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Lucid Dreaming


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Its when you fall asleep without losing consciousness basically. So you have really vivid dreams. Just lie down without moving and let your mind wander. After a while you will be conpletely relaxed and will start having really awesome dreams that you can actually remember afterwards. But it takes a bit of practise to be able to do it well. If you want some research then check this out.


Also, post about your experiences with this.

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i have those often! the last one i had i was getting to the bus for my high school, then the prime minister of australia was the bus driver, which confused me to no end. we got to a rest break and my two best friends jumped off the bus and went over to another one but julia gillard (prime minister) stopped me and told me to stay put... then we kept driving for a bit and we got pulled over by the media and she had a quick interview, when she got off to talk to the people, i snuck off the bus and onto the other one.

i have weird dreams....

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I'm not sure if this was lucid dreaming since I was already asleep, but it was a point where my dream crossed into reality. In real life my brother woke me up - he's like that; he likes to say good morning even though I'm not up yet -_- - he had a bit of a sore throat going and me, I was aware that I was awake, I knew I was talking to my brother and yet I was still dreaming. I was talking to him and everything I said I fully believed; I asked what was up with his voice and he said he had a sore throat and I said that he didn't and it was an organism latched onto the back of his neck that also gave him a special ability while making his voice hoarse. I talked to him a bit more and he almost began to believe what I was saying and I said that I was going to get up now and reached for my glasses. I put them on and woke up completely - I asked my brother what I had been talking about and he was confused thinking I was kidding; I said that I wasn't, I really didn't know - I knew I had been talking and saying something just now but I had completely forgot and then he told me everything I had said, which brought it all back.

Throughout that whole episode of whatever it was, I knew I was fully aware but also believed everything I had said about this other world believing it to be reality, until I put on my glasses and 'awoke', forgetting it all completely (or at least felt it slipping away...) I only remember what I said (which I plan to use for a story) because my brother refreshed my memory at the time because he wanted to know more about what I was telling him :/

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This is the fun of it kinda. Try watching "Inception"

Well, since I saw that movie, I wonder even more. I thought of creating a something that I could use to see if I'm dreaming, like in the movie. But the problem is: what if create it in a dream, I won't be able to come back and if I wake up and I don't have it I will think I'm in a dream.

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Well, since I saw that movie, I wonder even more. I thought of creating a something that I could use to see if I'm dreaming, like in the movie. But the problem is: what if create it in a dream, I won't be able to come back and if I wake up and I don't have it I will think I'm in a dream.

In dreams its hard to have exact things such as weight or feel. So your mind tries to make you not think of things like that to cover this up. However, with your "idol" or whatever, you know its weight and feel, so if you think about said "idol" then you will realize that it isnt the same

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I tried it last night. It did not completely worked, surely because I was thinking too much.

Quick question: Do you think I'll be more tired if I try to get into a lucid dream? or it will be the same as sleeping normally?

If you do it right, then physically you will get the same amount of rest. But mentally you wont, so I wouldnt reccomend doing it a whole night before a test or something

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I tried it last night. It did not completely worked, surely because I was thinking too much.

Quick question: Do you think I'll be more tired if I try to get into a lucid dream? or it will be the same as sleeping normally?

According to my experience if you try and concentrate to much on something you just wake up. You simply have to be calm and relaxed to work it out.

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  • 1 month later...

I do this quite a lot and only just found out that this isn't day dreaming. I just sit on my bed or in a random place outside and think. The only problem is that a lot of the time I end up spending up to 6 hours doing this, it only feels like 30 minutes for me so I end up missing important things. Also I think of so much that I only remember the key points of it and forget most other things that happened. I'll share some of my Lucid dreams when I have some, I got one in my head from about a week ago but I'm starting to lose focus of it so I'll wait for a new one.


Had this one while I was in chemistry, we had a 90 minute presentation so I thought why not drift off, so here goes:

I was cycling along a country lane heading I think towards a giant hill where it seemed to reach over the edge of the Earth. Then some how I arrived at my Secondary School (High School) with all the students wearing the common Japanese uniforms, guess that's how I imagine school uniforms now look.

I went up to my year nine tutor room and found that there was a lesson there so I sat in a free seat, I could spot out a few of my friends but the rest of the people there were grey hazy outlines.

After what felt like half an hour I got up and went outside to the playground where I saw myself sitting down and talking to people, wasn't sure who they were though.

Finally I left the school and walked on towards a section of the city and found myself going through an oddly coloured street.

After this I snapped out of this dream state and found only 10 minutes were remaining of class, not sure what all of this meant though. I think that the visions I see in these types of dreams are messages to me, so I'll have to think about this one more.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I often have Lucid dreams. Most of them are usually about me playing with my friends, sometimes I am walking through a wood or desert. Again there was once when I was running away from this sound( it sounded like someone beating drums), I was really scared that time, lucky it wasn't real.

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