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Talena Mae

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I love that shit. x D

The best thing to ever come out of Cartoon Network was Johnny Bravo. :)

It really is! I didn't think much of it when I was little but now that I've been watching the series again I've noticed the funniest fucking back handed jokes that have made me laugh so hard! That shit's the bee's knees!

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Rah, I feel terrible. The person training me at the library sent me an email yesterday afternoon offering me the day off because she isn't coming in today and can't train me, and I didn't read it until this morning. I am going to take the day off because Java and I both have appointments today--the timing would have been a little close but workable if I did go today, but I feel bad I didn't read it until now because I slept for most of the afternoon yesterday, what with the whole feeling like a zombie and being in infernal pain thing. (It's a wonder I didn't pass out by the romance novels yesterday, all things considered.)

I'm just gonna sit in the corner and think about what I did.


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It's my dream too, EO. At this point, I'm lucky if I get any asks at all and they're usually about why I haven't posted a fanfic in a while oops. I guess I'm a porn supplier for some people XD

So I keep falling asleep at weird ass times lately. Like tonight, I fell asleep at 1 or so and I woke up 20 minutes ago not tired at all @w@

Edited by Loki
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If I get asks, they're usually from friends I made back in tech school or people giving me my commissions. Aww ye. Or responses to asks that I sent.

If only I were more controversial.

I am so tired of people on Skyrim Confessions saying the Hearthfire DLC is the Sims for the Elder Scrolls. These people have obviously never played the Sims and are severely distressed when people play their games in a manner different from their own. I'm gonna


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How dare they not loot and pillage or whatever you do in Skyrim. Honestly, I love fantasy games that let you do pretty much whatever you want. I used to play an MMO that was very much into letting you cook, craft things, simply wander around, or a number of other things in addition to a combat system. Games like that are what I enjoy the most.

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I do a lot of looting and not a lot of pillaging because I like not being in jail, but I still need a place to put my crap because I steal everything that isn't on fire or bolted down (I still try, just in case).

The nice thing about the houses you build in Hearthfire is you have all the things you could possibly need (a place to cook, an alchemy table, an enchanter's table, a forge/smelter/leather tanner, place to sleep, a garden, a stable for your horse, &c) in one area, in addition to being able to choose three different attachments to the house--if you want more bookshelves, there's a library attachment. If you want to bake foods, there's a kitchen attachment. If you want a greenhouse, you can build the best greenhouse in the universe. And it can be cheaper, if you build all the crap yourself instead of making your housecarl buy things for you.

Because like hell my Dragonborn is sleeping in a dankass dungeon every night--she's an Altmer. She has standards. And a penchant for valuable items, regardless of method of obtainment.

I think it was mentioned in a Cracked article that someone made it to the level cap in WoW without ever fighting or being violent or even doing quests. It's just ridiculous to me that in a game/series that touts an extremely immersive environment, people get upset at features meant to improve immersion like building a house, having a family, and getting married.

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In WoW you can level by gathering materials. Mining and herbalism give decent exp, archaeology gives good too. There are also many peaceful daily quests, such as the cooking and fishing quests in Stormwind.

Keep in mind that it would take quite awhile to level up by these methods. But you would be quite rich once you sold all of those materials on the auction house.

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I think a lot of the people who do things like that have likely already reached the level cap the "regular" way, perhaps even several times, and are looking for ways to challenge themselves because they're otherwise bored of the game. When the game's max difficulty isn't enough, applying your own set of restrictions can be pretty fun--I see a lot of people do it for other sandbox type games or when they generally have a lot of options and potential paths to advance along.

People are likely to play into their comfort zone which can get boring for games that never end. Like the way I play in Skyrim, I prefer to sneak and pick enemies off from afar. If I do end up in melee combat, I dual-wield knives. And I wear light armour. You'll never see me go charging into battle with heavy armour and a two-handed weapon (also because I don't own any of these things, making it less likely to happen). This is the way I tend to play other games when given the chance.

Or even the way I play the Sims--everyone marries their high school sweetheart. Nobody cheats, breaks up, or divorces. They have exactly one child while they're young adults and then they get kind of ignored as elders. They reach the tops of their careers and stay there. The cycle begins anew with the next generation. Everyone dies of old age barring any accidents. Nobody learns how to fish or garden because I'm a terrible human being. The endless cycle gets boring.

In first playthroughs of a lot of games, I tend towards lawful good/neutral, depending. I very rarely commit intentionally malicious or evil acts in games. When I replay a game, though, after feeling like I played it "the real way", that's when I'll start doing random stuff and things I normally don't do.

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Haha. Yes, I've been watching you play games from my secret spy satellite in the sky.


I thought everyone would naturally be sneaky at Skyrim because it's pretty easy to go about the game that way, but then Java and my roommate started playing and they just kind of bowl their way through dungeons, whipping their broadswords and axes around like maniacs. They also don't save their game as much as I do, or least my roommate doesn't.

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Or even the way I play the Sims--everyone marries their high school sweetheart. Nobody cheats, breaks up, or divorces. They have exactly one child while they're young adults and then they get kind of ignored as elders. They reach the tops of their careers and stay there. The cycle begins anew with the next generation. Everyone dies of old age barring any accidents. Nobody learns how to fish or garden because I'm a terrible human being. The endless cycle gets boring.

My sims could only dream of such a peaceful god. Let me use my latest Simstuck house for an example. Dave, John, Gamzee, and Feferi live together. Dave and John are married, with Gamzee and Fef together. I have a same sex pregnancy mod, so John had Dave's baby [named Jeff oops] and Gamzee and Fef had a child named uhhhh I can't remember actually. Gamferi or something like that. Anyway, after their kids were born, Dave and Gamzee started smooching on each other while John was at work and when he came back and Dave was busy with the kid, John and Gamzee woohoo'd and John got pregnant while Fef got pregnant with her second child. When that troll/human hybrid is born, John's going to have some serious explaining to do. Some of this was me, some of this was something called ACR that autonomates romance u wu;

I like to ruin their relationships and have them build them up again. And in one household I was playing, I would RNG a goal for them and what badges they would have to earn along with with job and what their relationship was going to be along with how many kids they would have and how they were going to come across those kids.

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