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I wanna be cool too.

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People are, like, posting threads here. My last post may have been from only February and I've disappeared for times longer than that, but threads are fun.

So. Okay.

I've been a member longer than my profile states. Halloween of '05, nisi erro.

I am a Navy brat, about to enlist into the AF.

I'm taking Latin. I need to practise.

And I probably don't remember you.

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OOOOHHH>>>> Look at teh kewl person.. =P

I took latin once it was pretty easy.. past with an a then forgot everything except the word for cow.. don't ask how or why I remember it.. cause I have no clue.

I took French and Spanish and Phailed them.. but thats because I hated the teacher for one, and for two I almost never showed up for class.. but then again I guess that falls under 1.. because I didn't show up because I hated the teacher. xD

Ah you Navy brat... you.. LOL.. My sister wants to be in the Marines..

Me personally I don't want to join anything.. I'm too lazy and don't like being awake before 10 am.

You probably don't remember me. =P

Anyhow welcome to the forum!!! For like the 8th time.. LOL

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I come and go. Can't really stay in one place for long. Gets dull unless there's people there to entertain/stalk/hit on me.

Omg, who is Koby?!

Marines are hella tough. I'm too apathetic to bother. Never considered the Marines or Army when looking at my military future. It was a toss-up between Navy and AF. All the branches seem the same to me anyway, so I don't really care.

I only know one word for cow. Bos. But there's another one apparently that I don't remember. I didn't want to take French or Spanish, so I didn't take any language until this year. I don't really like the sound of German, so Latin it was. I've been meaning to learn it anyway.

Latin has its moments. Pronunciation is hella easy.

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I just need a reason to come back regularly--otherwise it's a little sporadic, depending on my memory. Usually other things are on my mind, so I don't always visit all of my places daily.

Popsicles can't be cool. You don't remember me!? :S

"Gets dull unless there's people there to [...] hit on me."

People like me?

I don't remember stupidfaces. And what's a popsicle if it isn't cool? Then it's just flavoured water.

You hit on me all the time anyway, so I think we're pretty set.

Lin: Probably. Don't really have any specific memories of you.

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