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My suggestion would be not to try to make friends at all and to hell with people that don't like you.

I don't try. I just talk. And people talk back. And then I end up with stalkers. Random people on my Myspace friends list. Random people on my MSN messenger list (long since purged, but whatever). Extended exchanges on PM that mean nothing at all.

The people that I have kept in contact with from FM since I have joined were not people that I purposely attempted to befriend. Perhaps subconsciously, but the thought never crossed my mind that I would be maintaining contact with them for more than the duration of my forum escapades. And I think these random stalkers of mine are of a higher stock than any person I would've gotten by trying to be nice and trying to make friends.

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Who needs to be liked on a forum. If people leave because of you, big whoop. I tend to scare people away, but FM needs to be made of stronger stuff anyway. You aren't worth leaving over, so whoever the hell has their panties in a knot over you obviously never had me come crashing down on them (in a figurative sense).

infact there was a time when even Koby hated me.I stayed though...I think.Well I kind of took a vacation because I was wasting too much time here.

But you my friend you should definately stay.Whoever hates you, you shouldn't let em get to you.Besides if we all left life due to the fact that we were hated by someone then the whole damn planet would be pretty much empty except for those monks i guess...

so stay

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There's always going to be someone that hates you, and you're always going to hate someone. :P I used to hate every single one of you. I don't care if you weren't around when I was, I probably hated you. It's okay. We don't need to be a happy-go-lucky forum.

Take it as a compliment since that person is taking time out of their day to notice you. I'm sure you haven't really done anything horribly dickish like kill their family or spam them Goatse/Tub Girl/hai2u/anything from /b/ /and so on to really warrant any real hatred.

And even if you do leave, you'd come back. I don't know of any member that has left (that did not have their psyche permanently damaged or whatever) and stayed gone.

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