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Staff Changes


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Okay, I need to know from old FFN members, just who all was staff and what their positions on the old forum was. Not everyone from FFN will get their staff positions back here, but some will, so I'd just like everyone to let me know.

Also I have fired some of our existing staff who have been inactive for quite a while. Uniquris from the Graphics Team, Emotional Outlet from the Service Team, and Luneth from the Service team, have lost their title and position as staff. I'd like to thank them for their work during the time they were active.

I'd like to hire new staff now, though the ones I promised Lag staff to from FFN will be first priority on the list for their positions, anyone else is free to ask. Also I will only hire those who show they are fit for the job, and are active members of the community.

Current open positions are Super Mod; whose job is to moderate all boards on the forum as well as moderate the regular mods and make sure they do their job.

Moderators who job is to moderate their assigned boards.

Service Team, who have various jobs depending on what the individual member is assigned to such as: Posting Gaming News, Posting Anime News, Posting Movies News, etc.. Or creating and keeping the competitions/contests going and keeping them moderated... Some are even assigned to go out and advertise the forum, join various forum award competitions, etc to try and bring in new members. Like I said various stuff who help service the board.

Graphics Team, whose job is to fill requests, keep the graphic boards moderated, post tutorials if they can/want to, and try to keep graphic battles active.

Roleplay Staff, whose job is to keep the Roleplay section moderated, come up with new roleplays, help newbies understand how to roleplay and/or to roleplay better, etc..

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Guest Destiny Angel


Zeh list of mods, and the red line is for ones who did not join, I'm not quite sure about Kanzen though, I don't know when she decides to journey forums or i just haven't seen her around.

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