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Celestial Yuna

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Hi.. I'm new here and yet a very old member. Very few of you may remember me, most may not know me as the first thing runs through their mind "who in god's name is this person acting as if she's been here before," am I right? :P j/k

Been so busy as of late with college and getting things together for my wedding in July of next year, so yeah.. there'll be times when I'm here and what not, but who's life isn't that way when they are living in this busy world? lol

Why did I come here.. easy.. FM has always been my home regardless of all the past histories that it's made and been through,.. I've been here since the very beginning of Forgotten Memories,.. when it was still called Dark Fantasy. I've lost touch with some people I knew from here and would like to hopefully get word back from them again if at all possible during my time here on FM.

So yeah, Koby said I could come back and now,.. here I am. So hi everyone!! ^_^


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  • 1 month later...

I was about the 10th or 16th member to join SI. I made signatures which weren't as good as the ones I do now.

Vaguely.. as I usually remember real names better than usernames lol. I do remember about the sigs and things, so I know what you're talking about. I've been so tired, so you must please excuse me for taking so long to remember.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm doing good.. been here and there.. busy, busy, busy, especially trying to get all my wedding plans in order while seeing to networking systems together for this one company who's contracted out to the local schools.. talk about fun =/ LOL.. hey but it's all good.. how are you.. shoot me a pm sometime with your msn and we'll catch up soon, hopefully.

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