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2 minutes ago, Inverti said:

There is. It's a waste of resources and time. The Canadian VAs are just digging their own grave cuz once it's out (by that, I mean never), MAN OH MAN, are we gonna see lots of backlash.


That's like saying you can't reboot a movie series because the original already exists. It's not a waste of time, it's just a dub of a cartoon. Stop getting so hostile.

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1 minute ago, KillThad said:


That's like saying you can't reboot a movie series because the original already exists. It's not a waste of time, it's just a dub of a cartoon. Stop getting so hostile.

No, rebooting a series with updated graphics is an entirely different story. Plenty of oldies are like that. Ushio and Tora, and the Evangelion movies, for instance. 


Kai dub > DBZ dub


Most people would agree that the actors have significantly improved; Arianne is the only one I see disagreeing thus far. If the company has made the decision to withdraw the Ocean dub, then they're withdrawing it. It's not like any of you could stop 'em, anyway. ALSO, again - Richard's voice does NOT fit Goku. Sean is the one and only definitive adult Goku (and fuck Masako Nozawa, she's garbage at the role).

Edited by Inverti
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2 minutes ago, KillThad said:


That's like saying you can't reboot a movie series because the original already exists. It's not a waste of time, it's just a dub of a cartoon. Stop getting so hostile.


Well, I'm getting pretty goddamn sick of all of these reboots in general but that's neither here nor there.


@Inverti You're just spreading negativity, and that's okay, it's your M.O.

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2 minutes ago, KillThad said:


I'm just saying, it's the same basic logic.

No, it's not. We're talking about unnecessary alternate dubs. Do you know when the Kai dub first came out? 2010. It hasn't even been 10 years, and already Ocean finds the need to do another dub of it? Fuck that. Come on, Ocean - spend your resources on shit that actually matter. Oh, but wait - it's not gonna come out, anyway. Maybe Ocean realized that their dub is just gonna humiliate the actors they hired. Good on ya, Ocean. I'm proud of ya.

Edited by Inverti
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Just now, Inverti said:

No, it's not. We're talking about unnecessary alternate dubs. Do you know when the Kai dub first came out? 2010. It hasn't even been 6 years, and already Ocean finds the need to do another dub of it? Fuck that. Come on, Ocean - spend your resources on shit that actually matter.


I don't see what the big deal is. It's a Canadian dub of a show, and you're acting like it's going to replace the American dub. Stop getting so defensive about it.

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Just now, KillThad said:


I don't see what the big deal is. It's a Canadian dub of a show, and you're acting like it's going to replace the American dub. Stop getting so defensive about it.

You still don't get it? Come on, have you even watched the Kai dub? It's highly superior to the sub AND the DBZ Funi dub. What I'm saying is, WHY make an alternate dub of a series that already has a top tier dub? It's beyond ridiculous. It's like saying that you're making a full series fandub of an already dubbed anime. Waste of time, effort and resources. Nobody's gonna like it better than the Funi Kai dub anyway, well, except for those with nostalgia. 

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6 minutes ago, Inverti said:

You still don't get it? Come on, have you even watched the Kai dub? It's highly superior to the sub AND the DBZ Funi dub. What I'm saying is, WHY make an alternate dub of a series that already has a top tier dub? It's beyond ridiculous. It's like saying that you're making a full series fandub of an already dubbed anime. Waste of time, effort and resources. Nobody's gonna like it better than the Funi Kai dub anyway, well, except for those with nostalgia. 


Yes, I have watched the Kai dub, and I don't see the problem. There's not a problem with having two different dubs of the same show. It's probably not even being made to be a better dub. Canadian broadcast regulation laws dictate that a station has to pay a fee if non-Canadian programming is played. So it's probably cheaper to re-record the series with local actors. It's the same reason the original series had an alternate dub in Canada after episode 108: It was cheaper to re-record than to pay licensing fees to air the American dub.

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Inverti only posts for the sake of disagreeing. I gathered that in the last topic. He'll disagree for the sake of disagreeing without even understanding the subject he's disagreeing about. If you look around the internet you'll learn very easily that the Ocean Dub is by far more sought after by the vocal Dragon Ball fans. Hell pretty much every body who has come to Kametsu looking for Dragon Ball related stuff has been requesting or seeking stuff related to the Ocean Dub. While I for one prefer the FUNimation dub, it's mostly because it's what I grew up with and I am use to it... I can understand why people who grew up with the Ocean dub would prefer it. One does not replace the other, they can co-exist... and if you're just here to be hostile, then your visit will be short. Be nice and if you don't have anything to contribute to the topic at hand, then it's better off not spamming it with useless comments.

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12 minutes ago, KillThad said:


Yes, I have watched the Kai dub, and I don't see the problem. There's not a problem with having two different dubs of the same show. It's not even being made to replace the American dub. Canadian broadcast regulation laws dictate that a station has to pay a fee if non-Canadian programming is played. So it's probably cheaper to re-record the series with local actors. It's the same reason the original series had an alternate dub in Canada after episode 108: It was cheaper to re-record than to pay licensing fees to air the American dub.



Do you have any idea how much it costs to dub a single episode of an anime? $6000-$10000. Now, multiply that amount by 98 (assuming that this is the amount that Ocean dubbed, as opposed to 159 EPs, the entire Kai series). You get $588,000-$980,000. How the F is that cheaper than broadcasting the entire Funi dub thus far? Do the math.

