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Can murder be justified?

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If a guy breaks into your house or property I find it perfectly justifiable to gut him/her like a pig then mail his entrails to his/her family, even in self defense, someone robs on the street and even if you incapacitate the person and escape you end up breaking his/her neck afterwards, perfectly justifiable, murder in cold blood on the other hand, can never be justified even if it's the kind of murder that happens the most.

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Why try to "justify" it?

If you are willing to murder someone, you shouldn't need to convince yourself by dwelling on whatever ethical reasoning. Trying to convince yourself or others isn't going to change the nature the act. If you have your reasons to kill, kill. If something is preventing you, then don't. But it's something you do, not justify.

Does that make it cold blooded? Probably.

But it's completely honest.

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  • 1 month later...

Would I kill baby Hitler to prevent the Holocaust? Hell no, the Holocaust had to happen. History class would have been so much more boring if it didn't happen. It's an important part of history, why would you want to erase it?

Can murder ever be justified? Well, that's a tough one. A lot of religious people I've talked to should think it's justifiable, yet they don't, which contradicts some of their core beliefs. Me personally, I don't really care when someone murders another person. My reason for this has to do with overpopulation. For me it's not so much as to WHY a person would murder another person, but HOW they would do it :)

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No, and anyone who says different is only lying to themself.

Self defense is not murder. Apparently some people dont understand that

Self defense could be murder. Think of murder as intentionally killing someone. Self defense is intentionally killing someone in order to stay alive. So if I shot a man that a genie told me would kill me in 10 years, is it self defense or murder? It fits into both definitions, so self defense can be considered murder.

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Ethically you're on dangerous ground there failedhornet. Killing to stay alive? So if the other person has the only food within 2 days walk? The doctor who won't give you the very last of the medicine that may save your life, on the grounds she's holding out for someone it WILL save?

War is easy, so I'll ignore that for now. What about someone attempting to kill your loved ones? In front of you.

From a religious POV there are plenty of reasons not to murder and not to justify it. From a purely rational one, a scientific one, not so much.

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  • 1 month later...

well... yes it can.

I don't admit this saying it should be, but it is. People will kill people, just happens. Sometimes for money sometimes for a loaf of bread. Pretending its not true is as diluted as thinking murder is a crime. By legal terms murder is a crime, but outside the walls of humanity murder is everyday life. Doesn't matter how petty the reason is, murder 'the act of killing' happens, we couldn't survive if it didn't.

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Is murder ever justifiable, even when its not self-defense? I pose to everyone this question; If you knew the holocaust would happen and you saw Hitler as a baby, would you be able to kill an infant, even if that infant would grow up into a monster?

No. If you killed Hitler as an infant, there would have been another Hitler.

You need one in history to prove as an example of what not to be, in order to prevent it from happening again.

It's sorta like 9/11, if we went back in time and prevented it from ever happening then our security would still be lackluster. By experiencing what we did, we learned from it, to prevent it from happening again.

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