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500 Internal Server Error..


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Well it would seem we are experiencing errors obviously. =P

My sites were so busy they were using too much resources and therefore my host moved all my sites and all the sites I host to another server. And it would seem there is some problems as we now keep getting those annoying errors.

I have contacted my host and been waiting on a reply for about 6 hours now with no luck. However hopefully it will be solved once they reply.

I apologize for all the problems and we will be in working order very soon hopefully.

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Here is a update on the situation:

My host responded saying that the server they moved us to is more restricted and prevents us from monopolizing the server from using too many resources and therefore is giving the 500 error or something like that. We aren't using near the limit of anything as far as space and bandwidth go its just the amount of open requests at the time are using more resources then a shared hosting server hosting service permits.

So in a way it kind of depends on how many people are accessing all the sites I own or host for others at the time. However that doesn't have much to do it with. I am looking into the causes and the reasons for over 55% of the resource usage is from the button.php of all the topsite lists being hosted.. since all the sites that are a member of it are sending open requests for its load etc.. but the normal members aren't really much of the problem.. it lies more to do with the topsite spammers such as those sohbet sites etc...from turkey that are spamming/hitting the topsite for tons of hits and open requests.. and well I been away for a couple weeks so I hadn't kept up with the .htaccess banning of those sites, well I just went through the referrer stats and gathered the biggest spam sites from it and added them to the .htaccess ban to every topsite list hosted to hopefully lower the resource usage.. So I dunno it might take a couple hours or a day before we notice any changes. Now if my host can reply back explaining to me how I can use the SSH Access I can pinpoint any other problematic files causing the resource abuse and hopefully lower it as well.

(Information taken from the conversation I had on AIM with Crystal who is one of my hostee's)

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nope, my current host is 1and1.com

My last host was even worse though (site5.com)

FM's very first host was readysethost.com (aka kwikhosting.com) and they were amazingly great. Awesome support, reliable, never had any problems, and best of all they were cheap at a mere $4 a month. However their packages were too small for what I needed.. or else I'd still be with them.

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Topsites are a resource abuse.. and well FM topsites alone was using more then 43% of the resources being used by all the websites I host. There was no way of possibly keeping them and getting rid of the 500 error. A lot of topsite owners were forced to close such as Oritsuru and HellandHeavenNet.. it was now my time to close it..

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