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Random Talk.

Talena Mae

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Yesterday while at the library, I was straightening out some of the non-fiction books. I go to move one and it's wet.

So I take it out to see what's wrong. Nothing seems real out of the ordinary, so I keep pulling out books. Each one I removed had varying amounts of raw egg on it, until I finally removed all of the affected books and saw what lurked behind.

An entire egg, smashed on the shelf.

Why this

Who even does such a thing

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WHAT!!!?!?!? the egg was smashed? Darn it, I had my guys plant that egg for you so you'd find the mission briefing in it. Someone must've gotten to the egg before you. You need to track them down and get that briefing back. It contains classified information vital to the survival of the resistance.

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I really wish we didn't have to do DST -_-. Having lived in 2 places (one that practices DST and one that doesn't) I have found that I like not practicing DST more than I like practicing it =/. Sure in the fall back we get an extra hour of sleep, but that's lost again in the spring forward. In general, it just confuses everyone and makes the day end awkwardly early...

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Well, now that we use electricity for light, it could arguably have the same effect. Actually, the fact that we use electricity means that our usage can be monitored very accurately. I wonder if states that don't practice DST notice an increase in usage over states that do practice DST. A straight comparison might not be possible though given different environmental and economic conditions of states. However, if we normalized all the other variables it would give us a strong argument for/against DST practice :D.

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I'm pretty sure I read that DST in the US used to be a week earlier--but because of Halloween and the burning need to rake in as many dollars as possible pushed legislation for the time change to happen AFTER Halloween and not before.

And I think it actually costs more energy-wise to have DST where it is now than where it was before, but I have to start getting ready soon so I don't have a lot of time to look. It has changed a lot over the years though--even Nixon moved DST around.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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I just noticed that this year there's been a movement to get Hawaii out of the last place slot for voter turnout xD. I had heard of the problem before, but never gave it too much thought. One of my friends pointed out a good reason for Hawaii's low turnout, timezones. By the time Hawaii even gets to vote most of the Eastern US has already finished. If the election wasn't very close, that's enough to have decided the President before people even get to the ballot boxes (or at least strongly hint at the outcome). I suppose this doesn't explain close elections though. Maybe the dismal fate I described above happens enough that apathy is in general higher. It's not like Hawaii has boatloads of influence either :P.

Edited by Dae314
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Hmm, that is an interesting point about the timezones. Although I would think that most people have planned out in advance what time in their (work)day to go vote and decide before the day-of if they will even vote. Some Hawaiians might look at the early results from the Eastern U.S. and decide it is a landslide so why should they bother, but I would think more people would decide ahead of time that their vote won't make a difference, and choose not to vote well in advance of Election Day. Plus the whole Hawaii not having a lot of electoral college votes and the fact that the state isn't exactly a swing-state.

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Hmm, that is an interesting point about the timezones. Although I would think that most people have planned out in advance what time in their (work)day to go vote and decide before the day-of if they will even vote. Some Hawaiians might look at the early results from the Eastern U.S. and decide it is a landslide so why should they bother, but I would think more people would decide ahead of time that their vote won't make a difference, and choose not to vote well in advance of Election Day. Plus the whole Hawaii not having a lot of electoral college votes and the fact that the state isn't exactly a swing-state.

And so Hawaii gains more reasons for not caring about the election. I think our voter turnout is something like 48%. I'm amazed it's even that high given all the reasons why not to care about voting there :P. I think the turnout for governor elections is a lot higher.

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To be honest, and I've been saying this all night, but if Romney wins, I'm moving to Canada. My dad won't let me live down the fact that I voted Democratic when he's so pro-Romney [For no real reason either. It's because he always voted republican, which is bullshit imo.] I try to not discuss politics with him, but he keeps baiting me and then saying that I'm totally wrong so when he starts I'm just like you know, i don't talk politics with family and leave it at that :I

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Eugh, it's going to be a late night for a lot of people. I know a couple of folks on my Facebook are staying up to watch the results. I'm probably going to call it a night once California starts reporting. I'm not waiting for Alaska or Hawaii. If I do, I'm probably going to pass out on my keyboard.


That's so pointless though--we're not really politically divided in our household, even if we don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues. I'm just glad we didn't end up with a roommate who's a die-hard republican, haha.

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