a great premise; Lisa’s bio reminds me of a cross between Tomb Rader and Jill Valentine from Resident Evil (I agree profiles make it easier to grasp the characters). I like the way you gave multiple perspectives on that night at the museum as well, it really helped pull my interest into the story. One question, if Aaron’s house is so loaded with artifacts, hummers, and remote controlled fence, why is he strapped for cash at a hotel? Also seems 5 days would be a little early for Lisa to get paid at a grocery store, I could see her making tips as a waitress.

Great job so far overall! I am looking forward to your next chapter. *subscribes*

First off thanks for helping my ego some xD I've been a little worried that my last few chapters are a bit shaky.

As mentioned before this was a Original RP I started on a few forum's but sadly died off rather quickly ((Normally ended at the mansion T_T)),So I liked how each person saw thing's differently than the other.

As for the question's.

1st. The thing is during all the commotion in D.C.,I would figured at the time Aaron wasn't thinking on money just survival, During all this chaos who knows how long before the undead would have gotten to his home, So I figured that the last thing on his mind at the time would money. I may edit that chapter later on and try to clarify this just in case :3.

and as for Lisa I'll probably go back and edit it to a week or so I just didn't want it to seem like they we're wasting too much time in the town,I do like the waitress idea a bit more so I may use that if thats alright with ya.

hope that help's ^_^

EDIT: Made fixes and a few small edit's.

Chapter 7 has a small part saying why Aaron has little money on hand. Chapter 8 will be edited soonish with a small fix or two

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I've been swamped with Graphic work,Ranking's on SDGO,and other crap I have put this post off for too long so sorry for the long wait.

Chapter 9 | Onwards to the Sea Part 1

Aaron and Lisa have been on the road for 3 days and finally reach the west coast of Washington, they have been getting closer and closer to each other everyday, talking about their lives.

Aaron:"Phew we're almost to...What was it called Greyland?"

Lisa:"Yeah, we're about 12 miles from it, hopefully we can find a boat and get there without any trouble.."

The two talk to each other making the time pass quickly, as they pull into the port town Greyland they decide to rest before finding a boat to Alaska. They pull up to a hotel and get a room, the two go into their room and crash till morning.


Morning comes quickly and the two wake up and get ready, they get cleaned up,eat breakfast,and drive to the docks, they get out of the vehicle.

Aaron:"Well... There's alot of em here so I don't think we'll have any trouble finding a boat."

Lisa:"Should we find a owner?"

Aaron:"..Nah, we can just take one no ones even watching the docks."

They grab their supplies from the car and get onto a small Cabin Crusier, Lisa Hotwires the boats engines while Aaron puts their supplies into the room below, Lisa finally gets the boat to start and begins to move.

Aaron:"Good she got it to move." He walks up out of the lower room and sees Lisa driving the boat

Aaron:"Huh didn't know you could pilot a ship.."

Lisa:"Yeah, Luke used to take me out one week of the year, we spent time fishing on the ocean."

Aaron:"I see, well I'll leave it to you for now, just let me know when you need a break and I'll take over.." He walked back to the lower room and rested on the bed.


Chapter 9 Part 1 done I'll have part two up later

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Chapter 9 | Onwards to the Sea Part 2

It's been a day and a half since Aaron and Lisa have set sail to Alaska, Heavy fog has rolled in forcing the two to set the boats anchor down and rest.

Lisa:"Well look's like we may be here awhile.."

Aaron:"Fog normally clears up pretty fast so we might get lucky.."

They go below deck and decide to rest in the cabin, 3 hours pass by and the waves crash against the boat, the boat begins to rock roughly waking Aaron and Lisa from their sleep.

Aaron:"...What the hell, the water shouldn't be this rough..."

Lisa:"Lets go up top and see whats going on!"

The two get up and stumble to the door, the boat still rocking very hard, as Aaron opens the door the butt of a rifle gets slammed into his face knocking him out, the man who knocked Aaron out comes down to Lisa.

Lisa:"Who the he--" The man struck Lisa in the gut knocking her out as well.

Man:"Well...We found some new subjects, Men take these 2 to the Cruiser, take any and all supplies they have and blow the ship up.." The man yells out as other men rummage through the ship cabin, as the fog clears a battleship can be seen in the distance pulling closer to the boat Aaron and Lisa were on.

The Man who knocked out Lisa and Aaron puts them inside a boat and starts heading back to the battleship, minutes later the other men who stormed the boat take the supplies and set the boat on fire before leaving.The Man and his crew return to the ship and he stares at the two people he just captured.

Man:"For now toss them into the brig with the others, the doctor needs to quit going through test subjects so quickly..."

Crew member:"Aye Capt'n, I'll put em with the others!"

The crew members toss Aaron and Lisa into a cell with other people.


Chapter 9 Ended

Author's Note

This is the start of the "Corrupt" part of the storyline you will have many new things to look forward too ^_^, Including new characters and new twists to the undead!

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