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What's the Word? - PERVICACITY

pronunciation: [per-vi-KA-si-tee]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Latin, early 17th century



1. The quality or state of being pervicacious.

2. Obstinacy; stubbornness; willfulness.



"My toddler is the perfect example of pervicacity!"

"They were both guilty of pervicacity, but eventually they came to a compromise."


About Pervicacity

This noun, synonymous with stubbornness or willfulness, deserves to be brought back into the regular lexicon. It comes from the Latin "pervicacitas," meaning obstinacy.


Did you Know?

He's stubborn as a mule! What did mules do to earn a reputation of pervicacity? They're the result of cross-breeding a horse and a donkey, and Charles Darwin himself documented mules with more strength, intelligence, and, yes, stubbornness than the parents.


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What's the Word? - HABOOB

pronunciation: [hə-BOOB]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Arabic, late 19th century



1. A violent and oppressive wind blowing in summer, especially in Sudan, bringing sand from the desert.



"You'll need scarves and goggles for your trip to protect against the sand brought by the haboob."

"We couldn't leave the house for a whole day while the haboob was blowing."


About Haboob

In Arabic, "habūb" means "blowing furiously." This word has proven to be quite useful to describe the strong sandy winds blowing across the Sudan, but other desert climate residents have also adopted the word.


Did you Know?

Every gust of wind doesn't count as a haboob, but a group of Arizona meteorologists decided that the intense dust storms that swept across Phoenix in 1971 qualified. They described wind speed, a rise in humidity and a drop in air temperature that all counted as "classic haboob characteristics."


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What's the Word? - FORFEND

pronunciation: [for-FEND]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Arabic, late 19th century



1. Avert, keep away, or prevent (something evil or unpleasant)

2. Protect (something) by precautionary measures.



"The fence should forfend rabbits getting into the garden."

"We need to rent tents to forfend against any showers during the reception."


About Forfend

You're more likely to hear the second half of this word in modern conversation. One might fend against sunburn by wearing a hat and long-sleeved shirt. "Defend" has come to serve the purpose of "forfend," but the older term still deserves a place in your vocabulary.


Did you Know?

You might have heard someone exclaim "Heaven forbid!" to express mock horror, but the original version of this phrase was "Heaven forfend." The intention is quite tongue-in-cheek with dismay at the thought of some ill-advised activity taking place.


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What's the Word? - TERTIARY

pronunciation: [TER-shee-er-ee]


Part of speech: adjective

Origin: Latin, mid 16th century



1. Third in order or level.

2. Relating to or denoting the medical treatment provided at a specialist institution.



"If my top two paint colors aren't available, I'll still be happy with the tertiary one on the list."

"My primary care doctor recommended I visit a physical therapist for tertiary treatment."


About Tertiary

Quite simply, tertiary means third. But it has specialized definitions in many applications. To geologists, "tertiary" is a specific period of the Cenozoic area. Chemists use the term to describe particular organic compounds, and ecologists call carnivores that eat other carnivores "tertiary."


Did you Know?

Elementary school is required across the board, as is secondary school (commonly known as middle and high school in the U.S.). But education beyond that is a personal choice. In the United States you can go to college, but in Britain it's called tertiary education.


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What's the Word? - HERBARY

pronunciation: [(H)ER-bə-ree]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Latin, 14th century



1. A herb garden.



"The herbary is thriving, thanks to all the rain we received this summer."

"After clearing out all the overgrown brush we found an herbary hidden in the garden."


About Herbary

From Latin, "herba" means grass or green crops. Middle English used "herb" for "any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume." The herbary is where such plants are grown.


Did you Know?

A medicine garden is a type of herbary with plants grown specifically for their healing applications. Traditional medicine plants include Holy Basil, Wild Bergamot, Echinacea, Mint, Garlic, Aloe, Lavender, Sage, Calendula, and St. John's Wort.


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What's the Word? - DESIDERATUM

pronunciation: [də-zi-də-RAH-dəm]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Latin, mid 17th century



1. Something that is needed or wanted.



"Critical thinking skills are the desideratum of basic education."

"I don't care about the monetary award, but my desideratum is recognition of the clean-water program."


About Desideratum

Desideratum is a want or a need, but it goes beyond needing a gallon of milk from the grocery. It usually applies to a philosophical need, or the ultimate desire or outcome. As it comes from the Latin for "something desired," the plural is "desiderata."


Did you Know?

Desiderata is a poem written in 1927 by Max Ehrmann. It rose in popularity in the 1960s, even being recorded by Leonard Nimoy as "Spock Thoughts." The desideratum is clear in the last lines: "Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."


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What's the Word? - PANEGYRIC

pronunciation: [pa-nə-JI-rik]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Greek, early 17th century



1. A public speech or published text in praise of someone or something.



"The best man directed his panegyric to the beaming newlyweds."

"Following the award winner's soaring panegyric, the audience rose to its feet."