Edited by Inverti
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2 minutes ago, Koby said:

Inverti only posts for the sake of disagreeing. I gathered that in the last topic. He'll disagree for the sake of disagreeing without even understanding the subject he's disagreeing about. If you look around the internet you'll learn very easily that the Ocean Dub is by far more sought after by the vocal Dragon Ball fans. Hell pretty much every body who has come to Kametsu looking for Dragon Ball related stuff has been requesting or seeking stuff related to the Ocean Dub. While I for one prefer the FUNimation dub, it's mostly because it's what I grew up with and I am use to it... I can understand why people who grew up with the Ocean dub would prefer it. One does not replace the other, they can co-exist... and if you're just here to be hostile, then your visit will be short. Be nice and if you don't have anything to contribute to the topic at hand, then it's better off not spamming it with useless comments.


Thank you! I couldn't have said it any better!

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2 minutes ago, Inverti said:



Do you have any idea how much it costs to dub a single episode of an anime? $6000-$10000. Now, multiply that amount by 98 (assuming that this is the amount that Ocean dubbed, as opposed to 159 EPs, the entire Kai series). You get $588,000-$980,000. How the F is that cheaper than broadcasting the entire Funi dub thus far? Do the math.


Canada charges import fees on media, such as TV shows. Here, read the Wikipedia article (I know it's not exactly the most trustworthy source, but this article seems to be fairly accurate): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_content


Also, I'm done arguing, so don't bother posting anymore on this topic, because no-one's gonna respond.

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3 hours ago, Koby said:

Inverti only posts for the sake of disagreeing. I gathered that in the last topic. He'll disagree for the sake of disagreeing without even understanding the subject he's disagreeing about.

I know about dubs just about as much as you do, mate. I post facts and you do too, as well. So in the end, you're not that different from me. Stop trying to raise yourself as if you're higher.


3 hours ago, KillThad said:


Canada charges import fees on media, such as TV shows. Here, read the Wikipedia article (I know it's not exactly the most trustworthy source, but this article seems to be fairly accurate): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_content


Also, I'm done arguing, so don't bother posting anymore on this topic, because no-one's gonna respond.

I don't care if you don't wanna respond. Read this. If you know the costs to import a dub and produce a new dub, it's a FACT that it costs less to import Funimation's Kai dub than making an entirely separate dub for Kai. I've already done the math for you. If you want to keep on denying, then stay delusional.

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35 minutes ago, Inverti said:

I know about dubs just about as much as you do, mate. I post facts and you do too, as well. So in the end, you're not that different from me. Stop trying to raise yourself as if you're higher.


I don't care if you don't wanna respond. Read this. If you know the costs to import a dub and produce a new dub, it's a FACT that it costs less to import Funimation's Kai dub than making an entirely separate dub for Kai. I've already done the math for you. If you want to keep on denying, then stay delusional.

I think what you don't comprehend is that the Ocean dub came first in the beginning because FUNimation was a new company at the time that couldn't do their own in-house dubbing and thus required outside sourcing for help. Saban, Ocean, and FUNimation collaborated for the first 53 episodes of Dragon Ball Z. Many fans have grown up listening to the Ocean dub and prefer it. Your opinion on the matter doesn't change that. No one cares which dub you prefer or even if you think one is pointless because the other already exists. Your entire presence in this thread has been rude, hateful, and meaningless. If you can't contribute anything to the subject other than that you don't see the point, then all you're doing is shit-posting and you shouldn't even bother.


At this point 'costs' is irrelevant. They've already stated the dub is done being made. So the costs have already been done. If you go through the trouble of doing something, might as well release it to actually recuperate the costs.


Anyways since you clearly don't know anything about the dubbings of Dragon Ball outside of 'FUNimations' latest version, this page here would do you some good if you are actually willing to read up on something you think is pointless: http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Ocean_Group_dubs


You may or may not have heard of the 'Rock The Dragon' set that released a few years back. That was actually Ocean's dub, and the fan base for it was big enough they felt it was worth releasing a home media release for it. So clearly there is a following for it regardless of all other things. Dragon Ball Z: Rock the Dragon Edition is a 2013 collector's DVD box set that features the entire 1996-1998 Ocean Studios dub of Dragon Ball Z, which originally aired in the U.S. on first-run syndication and later on Toonami, prior  to the Funimation in-house dub.


So yeah, Ocean's dub actually aired on Toonami in the US back in the late 90's... so anyone in the US who actually watched DBZ on TV, would be familiar with it. Nostalgia plays a large role in things too.


EDIT: That remark you just made just earned you a temporary suspension. I've already told you twice now to cool it with the shitposting. If you don't have anything useful to contribute to a thread, don't bother. Spamming a thread about shitty opinions of how you dislike something you know nothing about will not continue to be tolerated.


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  • 3 months later...

Hey, guys.

I just submitted a petition to Change.org in a last ditch attempt to get Ocean Kai on the air.


If you love the Ocean dub and would love to hear it one more time, please go to the link and sign the petition. If I get enough signatures, I can call Corus Entertainment and get them to look at it.



Edited by Arian
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5 hours ago, Arian said:

Hey, guys.

I just submitted a petition to Change.org in a last ditch attempt to get Ocean Kai on the air.


If you love the Ocean dub and would love to hear it one more time, please go to the link and sign the petition. If I get enough signatures, I can call Corus Entertainment and get them to look at it.




Don't you have connections to Kanzenshuu? Maybe they can share it on the front page.

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33 minutes ago, KillThad said:

Don't you have connections to Kanzenshuu? Maybe they can share it on the front page.


I'm flattered that you think that, but the closest I am to Kanzenshuu management is Ajay, and I don't think he has the power to affect the front page.


At the very least, I'm trying to link the petition on my signature and it's not working.

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  • 2 months later...

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