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Forum Secret Santa! [Gifts Distributed]

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What is this?

Kametsu's First Secret Santa! Members will be matched up, with gift-givers remaining a secret until the last minute. Everyone will receive a gift and all we ask in return is that you create a gift for one forum member. It can be whatever you're willing to contribute--art, graphics, writing, and everything in between. There is no expectation of quality, only that you give the best gift you are able to give.

Why should I participate?

Because you love us and enjoy fun things! Because you want to do something nice for a forum member and receive something nice in return!

How do I participate?

Fill out this form and PM it to me. We don't want anyone trying to figure out who their Santa is early.

What would you like to receive as your gift? Examples include: A signature/avatar set; a GIF or set of GIFs; a piece of writing (can be fan fiction); a piece of artwork (can be fan art). Be as general or as specific as you like!

What do you absolutely not want? Examples include: Porn; fan art of Adventure Time; anything involving time travel; sad stories; signatures. Be as general or specific as you like!

What are you willing to contribute? Examples include: A signature/avatar set; a GIF or set of GIFs; a piece of writing (can be fan fiction); a piece of artwork (can be fan art). Be as general or as specific as you like!

What will you absolutely not contribute? Examples include: Porn; fan art of Adventure Time; anything involving time travel; sad stories; signatures. Be as general or specific as you like!

After that, I'll PM you back with who you've been matched up with. Come Christmas time, you'll send me your gift and I complete the delivery for you.

When is this happening?

Entry Deadline: 15 November

Gift Submission Deadline: 23 December

Gift Delivery and Reveal: 25 December

To be clear: The entry deadline is when you must have your form filled out and sent to me. This is also when you will find out who you are the Secret Santa for.

The gift submission deadline is when you must have your gift sent to me.

The delivery will be completed via PM and the reveal will be done in a thread. Much jubilation and celebration will be had!

What if I can't participate?

We're very sad that you can't, but we understand it's a very busy time of year and other plans come first. If you like, go ahead and post the top half of the form on this thread--someone will fill your request come Christmas time. We don't want anyone to feel left out!

Can I share the gift I create?

It is your work to share, but since you have gifted it to another person, it would be best if you asked the recipient whether it would be okay to share the gift publicly.

Can I share the gift I receive?

While it has been gifted to you, it is still the product of another person's work, so please be considerate of your Secret Santa's wishes and see if they're comfortable with you sharing. If you do share, remember to credit your Santa properly!


Happy Saturday!

I've mentioned in the Art & Lit section that I'm participating in a Homestuck Secret Santa and was curious if any of you guys were interested in doing something similar. How it would work (or so I imagine in my brain), is people would message me what they want and what they're willing to contribute and I would match up people accordingly so that no one ends up being a Secret Santa for someone who wants a signature set and they aren't comfortable with their graphics skill.


Like, we'll have a form.

What would you like to receive as your gift? Examples include: A signature/avatar set; a GIF or set of GIFs; a piece of writing (can be fan fiction); a piece of artwork (can be fan art). Be as general or as specific as you like!

What do you absolutely not want? Examples include: Porn; fan art of Adventure Time; anything involving time travel; sad stories; signatures. Be as general or specific as you like!

What are you willing to contribute? Examples include: A signature/avatar set; a GIF or set of GIFs; a piece of writing (can be fan fiction); a piece of artwork (can be fan art). Be as general or as specific as you like!

What will you absolutely not contribute? Examples include: Porn; fan art of Adventure Time; anything involving time travel; sad stories; signatures. Be as general or specific as you like!

I'll fill it out for ImaginaryKametsuUser:

What would you like to receive as your gift? Anything related to Christmas romance!

What do you absolutely not want? No porn! And if I get a graphic, can it not be anime?

What are you willing to contribute? I'll make graphics+GIFs and draw art.

What will you absolutely not contribute? Homestuck and porn. And definitely not Homestuck porn.

So I would match ImaginaryKametsuUser with a Secret Santa who says they're willing to contribute Christmas-themed works--better if anyone is willing to do romance as well! The person I match them up with will receive the top half of the form so they know that this person does not want porn or an anime graphic, but that they want some Christmas romance.

Then, I would match ImaginaryKametsuUser with another user to be their Secret Santa, so I would find someone who specifically requests graphics or art, making sure I don't match them with someone who wants either Homestuck or porn.


I would not be participating since I would be organising it. Unless someone else has been dreaming of organising a Secret Santa and this is their chance, then by all means, haha. This will also not interfere with the Quarterly Superlatives taking place in December.

Does this sound like something that would interest you guys? We can expand it to include physical gifts, but all parties would have to be 18+ and comfortable with exchanging addresses and names. There are other details to iron out, like tweaking the form to be less lame, what quality and quantity of gifts are expected, and timelines (because I know people will have their own personal holiday plans), but such things are irrelevant if no one wants to do it.