About Panegyric

While the modern version of "panegyric" comes from the French word "panégyrique," it originated in Greece as "panēgurikos." The word, which means to assemble, is made up of "pan," meaning "all," and "aguris," which means "assembly." This word has gradually transitioned into being used as an address made in front of an assembled audience.


Did you Know?

While the word "panegyric" often applies to speech, it can also describe a genre of poetry. Heroic poetry, which can be found in the form of an epic or a blend of fantasy and reality, relies on metaphor to create a poem, or a panegyric, exulting the actions of a hero.


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What's the Word? - FAMULUS

pronunciation: [FAM-yə-ləs]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Latin, mid 19th century



1. An assistant or servant, especially one working for a magician or scholar.



"Salem disliked being referred to as Sabrina's famulus."

"The magician summoned a famulus to handle the heavy-duty work around the castle."


About Famulus

While this noun originates from Latin, where "famulus" means "servant," it has since evolved to also reference being an assistant. If you are assisting your friend with a task, you might playfully refer to yourself as their famulus.


Did you Know?

If "famulus" sounds familiar, it might be because this word reminds you of the concept of a familiar — a magical companion often seen alongside witches and magic practitioners. While the most common familiar is the classic black cat, the toad is also a popular choice, especially in media.


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What's the Word? - COPSE

pronunciation: [kops]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Old English, late 16th century



1. A small group of trees.



"The hikers decided to take shelter near a convenient copse."

"The plaza was beautiful around Christmas, especially the copse draped in twinkling lights."


About Copse

The Latin word "colpus," or blow, transitioned into the Old English word "coppice," which described the act of cutting back shrubbery to encourage new growth. Since the new growth often ended up taking over the area, the word was shortened into "copse" to describe the group of trees that resulted.


Did you Know?

While a copse can be artificially created by growing and maintaining seedlings in a close group, those found in the wild often sprout from the stumps of cut or felled trees. This is why trees within a copse grow so close to each other — often, several new sprouts emerge from the same stump.


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What's the Word? - INCULCATE

pronunciation: [IN-kəl-kate]


Part of speech: verb

Origin: Latin, mid 16th century



1. Instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction.

2. Teach (someone) an attitude, idea, or habit by persistent instruction.



"She finally managed to inculcate a better sense of responsibility in her roommates."

"The new lecturer was eager to inculcate principles of Asian philosophies to his students."


About Inculcate

This verb will leave an imprint on your vocabulary; it comes from the Latin word "inculcare," which roughly translates as "to tread into." The act of instilling a particular idea, habit, or attitude into another person is similar to leaving a footprint behind in the soft earth — it creates a guide to rely on for future behavior.


Did you Know?

People wishing to inculcate a certain habit into their lifestyle could hire a personal trainer or ask friends to hold them accountable. Regardless of the means of transmission, people who are attempting to create healthier habits often need instruction and encouragement to keep going.


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What's the Word? - PROLEGOMENAL

pronunciation: [pro-leg-AH-mə-nl]


Part of speech: adjective

Origin: American English, mid 19th century



1. Prefatory, introductory, preliminary.



"The prolegomenal chapter attempted to give background on the fantasy world the author had created."

"As a prolegomenal action, Shelley struck her famous pose, waiting for the audience to recognize her."


About Prolegomenal

Prolegomenal was first introduced a mid 19th century issue of The Times, but its origins can be found in the word "prolegomenon." This word refers to a critical introduction in a book, and originates from the Greek words "pro," meaning "before," and "legein," or "to say," combining to create a word that means "to say beforehand."


Did you Know?

You've heard of a prologue before -- but now you can use "prolegomenal" as a way to describe an introduction. If you are a teacher, your syllabus is the prolegomenal piece of your curriculum for your students.


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What's the Word? - FUGLEMAN

pronunciation: [FYOO-ɡəl-man]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: German, early 19th century



1. A soldier placed in front of a regiment or company while drilling to demonstrate the motions and time.

2. A leader, organizer, or spokesman.



"The fugleman halted and waited for the rest of the company to come to attention."

"Derrick was eager to serve as fugleman for the new Science Club at school."


About Fugleman

Fugleman comes from a combination of the German word "flügel," meaning "wing," and "mann," the German word for "man," making the direct translation "wingman." This word originally meant the leader of the group, but can also refer to your friend who is there for you through thick and thin.


Did you Know?

Traditionally, a "fugleman" is a soldier that serves as a guide for the rest of the group. A modern day example of a fugleman is the wingman — a friend who supports you and models actions to follow in your dating endeavors. Love really is a battlefield.


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What's the Word? - VERIDICAL

pronunciation: [və-RI-də-kəl]


Part of speech: adjective

Origin: Latin, mid 17th century



1. Truthful.

2. Coinciding with reality.



"I can always count on my mother to give veridical advice."

"Even when I daydream, my thoughts remain quite veridical."


About Veridical

Broken down into its components, "veridical" tells you to say what you mean. It originates from the Latin word "veridicus," which means "to say truth."


Did you Know?

