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I am a painter of sorts. i paint ceramic dragons. i would very much appreciate a little feedback on my work, if you have the time. Please, if you are going to critique, HAVE A REAL REASON! Thank you.

1) these are two of my first ones. they are also the worst (in my opinion)


2)These are the twins, i didn't realize i'd done the blue one already 7 until i brought the black one home.


3)one of many i painted...


4)i antiqued this one.


5)and this is my favorite one so far


there are a few more, i might put them up later

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry it's taking so long to get the new ones up, i haven't had much time, and i've got three new ones that i'm working on. the first is really simple, the second is going to be really detailed, and i don't know what the third one will be. until then, here's a few older ones that i never put up. enjoy.


if you look carefully, he does, in fact, have pupils.



Also, as soon as the weather gets nice (permanently) i'll get a picture of my three foot tall monster dragon with his castle.

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  • 8 months later...

sorry about the long wait, i've finished one, am mid way through the second, and have a third waiting in the wings. However, my camera got crushed during the move to the university, and i haven't replaced it yet. it may be a while until i can get a temporary replacement.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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