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Several Additions, and Changes.


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There has been alot of changes recently.

I added new boards to the roleplay board, moved several boards around and created a board for Forum Families and Clans. I even brought back the Private Rooms. However I wish there was a girl who was willing to be the one all the others PM for the password.. because quite frankly I hate having to respond to hundreds of PM's.. =P If there is a guy who is willing to give out the guys password too that would be great.

I need help with the custom skin as I don't have time to make it anymore, sorry people.

Hopefully we can get this forum rocking with greatness again.

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There's been a good amount of activity today. I like what you've done with the forum layout, save the addition of the forums families and the private rooms. I couldn't care for such things. The family trees were fairly intertwined last time, and the boys forum was dead.

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I got a good idea about these private rooms, you should choose a female member and male member to be moderators that moderate the private rooms, they should be called Female Private Room Moderator if chosen person are female ofcourse and Male Private Room Moderator if the chosen person is male, lets see if you choose to do this!

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There's been a good amount of activity today. I like what you've done with the forum layout, save the addition of the forums families and the private rooms. I couldn't care for such things. The family trees were fairly intertwined last time, and the boys forum was dead.

I know.. but I wanted to try it again as although forum families are rather pointless they do bring in activity.. and I was thinking if they became very popular again we could do some random roleplay involving the families. Kind of like a Sims roleplay or something.. LOL It'd give us a roleplay that wasn't battle oriented.

The private rooms may or may not be used, we will see how they go and if they don't go well they will be removed. It's just something I'd like to see become popular. The boys room was pretty fun before. I remember the one thread about daring.. and I had to change my name to the pink panther.. O.o Kind of weird really.

Luneth why would we need that? Couldn't a Male super mod handle the males room, and a Female super mod handle the girls room?

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Guest Morpheus

i like the revamp forum layout too, looks more organized than it had been before. i really wasn't into forum families, though i have to agree that it does bring activity cause it seems that everybody wanted to be part of another's forum family. didn't really remember posting a lot in the private room...but i really like the changes.

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After making the Private Rooms I discovered for some unknown retarded reason (Hehe) vBulletin made it so admins, mods, and supermods don't have to put in the password to get into a passworded area. So I browsed through the files and have edited it. Now staff will have to put in the password too. I feel this is better so we don't have male staff looking in the girls room and visa versa.

I also installed a sub-forum display organizer.. which gives me more options on the display of the sub-forums on the index page. As you can probably notice it also displays the posts and thread count of those boards.

I also installed a Referrer Statistics Mod, which shows who has referred someone, who they referred and how many members they referred. It also shows your Referrer link so you can easily grab and use it. The link to the page is under the Quick Links Menu in the top Navigation.


I then installed a mod which shows who referred you (if someone did) on your member profile page. I also installed Webmasters Tools which you may find useless but they are nice. It shows a sites PR, Alexa Rankings, etc..

I also managed to install a who's been online day mod. ^_^

Hope you like the new things. I'm putting Tic Tac Toe on the main website soon as well so you might want to check it out and give it a go sometime. xD

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I feel this is better so we don't have male staff looking in the girls room and visa versa.

Hmm. Is there some way to set up secondary or additional permission masks in vBulletin? Because if that is the case, you could just simply have male and female permission masks. Then, once a member reaches fifty posts, they ask to be placed in their corresponding permission mask and from then on have access to either forum. It eliminates the need for passwords altogether, as well as the possibility of the password leaking to the opposite gender. Not that I care for the rooms anyway.

Also, I'm glad to see that you have changed the welcoming header, but can you find some way so I don't have to view a five paragraph message on every page of the forum? It'd be nice if it was collapsible like the top statistics or something. It's only been there for a few minutes and I'm already getting sick of it. >_>

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Hehe.. I'll see about it or something.

As for the gender thing.. I've thought about it, and actually I found a mod I can install that I think would give me the ability to limit a certain board to a boy or girl. However I'm not exactly sure because the guy spoke another language and poorly spoke english, so I'm not sure if thats exactly what the mod would do. However wouldn't it be easy for a member to rejoin under a false gender and boom have access?

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No more easier than it is already. I would still leave it so that an administrator manually has to change the permission masks, and would hopefully do a quick investigation into the member. Even the way it is set up now, it's really wouldn't be that hard to get in anyway. Somebody could go to the library, rejoin, post fifty times, ask for the password, viola. >_>

EDIT: Thanks for making the welcoming header disappear.

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Do you wish to limit welcome headers to show only once per visit? If you enable this setting, a cookie will be set and users will only see your welcome header message once per visitor session.

So voila, you will only see the message once each time you come to visit or until your session ends which will probably be each time you come back. xD

Yeah I see what you are saying. I'll check into it and see about getting it done.

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