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Talena Mae

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Pretty much. I can't wait until the hype about the "rivalry" between self/indie-publishing and traditional publishing dies down. If community theatre and Broadway can coexist, if indie musicians can make music along with the big names, I don't see why it can't be the same for publishing. Most of the shit will filter to the bottom, never to be heard of again. I have never heard an avid reader say "there's too much variety"--most take it as a challenge.

I want this poster.

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Avid readers of Star Wars will often accuse series of being too far from the "canonical universe" or whatever they want to call Star Wars canon.

Also finals week aarg. 1 final a day until Thursday when there's 2 finals!!!!! T_T.

Luckily I can look forward to Hawaii and a hair cut after that along with Christmas in 2 weeks :D.

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So as some of you may know, I've been having these "interview" things. Well here's the rundown.

Last month a few days before Thanksgiving there was an opening at my school for an IT Dept. Help Desk Assistant. I was like oh my goodness finally a job that suited for me! (I'm a Computer Information Systems major) So I applied for it and took this little diagnostic test. Well I got emailed for an interview and I accepted. I had the interview. I thought it went really well. The guy said I would hear back from a lady named Robin after Thanksgiving with the results of whether I would get hired or not.

So after Thanksgiving I get an email, but not from Robin. It was some guy with Disabled Student Services. He said he wanted to interview with me. I was like ok? Is this for the same job? So at the interview I asked him and apparently what happens with these things is you put in your application and every IT department around campus sees it. If they have a position open you might get selected and such. Well the Disabled Student Services has an IT department too. After the interview the guy said he really liked me and thought I had a great personalty, etc... He said I would hear back by the end of the week. The next day he calls and said they made a mistake with the openings and said they didn't need to hire as many as previously thought. Dude said he was sorry and if there were any positions open in the future that he would call me.

So now I'm like meeeeh this second opportunity is a no go. I began to wonder about the first interview though. I received no email from Robin. So I send an email to the guy I interviewed with asking on the status and how I would still love to work etc... 3 whole days later I get an email saying that all the positions were filled. :[

Soooooo yeah. Hope that wasn't too long, just wanted to give you guys the full story since I gave some vague "I have an interview" on my status updates lol. I guess the results are to be expected. My university has over 25,000 kids in it. So my chances were small to begin with. I'll probably give it another go at the end of spring semester. Should have more kids graduating by then.

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Argh, that sucks Lolrawr! Keep it up, though you might not get an opportunity at all, you can only seize one if you're trying! I hope it all ends well for you.

Also, I have my own little rant... Some of my family members just left and are currently on a holiday, good on them, I hope they have fun. Also, tomorrow I'm meant to be going to a game (LoL) Tournament with my friends... We've been planning it for a while. Unfortunately for me, our dog who was pregnant just had puppies. I came home to find out that one of them was MUCH MUCH smaller then the rest, so I take it to the vet. There's something wrong with him to the point he can't look after himself, and the mother is rejecting him because she doesn't recognize it. So, I'm going to have to bottle-feed it with an artificial milk for the next two weeks, every two hours of every day. Goodbye tournament, goodbye sleep, Not sure what I'm going to do during work... The worse thing is, it's survival isn't even close to guaranteed with all of this...

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Aww, I'm sorry about the puppy. You can't find anyone else who can take care of it for you while you're at work? I'd offer to do it if I could.


And sorry about the lack of job, lolrawr. Hopefully you'll get in next time around!

Speaking of Robin there's a Robin at the library I volunteer at. I'm a few inches taller than her, she wears her glasses all the time and I forget where I even leave mine, I'm only there for two hours a day, and people still get us confused. I guess short dark hair+light skin means we are basically twinsies. Sometimes when I wear a checked shirt to the library, she will also be wearing a checked shirt and I have to think about whether this is contributing to the problem. I get confused for her at least once a day. It's kind of funny.

Funny because I always tell Java I think white people all look the same. Real talk, we were at a gastro pub the other day and I confused our waiter with another waiter. They both had short groomed hair and glasses and I was not personally invested in either of them. Also I wasn't wearing my glasses. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I did get my drink for free because they ran out of one of the ingredients, so it was all good.

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Well lolrawr, that sucks, but at least you know your resume is in the school's IT system. You know what you could do now that you have free time, you can start a club! That, or you can work your way up to the e-board of an already existing club. Leadership experience is always good, and it's never easier to obtain than in a school setting ^^.

