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Leaving for a while


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hey guys; its teh shinji.

anyway just want u to know that i'll probably be leaving fm for a while due to my hectic life atm.

Uni + kendo + work = little tme for me.lol

i've got 4 major assignments that'll be given to me on the first week back; quizzes that we'll do during the semester for all 4 subjects; homework for each subjects... and then kendo will be taking up a day or 2.. and then work on the weekends ... arhh9 hour shiftts on each day.


well if u guys wanna contact me; just email mr or somehting on:

kent_wong07 [at] hotmail


cya dudes/dudettes

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I know how it is, man..i know i haven't been on here much, either...too busy with work, wow and GF...been changing up my work hours to day shift so i'm not getting much sleep, and i gotta keep gf happy and spend my time with her, and my guild is liek working on a major boss so gotta get in there and kill him...(sad, i know...ya just don't understand lol)

piece shinjiz! g'luck

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