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yeah I remember the Koby. I've been away from FM for at least a year. Haven't really been active for like 2. Also I'm on Crystal's site too. I wonder if Arthain and Shade and them are still here too... I guess I shall find out in my random searchings of the site.

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oh well, we all wish to see ecks, dont we but hes to busy working all the time to even answer his frikin phone. let alone get online

sowry sweetheart

YES IM STILL HERE *hugs* arthain comes around too sometimes

though i barely see her post it tells me shes active xD

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Aye yay*huggles* though it is unfortunate that Ecks doesn't get on. I rather liked him a lot. wow I just realized that I sound weird. That's what I get for being up at 2 in the morning. Anywho... I guess I'm gonna hop off of here for the night so yeah... It's nice to see some familiar faces though.

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=D stick around everyones been flying back here since i got here

who knows maybe ecks will show his face too

though i doubt it

its 2 am here to xD

i jsut dont sleep much lolz

yay for teh shade. =P guess no one liked the sun when shade was away... :/ lol.

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I kinda remember a Shinji. but none the less it's good seeing you. And Koby you got that right we are all here simply because of Shade.*rolls eyes*

Shinji has been here as long as I can remember.. I think he joined shortly after DF was made.. :/

I wonder how he found us, lol.

Everyone should know him by now, well not really.. he is usually rather un-noticed (poor shinji, haha).

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I'm good. So you're dating Shade huh. Well you better treat her well or punishment will be rendered upon your head. Oh Wait I have to wait in line for that one don't I... What's that I can't even get the first punch... That's Shade's? Alright *hangs head* anyways how are you good sir?

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im okay...and you need not worry i always try to treat her better than even myself and that is my plan...so no need to hunt me down or lay punishment...or anything of that nature...this whole forum thing has been a neat experience for the past liek three days...and i plan to continue visiting...this is the first forum ive ever been a part of its kinda neat

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