Less depressing story, I work in IT at my school also. First year I went to the school, before school started (freshman orientation lasts a week before school), I went around to the various high profile (as in well-known by students) IT departments asking if they had any job openings since the student employment system didn't let freshmen in until the school year started whereas older students had access to it throughout summer. Well, long story short, I ended up going to at least 3 places and being rejected (each place said "sorry, we don't have openings, try place x" like a linked list T_T). Until I finally found this one guy who happened to be the sole person in charge of tech support for the Natural Science division who was looking for a freshman interested in a possible 4 year position as his assistant.

I wasn't hired on the spot, but immediately after the interview a little bit later he hired me. The school year started, and I was able to upload my resume to the system after being hired just as a formality. Low and behold, after my resume circulates around the system I get emails from all those departments who turned me down going "hey, we just saw your resume in the system, are you still looking for a job?" to which I had to reply with a slightly smug "no". 4 years later, I'm still working for the same guy, and we get along great ^^. He's also looking for another assistant for next year since I'm graduating and won't be around next year ^^. I hope someone answers for next semester so I can at least train them a little before leaving :(.

Hope your story can turn out more like this too lolrawr :).

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Oh wow lol that sounds fantastic. Glad to see your situation turned out so great!

Yeah I am part of a club. I am also in a leadership position in it too lol. I actually decided to join it last year because I was laid off last year around September. This was supposed to be my redemption year!!!

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Join another club! Make another club!! That or put on a HUGE event with the club you're leading :D. Get in the news and everything.

like this

As far as I heard it from the inside, the initiative was conceived by the students in response to the bikes they received and funded by Tom.

But basically, if you're not working, you better be doing something ^^;

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For the Homestuck Secret Santa I'm doing, my third prompt asked for either porn (very specific porn) or something cute. So I went to look at the profile of the person I'm the Santa for and they turned out to be like sixteen years old so now I'm not writing porn any more. Which is just as well because they asked for a fetish I don't really understand and I would've had to do research to understand it. And by research I mean try to divine its meaning from Urban Dictionary.

I told my friend about what specific fetish it was and I guess he Googled it and then he regretted Googling it.

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OH oh oh oh was it the big feet fetish???

Or the bald fetish.

Or maybe it was the missing limbs fetish???

I've actually heard of a lot of these just because I was really curious after learning about all the weird fetishes from my friends and went searching for the weirdest ones I could find ^^.

I'm not sure I could write porn... I suppose I could always just test it out on myself -_-, but that is somehow off-putting. Almost like incest or something... My writing skill is still pretty sketchy though. Sometimes I do a great job with balancing rhetoric rhythm with story pacing and description, and other times I'm tripping all over myself with it :(. With my luck, I'll make something with a terribly slow story and an overload of description at the parts where story pacing and rhetoric would be more important :(.

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No, it's not that weird, haha, just not one that I'm overly familiar with. They asked for some, like, hardcore BDSM and latex stuff which I understand (or at least can pretend to understand), but they also asked for futanari, which I only have the faintest idea of what that is.

Of course it's all irrelevant because I'm not writing porn for a sixteen year old.

Writing porn is like super hard, haha. I think most of the difficulty is in trying to describe what happens without being too purple or scientific about it. I saw a post floating around Tumblr bemoaning the fact that all the words available for "breasts" have connotations they don't want. "Tits" is too vulgar, "breasts" sounds too clinical, "boobies" is hilarious, &c. I prefer fades to black.

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There are many ways to write porn. The easiest is to write from experience. Beyond that, a bit of research (Preferably the kind with actual people describing stuff rather than the kind where you read a book written by some random person who has probably never actually had sex.) and a lot of imagination goes a long way. Word usage is critical. If you're writing from the perspective of an innocent younger person, they probably wouldn't use the more vulgar terms for various body parts. So either the actual names, or (better!) use whatever cutesy name the character's parents might have told them.

It's perfectly acceptable to change the word usage as the character grows more experienced, so just because you used "Pee pee" in the first scene, doesn't mean you're stuck with it for the life of the character.

Above all else, use enough description to draw the reader into the scene, without using so much that you could publish an entire novel from that single scene. (Just because there is a conflict, a climax, (See what I did there?) and a resolution, doesn't make that the full story!

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