After a vivid dream, you might wonder what was veridical and what was the construct of your sleeping brain. Keep a dream journal to make sense of your most out-there thoughts.


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What's the Word? - SOUBRETTE

pronunciation: [soo-BRET]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: French, mid 18th century



1. An actress or other female performer playing a lively, flirtatious role in a play or opera.



"She brought a natural playfulness to the role of the soubrette."

"Ana was a triple threat, skilled at singing and dancing, and playing the soubrette."


About Soubrette

Soubrette used to refer to a particular character played for comedy relief, but can now also describe a young woman who behaves flirtatiously. This makes sense, as the word originates from the French word "soubreto," which means "coy."


Did you Know?

In opera and other theatrical performances, the soubrette traditionally has been used for comedic relief. A flirty young woman was played as a source of humor, as their intense actions were often considered inappropriate for the time period.


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What's the Word? - MERINO

pronunciation: [mə-REE-no]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Spanish, late 18th century



1. A breed of sheep with long, fine wool.

2. A soft woolen or wool-and-cotton material resembling cashmere, originally of merino wool.



"The merino dotting the landscape added to the peaceful air."

"The most-worn item in his wardrobe was the merino wool sweater."


About Merino

While this word comes from 18th century Spanish, its exact origins are a mystery. You can use the word "merino" to refer to a sheep or your sweater and be completely correct both times.


Did you Know?

A single merino sheep produces a lot of wool in its lifetime — around 227 pounds, to be exact. The wool is not only cozy, but also wicks up to 30% of its weight in moisture without getting damp.


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What's the Word? - LIMITROPHE

pronunciation: [LIH-mih-trohf]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: French, late 16th century



1. A borderland.

2. An immediately neighboring country.



"The beginning of the neighbors' limitrophe was defined by a hedge."

"Norway is a limitrophe with Sweden."


About Limitrophe

Limitrophe comes from Middle French. However, its origins might also be traced back to the Latin words "limit" and "trophus," which mean "limit" and "supporting" respectively.


Did you Know?

Sometimes the limitrophes between countries can get tricky. Baarle, a town on the border of the Netherlands and Belgium, is divided into several enclaves that belong to either country — making a simple stroll no small task.


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What's the Word? - TERRINE

pronunciation: [tə-REEN]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: French, early 18th century



1. A meat, fish, or vegetable mixture that has been cooked or otherwise prepared in advance and allowed to cool or set in its container, typically served in slices.

2. A container used for a terrine, typically of an oblong shape and made of earthenware.



"The special of the day was a salmon terrine served with rice."

"The chef carefully arranged the vegetables in a ceramic terrine."


About Terrine

In its original French, "terrine" was written as "terrin," and referred to a large earthenware pot where food items were stored. Think of it as an ancient version of your favorite mason jars.


Did you Know?

A terrine dish can also be referred to as a "pâté." This French dish translates to "paste," and is made by grinding materials into a spreadable paste that can be served with bread, crackers, or whatever the diner prefers.


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What's the Word? - GEORGIC

pronunciation: [JOR-jik]


Part of speech: adjective

Origin: Greek, early 16th century



1. Rustic; pastoral.



"He loved rural Maine for its georgic atmosphere."

"The farm had a georgic feeling, complete with a horse and buggy."


About Georgic

Georgic comes from the Greek word "geōrgos," which means farmer. Since farmers often live in rural areas, it makes sense that this eventually evolved into a description of rustic areas.


Did you Know?

If you are looking for beautiful georgic views, try visiting a rural area. Areas are denoted as rural based on their low population density, but the fewer people often means more untouched displays of natural beauty — along with quaint towns, hamlets, and villages.


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What's the Word? - CONURBATION

pronunciation: [kah-nər-BEY-shən]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Latin, early 20th century



1. An extended urban area, typically consisting of several towns merging with the suburbs of one or more cities.



"Therese lived in the conurbation of New York City, but she called herself a Long Islander."

"I love visiting hubs of fast-paced urban conurbation."


About Conurbation

The Latin words "con," meaning "together," and "urb," meaning "city," eventually developed into the word "conurbation," which describes multiple neighboring cities or towns grouped together in a region.


Did you Know?

According to the United Nations, more than half of the world's population lives in an urban area – and that percentage is expected to jump to 70% by 2050. This means more likely than not, you are also a member of a conurbation of some sort.


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What's the Word? - LULU

pronunciation: [LOO-loo]


Part of speech: noun

Origin: Unknown, late 19th century



1. An outstanding example of a particular type of person or thing.



"Every song this band performs is a lulu."

"That was a lulu of a book — I couldn't put it down!"


About Lulu

Not much is known of the origins of the word "lulu." What is known, however, is it might have begun as slang or as a shortened pet name for the name Louise.


Did you Know?

If someone is outstanding in their field of practice, then they can be considered a lulu. The Nobel Prize, for example, is awarded to lulus from a variety of different backgrounds, including scientists, writers, and progenitors of peace.


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