Let me know what you think!


Edited by Emotional Outlet
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Sounds like a fun idea, but I am not at all creative so wouldn't really be able to give a gift!

We can always expand to include physical gifts or digital downloads (like programs or sommat), but those would definitely need a price limit! It's the thought that counts, anyway. I would be okay with receiving a terribly done MS Paint drawing, but I'm not participating, haha.


And if you don't know what you would want, that's fine too! A prompt or theme would be enough, like the aforementioned "Christmas Romance", or even just listing a fandom or two. You'll know who you're making the gift for, so it'd be easy (theoretically) to tailor it to them.

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Haha, well, as people start mulling over whether they want to join (you should, definitely), we can start ironing out some details. Hopefully people will start trickling in as we discuss this. If the thread dies before whatever entry deadline we set, I'll start posting updates in my status.


I think the most important detail might be the timeline--people will want to be with their loved ones, they might be travelling, people might be heavily inebriated.

What I would like to do is have people paired up by mid to late November, so people have a good chunk of time to create their gifts. Then I would like to have the (digital) gifts sent to me by the 23rd of December, so I have time to set up the delivery and be ready by Christmas (EST, at least--I'll to keep in mind the folks living in the future, but I'm an old lady and I go to bed kind of early). So it would look like this

Entry Deadline: 15 November

Gift Submission Deadline: 23 December

Does this sound okay to you guys? Is that too much time to make a gift? Not enough?

As far as quantity goes, it's hard to equate writing with art with making signatures with making GIFs (in my mind anyway). What do you guys think are good standards? I just don't want anyone to feel like, "Oh, well, Steve made Brenda an animated signature and all I did was write Steve a short sexy Christmas story. I'm lame."

For delivery, I was thinking of sending them out via PM, so people who may not be comfortable with sharing their gifts publicly will be spared. Unless you guys would prefer to deliver the gifts personally? It would be difficult for me to enforce the deadline this way, but I know some places that do Secret Santa have people give the gifts directly, while others just have the presents piled up with only the recipient's name on it.

Would you guys prefer I reveal who the Secret Santa is in thread all at once after delivery (without disclosing what kind of gifts were sent) or only in the PMs (if we do it that way)? Also, are you guys okay with knowing who you're going to be the Santa Santa for, or would you prefer that be kept a secret too? (Super secretive. So many secrets.)

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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Does this sound okay to you guys? Is that too much time to make a gift? Not enough?

I think it's a good timeline.

For delivery, I was thinking of sending them out via PM, so people who may not be comfortable with sharing their gifts publicly will be spared. Unless you guys would prefer to deliver the gifts personally? It would be difficult for me to enforce the deadline this way, but I know some places that do Secret Santa have people give the gifts directly, while others just have the presents piled up with only the recipient's name on it.

I think PMing and keeping the Santa secret is the best way to go.

Would you guys prefer I reveal who the Secret Santa is in thread all at once after delivery (without disclosing what kind of gifts were sent) or only in the PMs (if we do it that way)? Also, are you guys okay with knowing who you're going to be the Santa Santa for, or would you prefer that be kept a secret too? (Super secretive. So many secrets.)

I guess revealing the Santas in a thread post would work; I can't think of any better ideas. Also, knowing who you're giving the gift to would make it easier to personalize.

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I love this idea! I can do Signature/Avatar sets...preferred it was anime related or close enough. I would love to receive anime Sig/Avvy set...I'd love to have a Stewie (Family Guy) Christmas set. I love Stewie. I agree with stated above from Poe.

So if I'm to understand correctly...my form would look like this:

What would you like to receive as your gift? Anything related to Christmas and Anime! I'd love to have a Stewie (Family Guy) Christmas set

What do you absolutely not want? No porn!

What are you willing to contribute? I'll make Signature/Avatar sets.

What will you absolutely not contribute? Porn and anything to far from anime relation.


Edited by Sakura Rei
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Yep! Except I'd prefer if people PM'd their forms to me--that way people don't start getting any ideas and trying to figure out who their Santa is early. People are sneaky like that.


I'll edit up the first post to make it nicer looking, but I'll definitely make an update once we have a full set of official rules ironed out.

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ETA: You can defo participate, Snowflake, if you want!


No problem, haha.

I edited the first post to look a little bit nicer, but the original post is still there hidden in a spoiler. We can keep ironing out details in the meanwhile. I don't think anything major needs to be changed, though.

Is everyone okay with the sharing policy I have up? Basically just make sure everyone is comfortable with the work being shared.

I've commissioned a few artists before--some ask for permission before posting the completed commission on their blogs, others only post low-res versions of the commission, and so on. Everyone seems to have different ideas of what's okay, so I figured it'd be best to keep it at the lowest level and leave that decision between the Secret Santa and recipient--I don't want anyone to feel compelled to either share or keep their works a secret.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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