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A Wider Forum...


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After being over at my grandma's who has a big screen monitor.. or at least bigger than mine. Hers is 19 inches and has a resolution of 1440x900. I decided the forum looked too thin as it was less than half the screen. O.o So I now see what some of you meant before about it being small.

I decided to widen the forum. It was 760 in width because I thought a lot of people still used 800x600 width, but I use 1024x768 at home. I still believe the majority use the same as I do at home, but anyhow because of that I wanted it to still look good in 1024x768 resolution so I set the width to 980.

I hope you like it this way. Since it's wider I need to make a new banner or design the current one to be longer. However I'm still at my grandma's so I don't have a graphics program. So it will have to stay like this for a bit, then when I get home I can fix it. xD Hope you don't mind.


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Funny how grandma's computer made you change it.

Does that mean... Grandma's Computer pwns yours? xD

I don't get online much at home because my connection (16kbps with download speed of 1kbps) is crap.

I been visiting my grandma for the past week or so and her connection is (4mbps with download speed of 400kbps).

Of course her computer pwns mine.. her computer was bought brand new a month ago with 360GB HDD and 2GB ram.

My computer was bought brand new in 2001 and I've just upgraded parts and added crap.. My graphics card is outdated too. :/ I need a new computer.. lol..

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Howdy I run a few websites for the linkshells on FFXI. From my none professional but love your banner perspective its just the right size. I just had to replace my computer and yes it sounds hookie but WalMart does have one for under 500 bucks that does everything just great.

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Howdy I run a few websites for the linkshells on FFXI. From my none professional but love your banner perspective its just the right size. I just had to replace my computer and yes it sounds hookie but WalMart does have one for under 500 bucks that does everything just great.

Actually when my grandma was buying her computer she took me everywhere with her since she doesn't have a clue about them, lol. We shopped Best Buy, Circuit City, and Walmart. I actually found the best deal at Walmart. xD

A Compaq Presario, which is my favorite PC brand, as I've used them in the past and never had any problems and they don't polute your pc with tons of unwanted crap when you first buy it (My mom bought a E-Machines pc, and it was loaded with tons of crap right out of the box.. O.o never buy a E-Machines pc, lol.. :/ ). Anyways back to my grandma's pc, I found at Walmart a Compaq Presario with 2GB RAM and 360GB HDD, and a great processor (though I forgot which one it was), for just $549. So she bought it. Best Buy had the same computer but it was $200 more!

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so when your window is maximized.. its still bigger then the screen as in you have a bottom scroll to scroll right?

Or am I misunderstanding?

no, i mean i think its ugly all stretched out

*moves hands together so palms are parallel*

it looked cute small


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