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Satoru Fujinuma is a reclusive part-timer with no plans for the future. What sets him apart from the other slackers in his town is an involuntary time travel ability that allows him to jump back several seconds in time in order to prevent accidents and even deaths. As incidents around town begin reminding Satoru of a childhood trauma he’d sooner forget, he finally begins to question what caused his ability to surface and whether or not it’s powerful enough to change the past.

MAL   Funi   Crunchy


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Loving this so far

just finished Ep 3



that thing with the dates kept confusing me

first i though he said today was march first

then i read there B-days as march 22 by acident

so im like how did you get 12day(was that right) from now

so i kept re watching

finally i got to the chalk board and saw the date (feb 19)

then i re checked the b-days and it made sense



that teacher seems suspicious to me

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems like he believes he has a suspect now from that glare he gave at the end; however getting arrested is certainly going to put a damper on his ability to prove his innocence and nail the real killer. The killer has done an excellent job in framing him so I don't see how he's going to be let go; unless he jumps into the past again and rewrites history. Shame he was unsuccessful in saving that girl despite all the time and effort he put into it. However they've made it out to seem like her mother and her mothers boyfriend was responsible so I don't really see how her case really ties into the rest, unless the mother just believes she was responsible and the killer really did take the girl and bring her back in the middle of the night.


Interesting series and definitely a top contender for AotS for me.

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On 12.2.2016 at 9:12 PM, Koby said:

The killer has done an excellent job in framing him so I don't see how he's going to be let go; unless he jumps into the past again and rewrites history.

He doesn't know who the killer is though. What should he do? Actually I assumed he would caught by the police, comes in prison and gets to talk with Yuki. Back then, Yuki said that this dirty magazines (the magazines the police found which made the case according to the police even more obvious) had been a present, so I think he knows the killer. And that's why he'd help Satoru to prove both their innocence (ignoring now, that he doesn't know Satorus ability yet) but that blue butterfly in the end is a symbol of leaping through time, therefore he probably leaps back and goes to save Airi. Also, he could find out the suspect's identity and then gets a second chance in past to save Hinazuki.


I like this show overall. It has a really good story and even the supporting characters are really interesting. If you ask me, Airi is the most interesting char in this show. Even if it doesn't look like, I think she has some relations to Hinazuki. Also her relationship to Satoru is really interesting. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next episodes.

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Well, yeah. It was just a theory also I talked about the butterfly. But at this point I don't know how it'll continue that's what I wanted to say because my theroy made sense to me (until the last episodes end and they revealed that he'd leap back). All we can do is just waiting for the next episode :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well episode 10 just made the show drop a bit for me. What they've been setting as a 'red herring' from pretty much the get-go wasn't actually a red herring at all. Turns out the killer is in fact who've they've made us believe from pretty much the first or second episode. It kept being 'oh it's so obvious so it can't be'.... turns out that is exactly it. Which in turns meant there wasn't really any mystery to it at all as it was obvious from the start, which demeans the entire plot of the story up to this point just about. Don't get me wrong. It's been enjoyable, but I just feel like Captain Obvious from the start shouldn't have been the route the series decided to go with.

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^i don't know, the way the series was setting everything up (a substantial amount of evidence for the teacher), if the culprit wasn't the teacher and instead some person we haven't heard about or was briefly touched upon, the story would've given a "wtf" feel which i personally would think be out of place. it's about perspective here - if you have the mindset that this anime is a thriller rather than a mystery then you'll probably enjoy it more

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  • 2 weeks later...

Entire show was too predictable. The red-herring all the way back from like episode 2 or so actually being the big bad was a bad choice because it was just way overly obvious; which took all the suspense and mystery out of the show. Second half was a terrible mess. I still enjoyed watching the show though... First half 9/10 while second half 6/10. So overall I'd still give this about a 7.5/10 which is still pretty good considering my average score on MAL is like 5.7/10 as I use the whole scale and as such consider 5/10 average unlike most people there it seems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally believe they gave us a hint that it was him A bunch of times and at other times they made us not think it was him to the point right before we find out it actually is him I didn't think it was

I rather enjoyed this show

It covers a bunch of themes at the same time themes that normally don't go together

I personally think it was the best of the season


Also did any of you notice the Re:Re  graffiti under the bridge in the last scene


I do appreciate that they kept to the rules and didn't have him go back right to the future after it was changed 

only reason he went back the first time because he technically didn't change it enough to matter i think it was also because he needed to gather the information before he went back and tried again

I guess putting him in a coma get us back to the future quickly without him skipping the actual time in between


Edited by Pikanet128
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  • 2 weeks later...

Having played Life is Strange , a game with a similar premise,  I was quick to discover who the culprit was. Even then, i wanted to see how things would end, and was a little disappointed for it.

The first half was indeed amazing. I personally liked his school days and his attempts to prevent disaster by not letting people be alone. How being there for someone is the best way to prevent disaster is a touching message.

But the grand reveal and the final stand-off. Meh. They went for a lot of cliches in there, and what was supposed to be the most interesting moments were the most boring.

Also, am I the only one that hated that Satoru didn't ended with Kayo? They were meant to be together!

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