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4 minutes ago, als007 said:

Hello, I'm new to the site and would like to know the rules of the forum.

1) It helps to read.

2) Cartoon Downloads section is not an Intro section.

3) Meet & Greet is clearly intro section.

4) Rules are here (as found in the navigation at the top of any page: http://kametsu.com/guidelines/

5) You're lucky I'm in a good mood and didn't outright ban you for spamming due to failure to read English board titles.


Welcome to the community. We're actually pretty lax overall, but we get such a large influx of new members who spam just to access downloads that we're pretty heavy handed about outright banning first time posters on the spot for failure to read the rules or the boards in which they post in. Once you've been around and been an active member of the community, you'll notice how lax the moderators actually are and how much people just seem to enjoy themselves. We do not allow hostility towards other members and as such trolling is something that doesn't really happen either either.


*Moved to proper place.

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