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Yu Gi Oh 5D's

Spazim :)

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  • 7 months later...

Nah...after motorbikes, it'll be in Earth orbit. Kaiba's great-great-great-grandson (who will look EXACTLY like him, to please the fangirls and fanboys) will have a KaibaCorp space station and announce a new World Championship. He'll kidnap all the contestants, put them on a space shuttle and they'll wake up on the station, and be sorted into little pods, with little rockets. They'll float out in the coldness of space, and if you get into a certain range with another person, you duel him. If your life-points reach zero, the shuttle's hatch will open, and you'll be blown out into space, where you can suffer a horrible if relatively quick death.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Nah...after motorbikes, it'll be in Earth orbit. Kaiba's great-great-great-grandson (who will look EXACTLY like him, to please the fangirls and fanboys) will have a KaibaCorp space station and announce a new World Championship. He'll kidnap all the contestants, put them on a space shuttle and they'll wake up on the station, and be sorted into little pods, with little rockets. They'll float out in the coldness of space, and if you get into a certain range with another person, you duel him. If your life-points reach zero, the shuttle's hatch will open, and you'll be blown out into space, where you can suffer a horrible if relatively quick death.

:haha::haha::haha: ROLF!!! wouldn't surprise me if they did think of something like that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I first saw the bike battles I thought that Yu-Gi-Oh! was over for me but I got used to it, although I still prefer the duel disc battles on still ground. The story was the best of the series since it went back to the darker feeling though.

Nah...after motorbikes, it'll be in Earth orbit. Kaiba's great-great-great-grandson (who will look EXACTLY like him, to please the fangirls and fanboys) will have a KaibaCorp space station and announce a new World Championship. He'll kidnap all the contestants, put them on a space shuttle and they'll wake up on the station, and be sorted into little pods, with little rockets. They'll float out in the coldness of space, and if you get into a certain range with another person, you duel him. If your life-points reach zero, the shuttle's hatch will open, and you'll be blown out into space, where you can suffer a horrible if relatively quick death.

This sounds like a great idea, too bad Zexals didn't follow the story, but, say this happens, as soon as it gets dubbed it'll change from dying in space to being sent to the SHADOW REALM.

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Yeah, I'll admit; I enjoyed 5D's. I had no idea there was even a third series until it was pointed out in YGOTAS. But that set the tone; like YGO Abridged, I viewed it as something not to be taken seriously. So I didn't. After getting used to the concept, I even started liking some of the crazy plot. And so, I've wound up enjoying every bit of CardGamesOnMotorcycles...

Oh and on a side note, Synchro Summoning was a great way to change up the actual game. Definitely got me to pick up my old cards and give it another go...

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