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Talena Mae

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Woah woah, back up a bit. You change your bone density? I am confuse

The changes are not dramatic (sorry if that's how it came off).

Weight training and aerobic exercise have been shown to positively affect one's levels of bone density and thus aid in reducing osteoporosis in the elderly, etc.

Link: http://www.naturalnews.com/010528.html

I also think that very intensive cardio coupled with extremely low calorie diets will have you body looking for fuel sources other than muscle, fat and carbs which may come from bone density but I'm not certain about this.

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i'v decided to use powder to bulk up (no not steroids > <)

i find it like impossible to put on any weight regardless of what i eat

so i hope the powder works XD

Hardgainer eh?

Take it from someone who knows, if the "powder" that you are talking about is some form of weightgainer/massgainer (usually ~400-500 calories per 2 scoop, plenty of fat, protein, carbs, etc) then I would recommend against it.

First, as I am sure you already know (most) massgainers are very expensive and despite how big the container is you will go through it very fast, especially if you are talking the recommended serving sizes (~4-8 scoops per day, a big container is usually about 72 scoops total so that is 9-18 days depending on usage which is very bad considering they usually run you about $100+)

Second, unless you are dealing with top quality gainers (which are even more expensive) then most of the calories are made up of sugars and fats which will allow you to gain mass but it might not be the kind of "mass" you were hoping for.

I recommend that you eat 6-7 meals per day consisting of at least ~500 calories each and if you are still having trouble gaining weight, throw in a homemade lean gainer.

A great example would be: 2 cups skim milk (less fat the better), 1-2 scoops whey protein isolate (not gainer, much cheaper no fat), 1/2 - 1 cup whole grain oats (very cheap), 1-2 tablespoons peanut butter (preferably all natural PB for lots of calories and healthy fat), 1 banana (or berries, etc you choose). This will provide you with at least 600-800 if not more calories depending on your portion sizes without breaking your bank and while avoiding all the sugar, sweeteners, bad fats they put in the weight gainers.

Good Luck! If you ever need any help just let me know! :)

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It's grind as in when your playing World Of Warcraft or Maple Story and you have to grind for levels. The whole radio station is about giving you music to grind to in Video Games. : ] But I like Lemming's definition of the word. x 3 In Spanish (PR) it's called Perriando. And now let us continue rambling!!! IN THE WORDS OF ROBERT PLANT; RAMBLE ON, MY MINIONS! <): 3

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Yeah, always fun. Plus if you help them down and be a gentleman :P

@job Both males, but they looked really funny when they got thrown out, bouncer picked one up in each hand by the scruff of the neck

Is it true that bouncers at clubs are usually teenagers/early 20's guys?

I always thought that bouncers were like late 30's early 40's guys who are more experienced

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Is it true that bouncers at clubs are usually teenagers/early 20's guys?

I always thought that bouncers were like late 30's early 40's guys who are more experienced

Normally its 20 year olds or around there, all the football jocks that need to just look big. Really anyone can do it as long as they look intimidating

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