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I R Vameq


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some of you know me, some don't, blah bliggity blah...and...hi..."came back" so to speak after what seemed like a disolving of FM, and also me not having internet and ending up with a new PC and DSL...which i got well over a year ago, and doesn't have much to do with me not being here...more like...i play world of warcraft too much and work too much, and i dunno

dunno how much i'll come in, but w/e thought i'd sign up and say hi to people...shade-inspired

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...ssooooo...yeah despite a HEAVY schedule of work and world of warcraft and girlfriend...I'm checkin' up...sorry i have a tendency to ditch for long periods of time...

totally got re-addicted to the forum RPG thingy again...i remember i used to be the boss...now i'm all scrubbish with my knife...getting pwnt.../sigh...

my AIM is Vameqsama if any of you want to catch me when I haven't been checking things out here. on World of Warcraft my main character is Vahmek -US Ghostlands 70 Nightelf Hunter (Formerly Vameq -US Alleria, had to server transfer...i had an odd reputation as a god and a failure at the same time /shrug) I raid almost every day that I'm not working in TK/SSC, etc. to any of you who know what I'm talking about :P

Noticed Shade and EO and some others are still here...I actually DO remember you, davidonsnake...Sora-14...iunno why but she still makes me giggle :P where'd she go? I think last i saw of her was on that one Harvest-Moon-style Forum.../shrug

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