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Do you read long posts?


Do you read long posts?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like long posts / threads?

    • Yes, I enjoy long posts AND long threads!
    • I like long posts, but NOT long threads
    • I like long threads, but not long posts.
    • I don't like long threads or long posts.

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Sometimes I see a thread and it already has 30+ replies, and I just don't have the time or can't be bothered to read all the posts in order to join in the conversation.

Other times there are 5 or 6 posts, but each post is huge and again, I just feel put off reading it all to join in.

Any one else feel this way?

Sometimes if I have time I will read long posts, but so many times I think I have wasted my time. Half of the time the person has rambled on and could have been far more concise and still got their point across. That is not to say that sometimes a long detailed post is not a good post, just that it is not always necessary.

P.S. I do not mean to offend anyone here who has long posts, I am sure you are the noteworthy ones with good posts :)

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But by skimming I may not properly follow what is going on, or just repeat what others have said, effectively adding nothing to the discussion.

At least by skimming I can decide if I'm interested or not.

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I don't like joining in on extremely long threads that have gone on and on about 1 topic unless it's something like a "voice your opinion" thread. Because otherwise you need to read what's been said to know what points have already been brought up and settled and what points need settling still. I don't mind long posts, but I prefer them to have a good structure to them. Whenever I make a post that's going to be fairly long I try to at least put paragraphs in. For stuff like my guide's website thread and the random contest thread I put in section headings and started highlighting certain words or phrases.

I'd rather read a thread with 5 long posts than a 40 page thread.

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I generally do okay with long posts, but I have never really participated in a long thread. In the scenario that I do, I generally just skim through the first couple of posts - and read the last few couple of posts (maybe a page or two) to get caught up with everything else that people are currently discussing. I get bored very easily if I have to read all of a thread before being able to contribute anything.

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As for me: it's O.K. I don't mind wasting my time reading long sentences and other stuff. Well, of course if the thread in question is something I'm interested in. If say the truth it gives me more pleasure, when one or other opinion is put more detailed, rather then saying "I liked it" or "It sucks" and such. Though, I myself not very talkative, I like when others know how to express their thinking in a long way. I don't know why, though. And talking about long thread: well, I really don't bother to look over all post in it if its number is huge, but at least ten last posts, like in "What was the last Anime that you completed and your thoughts about it?" thread. Not like I will answer to them, just that I'm kinda interested in what who and what watched last time and such.

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I suppose it's a bit different for me as a moderator since I can't really just stick to one area and never check on the others, so I end up having to read stuff I don't like or care about. In those cases, I do find lengthy posts and threads to be tiresome, but that's just a perk of the job, haha.

Generally, I don't mind long posts nor threads. As long as the posts themselves make sense, I'm happy to take the time to read them--it's honestly no different to me than taking the time to read a funny article off of Cracked or reading a book. There are a few times I've run into lengthy posts that don't make sense, but I make an effort so I get some idea of what I'm responding to--otherwise I just don't reply or make my confusion known and give my current interpretation. Before the forum rollback, there was a great exchange going on in the thread about your school years--yes, those were lengthy posts, but they offered great insight on other members and where they had come from. For that alone I find value in longer posts.

Obviously I'm not hard on people for simply lacking brevity or for being repetitious--everyone has their own style of writing. Some people are easier to read than others, whether for plainness of speech or entertainment value. Some people are great at crafting pithy, short messages. Others, like myself, not so much. I don't think either style is better or more effective, since what works depends on the reader. That said, I don't think it's too much work to coax longer posts out of people as long as its about something they care about.

If we were speaking vice typing, like LT above, you'll find that I would be one of the quieter participants--I don't talk nearly as much as I write unless I'm talking to one of my close friends. And if you think I'm repetitive or long-winded in my writing, take care never to be my friend or therapist in real life, haha. As a writer of occasionally lengthy posts, sometimes they're long because I have read the thread and am responding to several things in a single post without using quotes. Other times they're long because that's how I tell my personal stories and I have a tendency to wander and interject. It annoys Java, who is more technical, rigid, and regimented than I.

I do read long threads in their entirety when possible, although the bane of my existence is the Two Cents forum and I honestly just skim those threads if only to make sure people aren't being completely ridiculous. I read long threads not only for conversational context--because I don't particularly like it when people jump into a conversation that's been going on for a few pages only to attempt to revive what was once a resolved issue with reasons and explanations already seen and dealt with--but, again, to make sure there aren't any outrageous things that had happened.

Between reading and rereading what I've written to make sure it's organised and not entirely unreadable, referring back to the thread itself to make sure I'm responding to what I intend, making sure I'm not misconstruing anyone's posts, talking with my roommate, husband, and cats who all have their own things going on, and doing general household chores, it takes me a good chunk of time to actually get these posted. Even then, I still end up making mistakes or misunderstanding someone, haha.

Ultimately, I don't believe in punishing people for expressing themselves about something they care about, nor do I believe in punishing people for participating in a conversation! It's incredibly disappointing to be interested in something and take the effort to construct a post about it, only to find people refuse to read it for its length. The least I can do is read the posts!

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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Between reading and rereading what I've written to make sure it's organised and not entirely unreadable, referring back to the thread itself to make sure I'm responding to what I intend, making sure I'm not misconstruing anyone's posts...

This is where most people fall down. I know I for one rarely re-read what I have written. If everyone did this then I am sure long posts would be a joy to read. It's the meandering ones with no organisation that I can't be bothered with, and usually you have read most of the post to find out!

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This is where most people fall down. I know I for one rarely re-read what I have written. If everyone did this then I am sure long posts would be a joy to read. It's the meandering ones with no organisation that I can't be bothered with, and usually you have read most of the post to find out!

Haha, that's understandable. My shorter replies I tend to shoot off without rereading, which is why about 80% of my posts are edited within twenty seconds of posting.

Depending on the nature of the discussion, reading only the first and last two posts may not be very effective unless you don't mind repeating what was already said or reopening a can of worms. Of course, there's always threads like "What's your eye colour" that don't really engender discussion because people just post an answer without reading the previous replies (because I don't care what your eye colour is), so knowing what other people said isn't exactly important.

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  • 1 month later...

EO's posts are often one I don't read...hers are sooooooo long. Every now and then I will.

Okay, thanks.


Long posts typically give you the opportunity to develop more of a relationship with your readers since they can see more of your opinions and personality. Long posts set the stage for everyone to learn and grow together.

I write and share my personal stories here because building relationships is important to me and generally has been in the time I've been on this forum. I write and share my musings and thoughts at length because that has been my experience on most every other forum--detailed, in-depth discussions happen on the forum. You support your stances with evidence, with anecdotes, with reason and logic--things that bulk up a post--not just say "I disagree with X" and leave it at that. You exchange stories, share experiences and memories. Shorter, rapid fire chats happened off-site on IRC, MSN, or other chat services.

I know most people on the Internet want information right now in the easiest and most digestible format possible. But I am not an instruction manual. I am not here just to dispense information. I am here to get to know people and express my personality. I am a person. I'm sorry I don't write my personal stories in bullet format. I'm sorry I don't respond to everything with a meme. I don't know how to speak in pithy quotes from famous people because I don't know a lot of them. I try to be personable and intimate in my posts, especially when I'm sharing personal anecdotes. I guess that means fuck all because I can't write it in 140 characters.

You don't have to read what I write and you very well don't even have to read what I wrote just now. (But how would you know I said that unless you read this? Error--does not compute.) Just maybe try not to stomp all over my feelings and tell me that you essentially don't care what I have to say just because it's too long. You don't have to tell me you don't read my posts.

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