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Leaving for Good period


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I hate this kind of posts. Both you and Vivi started this *leaving threads* when you say you're leaving with serious talking.

I'm not joking this time but this are horrible threads not worth to be seen and I don't really wanna see any other like this.

Why would you like to say us you're leaving? Just leave. Or do you want us to beg you to stay here? Forget that!!!

This is a place for new members and not for people who will leave FM Forums.

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well later dude i guess. we'll be keeping in touch over msn regardless, hell we've been through too much together.

however, sasukeX, you need to grow up you silly little kid. some people want to give leaving posts as this thing you dont seem to grasp, its called common courtesy. I'd prefer people let me know when they are leaving than just leaving. that makes sense to me.

now I have alot more patience than Riku and Vivi i reckon. I like people here and I enjoy it here. regardless of who i dislike. I like vivi and i hope she stays. I like alot of members here. actually the only one I don't like at all is you Sasuke-kun. two words: Grow Up.

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*laughs* Ok, haha, you really think I'm the kid huh? Oh well you can think what you want. You're opinion is rubbish for me.

Whatever, the last post of Riku-kun was a little "grown-up" (WTF), wasn't it Kyo... because you can recognize it just like you recognized mine. Courtesy? What the hell are you talking about... who cares if someone leaves forever.

Edits: Also when you make a new thread try to be as friendlier as you can. I thought Koby wrote a rule about this O_o.

To Riku: We're not a pets forum.

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i've had it with you slamming people you whiney little gimp. you act like your better than everyone else and you have this all knowing attitude. trust me your 15 you are a fucking kid.

not once did i say riku was being polite in what he was saying or showing courtesy. maybe you dont care if some people leave without a trace but others do.

I mean are you actually trying to act like sasuke or something? well congrats you do a great impression of a cartoon gimboid.

yes Riku threw his dolly out the pram there, doesnt mean he's a child, he has a temper like so many others. At least he actually had the decency to let you all know he was leaving. Riku has more decency and integrity in his little finger than you have in your whole body.

lesson 1 in the trip to adulthood: you are not the dogs bollocks, stop acting like a child and realise that the earth revolves around the sun, not you!

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I'm impressed every of your posts makes me laugh. If you check other threads you will see that I sometimes joke, laugh with other members, we have funny discussions and that's not Sasukeish or whatever you call it (though you need to know Sasuke personality much more before saying I'm acting like him).

Oh sorry old man... you're so wise because you're 18. Haha!

Anyway, you can really put some funny excuses for your friend!

Edits: O_o Are you jealous of me? If you feel I'm doing this to get attention then you're wrong. The only attention I've got it's yours.

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did i say I was wise? no I didn't asshat. the reason i know that you are still a little ass who doesn't know jack is because I still don't know jack shit. I know more than you though.

and by the by, this may seem petty but, you're talking to a number on EX-Sasuke fanboy. I know everything about that moody little closet-emo.

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I wish I had the power to lock this topic and delete all posts except for the the first and second.

Please, there is no winner when you argue (or debate) on the internet.

Just consider this topic closed unless you wish to say goodbye in an appropriate fashion.

This goes for everyone on the forum, not just those who posted in this thread.

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