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A Call For Background Images


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We're looking for like a half dozen background images / wallpapers for our themes. They can be anime, video game, tv show, movie, or cartoon related; or even just some abstract or pattern. They need to at least be 900p and be able to be compressed to less than 200kbps in .jpg without looking terrible. So toss every suggestion you have to us and if you'd like feel free to let us know what theme you feel it'd match best with! We'll make some decisions and swap out images in the themes background choosers for you to use. I'll be making some tweaks to the themes soon and incorporating banners and such as well to finally start making this place feel like a home rather than just another dirty hotel room.

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1 minute ago, JohnFlower said:

Where are the backgrounds going?

The background options for Uniform, Carbon Blue, Carbon Red, Carbon Pink (and any other Carbon color options I create). Probably wind up with different backgrounds per color scheme so that things flow nicely, but there may be some overlap just depends on what backgrounds and how many we end up likely how they look with the themes. Each theme is capable of supporting up to like 6 options.


Eventually I'll be adding a background changer to Asphyxia that works pretty much the same.

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