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I’m gone reintroduce myself, lol. I think the last time I posted was back in January and after that just read threads if ever came to FM.

I’m 20 years old, from England, a University Student. I love programming and graphics, even my graphic skills are crap. I love playing RPG’s like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series and more, like Dark Cloud, Breath of Fire, and atm I’m crazy about Magnacarta: TOB. Also I love watching Anime, like Naruto, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Fafner of the Azure, Heroic Age, and more.

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Omg omg omg omoadsfjiklashfihewiorhasfjklajsoiejraer

Magna Cartaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I won't even let my brother touch my copy of MC. I've been lusting after a MC game ever since I found out about Phantom of Avalanche for the PC ages ago. When my dad bought me ToB last year or whatever, I was way happy--kicked my brother off the Playstation so I could bask in its glory.

Dark Cloud and Breath of Fire are great too. I beat the second DC and was really fond of the first one, but never beat it. I only really liked BoF II--my brother played all the other ones.

Okay. I'm done. Enjoy your stay.

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Thanks for the welcomes, and I’m thinking of making FM my new home. Lol

Phantom of Avalanche for the PC, I wish they get the English version out soon because I’m so happy with TOB, lol. I’ve only got this game on last Thursday (17 May) and just love this game, nice story, graphics and lot more, just can’t put the game down. So Koby, you know where I am, lol

I’ve finished DC off but not DC2, can’t really remember, which game was it that came out. Still got DC2 now just need to finish if off.

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Lol, I think I had my brother beat the final boss for me in DC. My character broke his weapon and I couldn't repair it because I didn't have any of the powder, but I could do one damage at a time. XD Like hell I was going to sit there and wait an hour to beat it.

The costumes and medal collecting in DC2 was kind of fun. Didn't really care for Sphera. Fishing was totally my bag in both of them, though.

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Weapons broke on the last boss, can’t even remember the last boss for DC.

Yeah collecting medals was fun, and didn't really care about Sphera either, couldn’t play it properly. Lol. Now I wish if Level-5 makes Dark Cloud 3 now, and Jeanne d'Arc look good, won’t mind buying it

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