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I dont know if anyone else on the forums has seen this anime but this is the best anime ive seen ever XD

In the original Negima just all the fan service was what made me laugh every time i saw this anime. Even though it doesn't really follow the manga (what anime does :P) but its a must see for everyone. They have the original Negima, the other series Negima!? which is a retelling of the story which someone follows the manga with out much fan service and echi-ness. The OVAs are a must to watch also.

Well if anyone has seen this let me know your thoughts on it :D

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I agree that negima is a excellent series. I've seen both series, and read the manga. For those who prefer comedy, it's best to watch the tv series, for those who like action then they should see the OVA's and read the manga- which i cant get enough of.

Both of the series are different, and don't follow on from each other. I really enjoyed the second series.

Negima is a must see in my opinion. I like the english dub voice actors. Greg Ayres puts on an excellent if hilarious 'english' child's voice for negi. Their english accents are so funny, i couldn't stop laughing (this is at the start of the second series).

You must read the manga!

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  • 9 months later...

The movie came out less then a month ago in Japan's theaters so it won't be coming out for a while. Normally speaking it takes 6 to 10 months for a movie to go to DVD from theaters in Japan so you likely have at least another 5 months before anyone will be able to get a hold of a copy and upload it somewhere.

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  • 4 months later...
for those Negima fans i've been wondering something how Chao's last name really suppose to be spelled? Chao Lingshen or Ringshen? Or can it be either way?

It depends on the translation. That seems like an example of the name change of a character from Gundam SEED. In gundam seed there was a character named Lacus. In the english release, it was spelled Lacus, but in Japan, when directly translated was Rakus. It all depends on how you translate it, but in the english version of Negima, they transliterated it to Lingshen.

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It depends on the translation. That seems like an example of the name change of a character from Gundam SEED. In gundam seed there was a character named Lacus. In the english release, it was spelled Lacus, but in Japan, when directly translated was Rakus. It all depends on how you translate it, but in the english version of Negima, they transliterated it to Lingshen.

thanks for the help Ragna. so which version do think i should use for my fanfiction? Lingshen or Ringshen? I personally like Ringshen better as Chao Ringshen has a nice ring to it.

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I would say to just use whichever version you want. The Japanese put a lot of R's where we would put L's, so either one is technically right. Just make sure that if you are choosing either the english or japanese translation, then the other names follow suit

thanks for that. my fanfic I'm working is something i 'm really enjoying working on and is a lot more flexible to deal with since a lot is not really explained about the Negima Universe.

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  • 1 month later...

Its hard keeping track of what episodes are out since the latest ones are all OVAs.

I just want to know if i've missed any episodes in the main story based on the manga (excluding the Negima!? series)

1. Mahou Sensei Negima TV Series

2. Mahou Sensei Negima Summer Special (i think this goes here)

3. Mahou Sensei Negima Shiroi Tsubasa Ala Alba (i think 3-4 eps, please someone confirm)

4. Mahou Sensei Negima Mou Hitotsu no Sekai (5 eps, including the episode about Yue)

5. Mahou Sensei Negima Final Saga (Movie)

please confirm that i didnt miss anything and anyone know then the movie will be subbed?

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I agree that negima is a excellent series. I've seen both series, and read the manga. For those who prefer comedy, it's best to watch the tv series, for those who like action then they should see the OVA's and read the manga- which i cant get enough of.

Both of the series are different, and don't follow on from each other. I really enjoyed the second series.

Negima is a must see in my opinion. I like the english dub voice actors. Greg Ayres puts on an excellent if hilarious 'english' child's voice for negi. Their english accents are so funny, i couldn't stop laughing (this is at the start of the second series).

You must read the manga!

After reading this I feel like this is a must watch anime for me. Many people here recommend it so I feel that it is worth a watch. Its fanservice, comedy and action (that are between the two) are enough to convince me to get and watch it!!.

I'll be sure to post my comments when I have fully watched it.

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