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Talena Mae

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Losing your favorite toy is a hard thing to accept. You think... no you know that it might still be out there somewhere. But that somewhere is always beyond your reach. Confronted with the hardest acceptance of your 5 year life, what else can you do but kneel on the ground and sob?

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Lol wut?

Right now we're under a tornado warning... In January.

It was 71° last Friday... IN JANUARY.

I have no idea what's going on with the weather right now. I miss the good old days when it actually snowed in the winter. Not when you could go outside in shorts and t-shirt in the middle of January. ಠ_ಠ

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Lol wut?

Right now we're under a tornado warning... In January.

It was 71° last Friday... IN JANUARY.

I have no idea what's going on with the weather right now. I miss the good old days when it actually snowed in the winter. Not when you could go outside in shorts and t-shirt in the middle of January. ಠ_ಠ


I have never known a snowy winter, here in aussie we have 2 types of summer, a nice summer (winter and autum) and a hot summer (summer and spring).

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Winter here has been so horribly lame the past few years, it's depressing. We had snow this season for one day, and only for maybe two hours.


Same thing for North Dakota. Last time I went home, it was just windy. I guess this year they actually got snow, which figures since it's the one year I don't go home for the season.

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Cali's in a cold snap right now, and it's locally comparatively very cold :(. At night the feel index puts us at below freezing (actual temp's in the mid 30s). That's pretty much unheard of :(. Right now it's actually sunny, and if not for the wind it would be an amazingly nice day. Sadly, every time the wind blows it's like a cold steel that blows away all feeling in your hands.

Back in Hawaii, it's hot ^^; Hawaii's got 6 general weather patterns: warm, hot, muggy, and for all 3 of those it can be paired with rainy or sunny. Rain and sun may switch every 5 minutes.

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i used to like this girl and after making it known to her, we became friends to the point where we used to go to each other's home and hang out. However she recently told me she had a boyfriend all this time and thus i slowly avoided her in every way i can till i no longer talk to her. Now a while ago she comes to me and in summary tell me its over and i'm like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? we weren't even together in the first place. She says i am selfish bcuz i avoided her and made her feel like she has done something wrong and other shit thats all about how she feels and man i was so upset to the point where i was lost for words and could only asked her to kindly fuck off cause i didn't realize how selfish and thoughtless this girl really is about how big a fool i feel for being played and she says i'm the piece of shit for not giving her attention and not being being aware that a girl has feelings. Man no wonder most people don't give love a try. The time i tried with her was my honest to god first and now its my last

Edited by Kyle_Dimetri_09
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I used to give up on love like you..



I was going to attempt an "arrow in the knee" joke here... but I couldn't think of a way to make it work the way I wanted to.



Everyone has issues, this is the secret to a healthy relationship, acknowledge it and learn to deal with it.


Finding out she had a boyfriend should have stopped you from being her friend. The fact that it did points more to lust rather than love. Regardless, When you fall off of a horse, or a bike, or whatever metaphoric riding thing you want to use, you don't stop trying, you pick your ass up, dust yourself off, and try again. Yes, you'll probably fall down a few more times, that's how you learn.

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Yeah, giving up after the first time seems a bit soon. Precious few, if any, people get love and romance right on the first try. The rest of us just have to keep trucking and figure it out. Same with most any other thing you want to do--few people are virtuosos the moment they pick up an instrument, few are master golfers from the first time they pick up a club. You might suck at it at first, you might have no idea what you want to do or what you even want, but you just keep trying until it does click.


That's why I'm almost always annoyed when people pick on celebrities for dating a lot of people. As if nobody else does it, as if they're supposed to become bitter cynics after their first failed relationship. Oh wait, then people would bitch about how they've become bitter cynics and how they're such downers.

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