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A world with no religion

Dan Den

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A world without religion would be a world without morals. Human beings are born selfish. If you disagree with this, why do we have to teach small children to share or not to lie to keep from getting in trouble (protecting oneself at possible expense of others? sounds like selfishness to me)? even better question, without religion, why would sharing be considered a good thing, something to be taught? morality itself is an act of unselfishness. religion provides a higher purpose than selfishness as reason for action. fundamentally speaking, most religions speak against actions such as murder, theft or coveting, adultery, rape, lying etc. Yes it is true that many laws are based in religion and the Bible, but would these things be considered bad without a higher standard than ones own self interest?? murder in order to gain then becomes the standard of self-satisfaction, obviously a model we do not want to follow.

as to the issue of religion causing wars issues...yes, it does. When 2 groups of people meet with ideals that radically oppose one another, you get what happens in Congress today...a lot of shouting and show, some people take hits, and either a stalemate or victory occurs (and yes, sometimes it even comes to blows).

religion is an idea that people believe in strongly enough to fight for. if you are not willing to fight for something, you will be bullied and walked on (anyone ever hear of the Velvet Revolution?). its kinda like that bully who will pick on you till you break his nose and then he stops. can you blame someone for going to war for an ideal? if so, the idea of democracy itself should be scrapped.

in summary, religion builds the basis for unselfish action. some say that unselfishness or a desire to help someone because it is the right thing to do. without religion, these actions are not for the glory of God, but glory of oneself, and hence selfishness.

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Everyone will have their respective and different views on things. A world without religion would be in the modern world a place without cause.

Religion is something people put faith in for that doing good deeds [or what is considered good] will reward them after their life has passed.

In a sense it would be for a lot of people a goal to achieve not for the deity of that religion but for the purpose of just doing.

Religion itself is just beliefs, crossing out what we know as religion would be redefining what we know as how to describe believing in something.

Our world is not perfect with or without religion it wont change much, but the base of the modern world.

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Religion, in my personal opinion, is a scapegoat, if anything bad happens, we blame it on the devil, everything good in our lives, we attribute to god, so in a world without religion, people would take responsibility for their actions more, and ultimately start thinking for themselves, and we wouldn't let the various Popes get away with touching little boys. So I guess you could say that a world without religion would be a lot like Fallout 3, and I personally think that would be pretty great.

Though, I'm not gonna lie and say that kind of world would be ideal, because we also wouldn't have Assassin's Creed, God of War, or Dante's Inferno, because religion would've never been there to able to influence them in the first place. So in the end it really boils down to a choice between living in our current world, or living in a world without the most bad-assest video games ever.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't give a rat's ass about religion. It's all bull shit that doesn't matter. But that doesn't mean I'm an atjeo. Por que yo qreo en dios a lo ma bueno. Y si quiren matar me por eso pues no puedo hacer na pa que creen en lo que yo creo pa que no me matan. Tu save. Como que to pueden creerr en lo que le dan la gana, por que no me importa. Pero, no importa el religion por que toa son los mismo. Todo creen en un o mas dios y lo que no lo crean no tienen rason para vivir, por que todo de lo que hablan es para cambiar te la miente y no paran haste que lo hace. Si, creo que religion no es nessesario pero, si creo en un dios y siempre voy a creerr en un dios, en mi dios.

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  • 1 year later...

A world without religion would be a world without morals. Human beings are born selfish. If you disagree with this, why do we have to teach small children to share or not to lie to keep from getting in trouble (protecting oneself at possible expense of others? sounds like selfishness to me)? even better question, without religion, why would sharing be considered a good thing, something to be taught? morality itself is an act of unselfishness. religion provides a higher purpose than selfishness as reason for action.


I think morals come more from evolution than some religious belief. There are plenty of examples in nature of animals that work together and share in order to survive. These animals are usually at the top of the food chain. That's because many are greater than one. I think religion gets credit because we created gods before we figured out evolution.


I think a world without religion would be a world where intelligent thought reigns supreme.

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A world without religion? It'd be great until some drunken fool, sat on his arse one night,  is staring at the stars with his mates.....and out of nowhere he pops the question "Do you ever wonder what happens after you die?"


Bam, religion is born. The majority of people suffer with the concept of no life after death, you simply cease to exist forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. It's just so much more appealing to think that we all go to some place in the sky where we find true happiness and are absolved of our sins etc etc. 


Humanity hates inconvenient truths so we plaster over them with shallow lies, whatever lets our minds be at ease whilst we go about the daily rat race. 


That's not to say I don't believe in 'something' I'm not so narrow minded as to not at least keep one foot in the door of a prospective afterlife. Because lets face it, the idea of death terrifies us all deep down. We just choose not to dwell on it.

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  • 9 months later...

A world without religion; we're brought into this world, we grow, we mature, we adapt, we evolve as a species. Its either we don't care, expect a meaningful ending or believe that the journey of life itself is worth enjoying until the very end. Ask yourself this; am I being prepared for a test, or am I being tested now?

Are you living life the best way you can? or are you living life based on how you were taught?

Before I get ahead of myself I'll make a simple point; everything that exists and knows it is capable of self concept, everything that exists has a purpose wherever it may be. "I'm myself because I know I'm not you"


at some point while reading this you may think,"MAN! ANOTHER ONE!?" someone who thinks he can wrap his mind around religion. IT does not matter whether religion exists or not, there's something more important that religion we need to understand; sadly, I'm in no position to tell you what it is.

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world without religion would only exist for so long because at some point someone would "make" a god to follow before going haywire crazy.

as said before by DrumRoll,most absolutely cannot deal with the fact that when you die,you're dead.

examples,"hes in a better place"or if someone had died before them "hes with x person now" etc etc


now,plz dont misunderstand-something somewhere made the world or atleast the barebones of it

everything is created,thats just fact

many times i wonder if we're just some kids "ant farm"


in any case, i digress,

no religion,people go crazy pondering death,invent religion,yay people happy and follow like a mindless herd.


as u can see,im not quite pro religion



i still find it tuff to believe its a circle xD so its ez to see why people saw it as flat

i mean think about it,someones standing "upside down" on the opposite end of your place in the world haha

but as for that witch thing...wow just wow..it makes me sad really :/

Edited by HeavenlyClassic
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I heard about that horrable movie today and I want to watch it as a comedy so i can laugh at the stupidty of these crazy people.


cellphone call today:


mmm mmm

mmm mmm

mmm mmm

me: hello?

mom: harrooo dear

me: ah whats up

mom: i have found something really wonderful.

me: you have an ability to find the most retarding fucking shit.  Ok what do you have this time? mlm's , email scams , colloidal silver from the "health food store" , homeopathic money wasters?  Im not even mad you have a gift.

mom: .........

me: and holy fucking christ stop saying we are "in the end times"  people are starting to think you are crazy or some shit.

mom: we we are in the end times dear.

me: my hairy ass we are, we got internet now and high speed porn things are great.

mom: dont take this name in vein.

me: oh not that nonsense again.

me: so what did you want and why are you not texting i showed you how to do it.

mom: well i went to the box that is red to find a movie and saw one titled "god is not dead" and decided i got it and want  you to come down to the house and we can all watch it so we can prove jesus is real.

me: you cant prove he is real

mom: this movie does

me: religion is for people who fear death and are too stupid to understand this life is all they got and waste it in church.

mom: you have not been to church in years son.

me: thats because im clearly not stupid

mom:  when the three days of darkness comes you are going to die

me: oh fuck not that shit again

mom: I got a computer webpage up that proves it real.

me: i am going to need to install a proxy on your computer to filter out keywords in pages that contain like: religion,god, ect ill make a huge filter list

mom: whats that?

me: oh nothing dont worry your computer is broken again i need to fix it

mom: oh ok

me: ill be over to your house to work on your truck again in a few hours watch the movie with out me.

mom: i want you over here so we can save your soul.

me: i get really tired of you throwing holy water at me i mean for fuck sake i dont do that to you.

mom: well you are possesed with a spirit of satain and need to find jesus.

me: i found jesus and he does my font yard, really hard worker.

mom: huh

me: stop calling me 15 times a day, once or twice is enough for most matters

mom: well ill have to pray for you.

me: ill go kill a goat and make a blood sacrafice to bring rain to my field of corn.

mom: huh

me: same thing really

mom: huh

me: dont over think it

me: im kinda in the middle of making a project in c++ can you call back later

mom:celia plutas?

me: huh

mom: did you say celia plutas?

me: who is that

me: ok bye bye

mom: bye dear


oh fml sometimes







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